The 8th Dwarf |

I just finished watching the documentary Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation!
Which is about the B (often Z) grade movies made in Australia in the 1970's & 80's.
Quentin Tarantino who appears in and helped finance documentary says he got a lot of inspiration from the movies.
So what are your favourite bad movies?
Some of the bad movies I like include:

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? |

I never laughed so hard in my life.
Oh man, this is amazing..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXh-cxrrDnoIMDB comments on the movie..

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? |

You missed this one, Drizzt.
Oh.. my ... god
This has to be where my cousin got the idea to tell me there was a killer snake in the toilet when I was 8 years old. He said the sound of the tank refilling was the snake hissing. I was terrified to sit on the toilet for longer than I care to admit.
And now I absolutely have to see the movie to see how both the beach scene and the bazooka snake scene are woven into the plot (I'm sure it will be masterfully done)

TheWhiteknife |

I watched UHF again last night. Laughed my ass off. But, man, that's a bad movie.
Oh my god, UHF is one of the gretaest bad movies ever! Its hilarious!
I also have to nominate Planet Terror, but it was intentionally bad, so I dunno if it counts. Also, I find myself transfixed by anything from Troma Films, I have to watch it, no matter how horrible. (Preacher Man, Hollywood ZAP, Class Of Nuke em High, etc.) And a huge +1 to the Evil Dead series. Oh, and i also have to add Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight. Ive just now realized how many bad(yet good) movies Ive seen.(Also Doom Generation! WooHoo!)

Marusaia |
There are also such notable Hong Kong action classics such as Master of the Flying Guillotine, The Five Deadly Venoms, and Chinese Super Ninjas. I kid you not, these shows really exist. Master of the Flying Guillotine was my favorite, personally. It was incredibly cheesy and made me laugh, but at the same time it actually had an interesting plot.
And then there was a monstrosity called The Impossible Kid that I wasn't able to finish. It was a movie about a Bond-style super agent... who also happens to be a midget who can't be higher than my waist. Its soundtrack seemed to be ripped from the James Bond and Pink Panther movies, and probably a few more spy flicks I've never heard of. I don't even remember what the plot was. It was too ridiculous and funny to pay attention to such a silly thing as that. One thing I do remember quite clearly is that the Impossible Kid (the midget super agent) is climbing down a building, and gets an eye-full of a sexy, naked woman showering. She notices him staring, and doesn't seem to mind.
A so bad it's good movie of a more recent vintage is Black Sheep. It's another cheesy New Zealand horror film, and it has the same spirit behind it as Peter Jackson's Bad Taste. Three words for you: evil, mutant sheep. Oh, and they also eat people.

The Wraith |

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big trouble in little china. :-)
Damn, the quote under my pic on FB is from BTiLC. Carpenter is a genius.
Pistols. At dawn.
Of course, I should give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread the title of the thread as "Movies so freaking awesome we must honor them at all times."

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Vattnisse wrote:Van Damme better than Seagal?! What are you smoking?Bad Taste.
Jean-Claude van Damme punch-up flicks (better fight scenes than Seagal).
But for unadulterated, insanely hillarious badness, it is hard to beat Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls.
Of course not - van Damme is even worse than Segal! Isn't that what we're talking about? I mean, Cyborg is so bad it makes Above The Law look like My Dinner With André.
Having said that, I still think van Damme kicks Segal's fat, ponytailed ass.

Steven Tindall |

Ok guys you asked for the really bad movies so here goes.
Kilma,Queen of the Amazons(kung-fu amazons that practiced virgin fu)
gator bait 1&2(bayou revenge after little sister was killed by bad cops)
Make them die slowly(Woman raped repeatedly gets some interesting revenge on her rapists)
America 3000(women rule and men are used as sex slaves & heavy labor)
Even though I LOVED these movies and yes I mean loved them I can still watch them to this day the Billie Jack series had some bad acting in it. Then again I still love to watch the ORIGINAL Walking Tall starring Joe Don Baker. If your gonna watch any of these movies folks just remember they were made in the 70's when gratuitous nudity was the order of the day so you'll see plenty of T&A. None of these movies are recommended for todays youth, thank goodness I was born in 70.

Makarnak |

Split Second. (Big f---ing guns!) (and most Rutger Hauer movies--he can make any movie better/watchable).
I Come in Peace.(Dolph Lundgren and Brian Benben. Seriously). Awesome explosions combined with flying, murderous CDs.
I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones I can think of at the moment.

Rhubarb |
Ok guys you asked for the really bad movies so here goes.
Kilma,Queen of the Amazons(kung-fu amazons that practiced virgin fu)
gator bait 1&2(bayou revenge after little sister was killed by bad cops)
Make them die slowly(Woman raped repeatedly gets some interesting revenge on her rapists)
America 3000(women rule and men are used as sex slaves & heavy labor)
Even though I LOVED these movies and yes I mean loved them I can still watch them to this day the Billie Jack series had some bad acting in it. Then again I still love to watch the ORIGINAL Walking Tall starring Joe Don Baker. If your gonna watch any of these movies folks just remember they were made in the 70's when gratuitous nudity was the order of the day so you'll see plenty of T&A. None of these movies are recommended for todays youth, thank goodness I was born in 70.
american 3000, how is this any different then in 2010? i was also born in the 70's and enjoy this style of movie

The 8th Dwarf |

Split Second. (Big f---ing guns!) (and most Rutger Hauer movies--he can make any movie better/watchable).
I Come in Peace.(Dolph Lundgren and Brian Benben. Seriously). Awesome explosions combined with flying, murderous CDs.
I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones I can think of at the moment.
I Come in Peace was called "Dark Angel" I think Australia.
Battle Truck and Deathstalker 2 rule. Warning the clip for Deathstalker 2 is NSFW.

Steven Tindall |

Steven Tindall wrote:american 3000, how is this any different then in 2010? i was also born in the 70's and enjoy this style of movieOk guys you asked for the really bad movies so here goes.
Kilma,Queen of the Amazons(kung-fu amazons that practiced virgin fu)
gator bait 1&2(bayou revenge after little sister was killed by bad cops)
Make them die slowly(Woman raped repeatedly gets some interesting revenge on her rapists)
America 3000(women rule and men are used as sex slaves & heavy labor)
Even though I LOVED these movies and yes I mean loved them I can still watch them to this day the Billie Jack series had some bad acting in it. Then again I still love to watch the ORIGINAL Walking Tall starring Joe Don Baker. If your gonna watch any of these movies folks just remember they were made in the 70's when gratuitous nudity was the order of the day so you'll see plenty of T&A. None of these movies are recommended for todays youth, thank goodness I was born in 70.
The main diffrence between the movie and real life is the movie was a gross exateration of the femminist movment kindda like that CBS made for TV movie Amazons.
As another 70's guy do you notice the diffrence between the cartoons we grew up with and the crap they put on TV today. We had Battel of the superfriends, shazam and isis hour all kinds of(cheesy now) great stuff to entertain us growing up. Granted they beat you upside the head with morality and do the right thing but they were fun to watch.
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As another 70's guy do you notice the diffrence between the cartoons we grew up with and the crap they put on TV today. We had Battel of the superfriends, shazam and isis hour all kinds of(cheesy now) great stuff to entertain us growing up. Granted they beat you upside the head with morality and do the right thing but they were fun to watch.
I grew up watching Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets, Thundarr the Barbarian, and Johnny Quest. People DIED in those shows.
Big difference from the GI Joe cartoon, where everyone was capable of shooting guns out of each others' hands, but not hitting center mass.

The Wraith |

TheWhiteknife wrote:Or a trio of Psychometabolic Pandas...does anyone else remember that show?
Ive always wanted to run a campaign based on it. That or the Hair-bear Bunch.
Oh.my.god. I hope you are not referring to Pandamonium...
I grew up watching Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets, Thundarr the Barbarian, and Johnny Quest. People DIED in those shows.
Star Blazers (aka Space Battleship Yamato) and Battle of the Planets (aka Techno Ninja Team Gatchaman) were GREAT shows... too bad their non-Japanese adaptation were heavily rehashed - especially Gatchaman :(
I could add Robotech to this list, but ONLY for the first chapter - the one based on the Macross saga.
(I know, I know, I'm a japanimation fanboy...)
Back to the topic, has anybody seen Braindead, the third movie directed by Peter Jackson (the first being Bad taste, the second Meet the Feebles - which I never saw, sadly)? There were some scenes which were quite memorable (like the priest - God's Ninja - in the cemetery)... and the Zombies were TRULY immortal !!!

Steven Tindall |

Thundarr the Barbarian is just chock full awesome-sauce!
Ive always wanted to run a campaign based on it. That or the Hair-bear Bunch.
Dude thats easy just take a look at the rules for Shadorun 3rd edition and go from there.
We did a Thundarr type world useing those rules and it completly rocked. Big freaking rocket propeled grenades, tanks,armor all the magic,spirits and elementals you could ask for. Be careful not to go too uber on the sun sword though. The DM used the rules for a lightsaber in shadowrun to simulate a post apocolyptic D&D world(God we are such geeks)
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Back to the topic, has anybody seen Braindead, the third movie directed by Peter Jackson (the first being Bad taste, the second Meet the Feebles - which I never saw, sadly)? There were some scenes which were quite memorable (like the priest - God's Ninja - in the cemetery)... and the Zombies were TRULY immortal !!!
"I kick ass for the Lord!" The zombie tea party was pretty cool too.

Lorm Dragonheart |

The Wraith wrote:Back to the topic, has anybody seen Braindead, the third movie directed by Peter Jackson (the first being Bad taste, the second Meet the Feebles - which I never saw, sadly)? There were some scenes which were quite memorable (like the priest - God's Ninja - in the cemetery)... and the Zombies were TRULY immortal !!!"I kick ass for the Lord!" The zombie tea party was pretty cool too.
Speaking of tea parties, a friend of mine got a copy of Dirty Ho, a kung fu movie that had one of the greatest tea ceremony martial arts fights ever. The assassin and the hero fought while the tea tray went back and forth between them and they never spilt a drop.