Chapter 5 and Lord Raknian's castle

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I noticed a while back that Lord Raknian's castle/HQ has no map. My players will probably try to kill him but maps are not my strongpoint. Does anyone know of any adventures with a decently mapped out castle?

Yes, I came up against this same issue in my Age of Worms campaign. I don't think Raknian's "palace" is a castle, though. It's described in the adventure as being a personal residence, converted from a nearby building that he bought. I used the map of "The House of Prince Edennil" on Crooked Staff Productions' website as the basis for Raknian's residence.

Thanks for the suggestion Callum. The map looks good, I was going to whip something up when I got there but this works too. I know my characters are going to want to go after him bad after what he did to one of them in their backstory.

Thanks for the map. It saved me a lot of trouble.

Wow, this is fantastic stuff. Thanks for the link, Callum.

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