Savage Worlds Rippers Question?

Other RPGs

I deciced to pick up a copy of this core book since I'm been playing in a group using Rippers for almost a year, but cannot find it at my FLAGS nor on line other then pdf format, which is not my perfered option.

So I was wondering if anyone knew if Rippers is going to go back into print anytime soon, or will have to hunt it down?



Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Andre Caceres wrote:

I deciced to pick up a copy of this core book since I'm been playing in a group using Rippers for almost a year, but cannot find it at my FLAGS nor on line other then pdf format, which is not my perfered option.

So I was wondering if anyone knew if Rippers is going to go back into print anytime soon, or will have to hunt it down?



as far as I know its out of print permanently and you're gonna be stuck tracking it down. A few places want ridiculous money for the book. Hold out and pick it up off ebay. I got it for around 20 but it took a few months before I saw it up for auction. In addition in August I went to the Sci-fi city store in Knoxville TN and they had a copy in store. Its been a while but maybe you might get lucky.

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
as far as I know its out of print permanently...

Not permanently; Pinnacle does plan a reprint in the Explorer's Edition format like they did with Necessary Evil, but it might be a while.

Hey thanks all, ended up getting a copy.


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