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179. Starmap - Your hairless skin is covered with numerous freckles, birthmarks, and other such markings. Close study over time reveals that these marks actually move across your skin through the course of the day. Further study reveals that many of these marks correlate with the constellations in the sky.
Your skin functions as a star map, with your face always considered as being Due North. If you travel to another planet, the map changes accordingly. Travelling to the planes causes the markings to change into stylized circles and charts, shwoing the proximity and layout of the planes relative to your current location.
The marks glow faintly under moonlight or magical light.
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181. Sunkissed - Your skin is either unusually bright and almost reflective of sunlight, or it is unusually dark and gleaming with the nurishing light you absorb. Regardless of your color, what is truly unusual is your passive effect on those around you.
Anyone standing in your presence without skin protection will actually tan over time, as if you were radiating sunlight. Albinos and those with similar conditions are unaffected, owing to this trait's benign origins.
This effect is absolutely harmless to vampires and similar undead with sunlight weaknesses, though they may find you unusually unpleasant to look upon.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
182. Starchild- Your celestal parent placed a star in the heavens to watch over you at all times, and you possess a sympathetic bond with this stellar body. You enjoy a +10 bonus to all checks involving navigation whether on sea or on land. If you are ever sent to or visit another plane of existence, you can tell how far away you are from the prime material plane with a bit of effort(no roll required), although you do not necessarily know how to get back.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
183- Moonchild- Your divine parent was well and truly powerful, almost a demigod in their own right, and they are associated with the moon of your plane of existence. When it is high in the sky or you can see even a sliver of it, you act as if you are under the effects of the spell good hope. However, during the day, or when you are on another plane of existence, you act as if you are under the spellcrushing despair.
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184- Confession of the Scourge- Wounds you inflict in combat with people of evil alignments become little mouths that loudly bemoan the afflicted's choices in life.
edit-This one just keeps snowballing into horrifying territory for me. Started thinking about intentionally inflicted papercuts. Now imagining an aasimar Inquisitor of Zon-Kuthon interrogating perps.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
186- nananananananananananaBATMAN- For some strange reason, music appropriate to whatever situation can be heard at all times. It is completely and utterly impossible for you to use the Hide skill to evade enemies that are not deafened, although the silence spell works just as well. On the bright side, you enjoy a +4 bonus to all Diplomacy checks made to influence someone positively- the music provides a pleasant and soothing atmosphere.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
187- LIar, Liar- You cannot help but to tell the truth at all times, no matter what. You answer all questions put to you quite literally, which can lead to hurt feelings and lengthy prison stays. You suffer a -10 to all Bluff checks, although you can still attempt to use the skill. Fortunately, attempts to use Sense Motive against you that fail cannot be attempted again- your speech patterns lead people to underestimate you.
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188 - Time Keeps on Slipping, Slipping, Slipping, Into the Future Your eyes reflect the current phase of the moon, and your body interacts oddly with time. When you take sudden action, there is a twenty-five percent chance that time appears to slow down, both to your perceptions and the perceptions of those viewing you, so that you appear to move in slow motion. (Bullet time!) Fifty-percent of the time, there is no effect at all. The remaining twenty-five percent of the time, your body accelerates in a blur, leaving both yourself and any viewers surprised as you find yourself already having completed whatever action you were engaged in, although this acceleration provides you no benefit, as you seem to be as likely to 'strike too soon' or overshoot your mark as to spring into action. (No game effect, as it affects you and those around you equally, just giving them the impression that everything sped up and happened in a frenzied blur.) You are exceptionally prone to deja vu and strange memory-lapses, and will occasionally remember meeting someone that you've not met yet, forget entirely someone that you have already met or even a long-time companion, answer a question before it is voiced, or forget entirely what century it is and who is king.
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![Mute hag](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/mute_hag.jpg)
191- Angel on your shoulder
On your left shoulder there appears to be the outline of a small angelic figure, as if an invisible Diminutive angel had Faerie Fire cast upon it and perched upon you. It moves between idly sitting upon your shoulder and seeming to whisper in your ear, but it is just a figment. Hide checks to cover the figment increase by 5.
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![Mute hag](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/mute_hag.jpg)
192- Aasimar Adventures is filmed in front of a live studio audience
Much to the chagrin of your peers, being the charismatic child of a trickster that you are, every time you crack a joke or jibe, a ghost sound of a group of laughter emanates. The laughter is always the same.
(Scooby-Doo canned laughter)
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
Welcome to the party, DragonBlood472!
193- CENSORED- You try to avoid saying even the mildest of epitaths. When you do eke one out, it usually sounds muted, almost as if someone or something was attempting to muffle such obcsenities. However, there is a 1 in 20 chance that the curse you utter will be amplified as if you cast sound burst, as a bard of your level, which has lead to more than a few hurt feelings and broken bones over the years.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
193(a). CENSORED- You try to avoid saying even the mildest of epitaths. When you do say one, all that is heard is a high-pitched monotone sound, as if someone was playing a sour note on a flute. On rare occasions(1 in 20 chance, as above), this sound comes out particularly loud, as if you had just cast sound burst.
JaenChronicler |
![Wind Warrior](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/WindWarrior.jpg)
195. Celestial Geometries- As the metallic armor you wear is subject to abuse, the metal's distress doesn't become dents and smudges. Instead the metal re-organizes itself into whorls, triangles, circles, lines, and other glyphs visible in bright light. Regular maintenance of the armor is required, but the changes are in the way the metal is cast. Research will reveal that the specific icons indicate your ancestry's names and titles in Celestial.
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196. Lavablooded Your distant Brigidine heritage shows itself both in your sharp nails of obsidian, but also when your blood is given cause to rush.
Whenever you are excited, such as in the pitch of battle, frightened, or caught up in revelry, your circulatory system glows brightly underneath your skin and flesh. Any blood spilled during this time continues to glow for a moment before it cools and turns to brittle rock. Despite looking like molten rock, it is only uncomfortably hot to the touch of others at most.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
197. *batteries not included- You are a fount of positive energy, and people feel unsually good and energized in your presence, although not to the extremes mentioned in Feelgood. Instead, you are able to use a bit of this energy to bring small(read: Diminutive or Fine) objects to "life", causing them to dance about as if they were magically animated. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier(minimum of 1).
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198. Martyred Son When you Aid Another, a ghostly version of yourself, made of golden light, appears for a split second to provide the assistance, either to take a blow, if you are adding to someone's AC, or to guide their hand, if aiding an attack roll or skill check. If you are bound to someone by a Shield Other effect (either by casting the spell, or via Ring of Friendship, the same effect occurs whenever you absorb damage that would otherwise befall another.
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199. Angelic Mind You remain calm and confident in all things. Even when afflicted by unreasoning terror, the result of a supernatural fear affect, you appear to be making a calculated tactical retreat. Your mind was designed before your body was born, indeed, your entire fate written, and as events transpire around you, you are filled with a sense of deja vu, as you are not merely experiencing these events, but are, somehow, *remembering* them, all going according to some greater plan, to which you know that, at the end of your life, you will be privy, but, for now, this information is locked away, so that no unworthy soul may pillage knowledge of the future away from you. Every skill that you learn, every book that you read, every sentence that is uttered in your presence, you both perceive in the moment, and, at that moment, remember having known all along. In the midst of the most shocking treachery, while others give voice to surprise and outrage, you think quite calmly, 'Yes, this was always to be the exact moment when he betrays us.'
On occasion (and of no mechanical benefit, merely 'flavor'), you will remember something a few seconds before it happens, and finish someone's sentence for them, or predict an otherwise inconsequential event, muttering something obscure like, 'And now, the ravens fly overhead.' seconds before a flight of ravens fly over the party.
While this property gives you no mechanical benefit, you are free to use it to 'explain' exceptional Perception, Knowledge or Sense Motive checks, or better than average Initiative rolls, or even outstanding attack rolls or reflex saves, by claiming that you remembered events just quickly enough to explain how you managed to react so quickly, or produce that obscure information, or roll out of the way of that fireball.
The only visible distinction is your dead white eyes, which appear those of a blind person, although your sight is as clear as any other.
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200. Lover's Touch Somewhere in the endless heavens, there are youths and maidens of surpassing grace, who exist to comfort the warrior angels in the breaks between the great war. You have been touched by their grace, and your own touch is soothing and gently pleasurable, as if every place your fingers brush is an erogenous zone. Fortunately for you, this effect only occurs when you are at peace, and disposed to such diversions, but even when you are not 'in the mood,' you still have a certain subtle appeal, more captivating and intriguing than sexual.
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201. Supernatural Virility. (Male only) Your appearance is fairly 'classical aasimar,' with gleaming bronzed skin, a flowing mane of white hair and eyes like warm amber. Your most distinctive mark is a silver birthmark on your throat that vaguely resembles a celestial character that most closely translates to virility. One or both of your parents did something to foil the plans of a powerful succubus, and she laid a curse upon them that ruined their marriage, and left you fated to wander the land and never settle down.
Whenever you are within a town or community or similar range of territory, any child conceived by races that would be compatible with your own (generally half-elven, human and half-orcish children) will be born with features resembling your own, including amber eyes, pale hair and the same silvery-white birthmark on the throat. They will share no aasimar traits, nor necessarily be in any other way similar to you, but will all resemble you far more than their birth-parents. And so, if you remain in a community for more than nine months, the rumors and accusations begin...
If you ever truly do sire a child, it will be a boy child and resemble you precisely, and also, upon reaching the age of maturity, share your curse.
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hugs set for 200. & 201
Thank ye kindly!
202. Portentous Reflections. Your skin has the metallic coloration of many aasimar, but yours is particularly polished and silvery in hue. Along certain ridges of muscle, watering, such as along a fine steel blade can be seen. Of greatest interest, however, is that those who stare overlong at a large enough section of skin, such as your belly or your back, can make out their own reflections. This would hardly be worthy of mention, if the reflections were perfect representations.
Those who spend a moment examining their reflection in your skin note certain changes, always for the better. The lines of age will be smoothed away. Dirt and grime, or signs of injury or pox, will not appear on these reflections, and if one is clad in grimy rags, even one's outfit will appear clean and serviceable. Someone whose face is lined with worry, or whose eyes have seen to much and lost hope, will gaze upon a more carefree and innocent version of themselves, and may feel that there is some possibility that this could be their fate, that there is some chance that they could become this person, who has not yet been beaten down by circumstance.
There are some who might take advantage of such a trait, offering those who seem gullible a chance to peer at 'their future' and praying upon false hopes that such a sight might inspire...
Icyshadow |
204. Presence of Judgement. Most likely a result of a heritage tracing back to an Archon or a powerful Angel, your voice seems to carry more weight than that of your fellows, and those who hear you or look upon you feel as if you (or some odd force around you) were staring into their souls. Evil beings feel especially uneasy if there is even a sliver of regret in their hearts, while fiends just feel annoyed by that accusing "aura" of yours.
(Apologies if this was already used, and yay for thread necromancy!)
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205. Aura of Menace, Lesser. A faint residue of Archonic heritage, you radiate a palpable aura of menace when you are angry or in combat. This aura can be felt by foes within 20 ft. of your position, but is not distracting enough to penalize them. You can attempt to supress this aura, when you do not wish to announce your anger (or your presence) with a DC 10 concentration check.
206. Otherworldly Presence. Your celestial flesh is subtly unnatural to the elements of the natural world. Water streams off of your skin and hair as if driven by powerful winds, and normal dirt and soil fails to adhere to your person, as if pushed away by some celestial magnetism. Fires flicker away from you, and when you stand still in a single place, the air can be seen to move around you widdershins, eventually forming a tiny 'dust devil' at your feet, as the breeze curls around your presence, rather than brush against you. You can eat, breath, drink and bathe normally, although sometimes you must take a heavy breath, to trap the uncooperative air, and when you sit in a tub, the water roils gently around you, as if the water were being brought to a boil, through the action of water attempting to flow away from you.
207. Heir to the Tempest. Your hair blows in the wind, and your eyes are the color of the sky. Even if you are indoors or underground, if it is windy outside, your hair blows as if you were outside, and your eyes remain the startling blue of a clear day, the grey clouds of an overcast one, or the black starfield of a clear night. Unfortunately, this condition is tied to the place of your birth, and you cannot be readily used as a barometer to gauge the weather conditions outside, unless you remain near that place.
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![Crystal Cat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/crystalcat.jpg)
208. I believe I can fly You have wings coming out from under your arms, and your hands are claw like. While you can not really fly with these wings, they are useful for gliding or slowing down a fall.
209 Freedom of the seas Your skin is black and white, like markings found on an orca and you have always felt a connection with marine mammals, especially dolphins and can communicate with them.
210 Dragon's Child You were born with patches of random scales on your body, always in the colour of a chormatic dragon. As you grew your parents noticed bumps on your back, at puberty these bumps ended up erupting into dragonlike wings. You can speak draconic.
211Lionhearted Your hair is wild and can never be tamed, this wild hair along with feline eyes gives you a lion like look. You are extremely brave
212Eyes of Amethyst Your skin is near obsidian black and your eyes glow purple. You are of a very slight build and have always been smaller than your peers.
213 Foxen One of your ancestors was a Vulpinal and you have inherited some of their traits. Most noticeably are a fox's ears and tail. However there are a few other traits, such as a pressing wanderlust. You have a need to wander, however you are never lost and can always find true north.
214 Cute little Fangs Your canines are longer than normal, but not in a way that makes you intimidating, instead it makes you appear somewhat cheeky and cute. However they have their uses, and can be used as a defensive bite if grappled.
215 Mathematically minded You have an Axiomite ancestor, and while you may look a little plain for your race your ancestor gifted you with a strong inclination to math and logic. As a result you can be a bit dry and dull at times, however you almost always come out with the most logical course of action.
216 Fireborne Your blood is made of liquid fire, and your skin is always hot to the touch. You can take a constitution penalty if you wish to use your own blood as a weapon.
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217. Clean Slate. Your pale and hairless skin is unbroken and unblemished, resistant to scarring, blemishing or variegation in coloration. This is most shockingly manifest in your face, which is a clear expanse of skin when your eyes are closed. When they are open, your skin peels away from them, and seals up shut momentarily when you blink. Similarly, until you draw or expel breath, or choose to open your mouth to speak or eat, you have no mouth or nostils, only sooth skin, stretched tight over your skull. Despite having no visible ears, your hearing seems no more or less sensitive than any other person's.
[Edit: Bah, already did that one!]
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218. Sunhawk. While your body is otherwise humanoid, you have the head of a predatory bird. The differently colored feathers around your left eye display the 'Eye of Horus.'
You are eligible for bite-related traits or feats as if you were a half-orc or similar monstrous humanoid (representing you learning to use your beak offensively), but when you use your racial ability to cast daylight, you must center the spell on your left eye (which does not impede your own vision).
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219. Green Kin. Your skin has the color and patterns of hewn wood, and can range from white oak to dark mahogany in color, and green sap-filled vines surface from your body where another person would have visible veins below the skin. When you rest on the earth, which is your preference, these vines root into the soil beneath you, with more roots forming the longer you rest on the soil, but these tiny rootlets break away and dislodge in mere seconds if you arise in the night.
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222. Orca-kin (agathion, cetaceal) - Your unusually tough yet smooth skin is marked with a distinct dual pattern of lighter and darker skin. Sometimes these two separate colors are the expected extremes of your ethnicity's skin color range, and sometimes they are stark black and white.
Your body mass is a bit more than the average, often due to greater height and denser musculature. You feel a bit at home in the water, even in colder climates, and are likely a natural swimmer.
Optional Mechanic: +1 to Swim checks
223. Muse's Synchronization (azata, Shelynite outsiders) - A patch of your hair is either off-color from your natural hue or and entirely different color altogether. There is nothing else unusual about this that stands out during your waking hours.
When you dreaam however, your head seems to partially unravel into floating particles of light and shadow around this patch. Those looking into the hole this event opens see only a bright kaleidoscope of light. The particles formed from the discorporated portions of your head float into patterns that trail from the hole and seem to fade into the air itself. Eventually, more of these trailing patterns manifest from the air itself and join with those coming from you.
Both sets of trails seem to share patterns with each other, combining and mutating into new formations before gently parting. The outside trails vanish, and your trails reconstitute the unraveled portion of your head. Being awakened suddenly leads to instant reintegration of your head's matter, but the newly formed patterns are most often lost in the process.
Optional Mechanic: +1 to one Perform check after being fully rested
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223. Muse's Synchronization (azata, Shelynite outsiders) [SNIP]
When you dreaam however, your head seems to partially unravel into floating particles of light and shadow around this patch.
Okay, that is messed up and I love it!
And Chronicles of the Righteous needs to be in my hands soon, so we can start up one of these threads for Empyreal Lords.
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224. Doubly Blessed. It is said by some that after the great battle to cage Rovagug the Destroyer, Sarenrae was wounded not merely in body, but in spirit, having faced down a creature so far beyond redemption that it planted a seed of doubt within her heart, causing her to question the ideals from which her entire being was woven. Shelyn is said to have come to her, and offered her comfort and succor, in a manner which would be cheapened to refer to as sexual, but, in the end resulted in the creation of an entire host of kindly angels, gifted with the power to see the best in all things. Regardless of the nature of this tale, or it's more prurient tellings, you have been gifted with something of the nature of these rumored angels, being almost incapable of seeing true ugliness, seeing even in the most horrific tableau or otherworldly aberration, some signs of symmetry or hope or alien beauty. In another, this might be seen as dangerously naïve or hopelessly idealistic, and yet, others also see *you* in the best light, despite your appearance, which, like all the doubly blessed, includes plain, even homely, features, and a visible and prominent defect of some sort, such as wall-eyes, pocked skin, a withered or twisted limb, a hunch, or a similar mishappen feature. Even the cruelest of viewers will inexplicably overlook this feature, or regard is as a sign that you have overcome great adversity, and regardless of how folk with this deformity are treated in the cultures you have encountered, you have never been mocked or belittled for this feature, as others looking upon you are likewise prone to 'seeing only the best' and overlooking what they might otherwise regard as imperfect or 'ugly.'
225. Nature's Mirror. Your skin, hair and eyes are the color of metallic gold, bronze or silver, respectively, or perhaps have the sheen of polished amber or obsidian. In any case, they reflect the natural world around you, so that when you stand shirtless beneath a stormy sky, clouds can be seen racing and lightning flashing across your eyes and skin, and through your hair. On a calmer day, you might reflect the greens and browns and gold of the plains or trees of grasslands around you, but, unlike a mirror, your skin, hair and eyes will never reflect anything unnatural, or any creature other than a mundane animal or plant (familiars, plant-based monsters, etc. will not appear in such reflections), nor any building, worked object or natural thing that has been unnaturally changed, such as a tree stump, or a carved stone.
226. Echo of Lost Divinity. (Curchanos) You have the antlers of a stag, that curl around your head almost like a halo of horn, the eyes of a cat, five small hooves at the end of otherwise normal feet and toes, a decidedly wolf-like cast to your facial features, including prominent canine teeth, and a mantle of feathers trailing down your head and across your shoulders and back.
227. Echo of Lost Divinity. (Lissala) Peacock feathers replace your hair, trailing down your back, and the mark of the sihedron rune glimmers faintly upon both brow and breast, with one of the seven points of the rune glowing a bit brighter whenever you cast, or are subjected to, a spell of the appropriate school of magic.
228. Echo of Lost Divinity. (Aroden) Your features are those of an idealized Azlanti, with violet eyes and prominent brow, and yet something about them looks a little *too* perfect, as if you were a statue or artistic representation of the ideal Azlanti, and not a real person. Whenever you tell a tale from history in an area of dim lighting, faint translucent images begin to manifest in adjacent squares, visibly manifesting the events of that tale to those who are close enough to view them clearly. Fictional tales never evoke such imagery, and any disruption in your tale or your concentration, causes these dim images to dissolve into mist and fade away.
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229. Eyes of justice; Your eyes have no pupil. Instead the entire surface of your eyes is a mirror. Those who feel guilty cannot meet your gaze.
230. Musical prodigy; You have perfect ear. Additionally you can perfectly recreate any music or song you have heard on an instrument you know how to play. Your voice type is always the one of your choosing (alto, soprano, tenor etc). Treat your singing voice as a trained perform (min 1 rank). Perform is always a class skill. This replaces another Aasimar traits
231. Statuesque visage.;Your face has the appearance of a mask. Your facial features show no emotion. You cannot smile or frown, you cannot pout or scowl. Your lips do not move when you speak. You still need to eat but you do not ingest, instead, you need to hold your food or beverage in your hands as it turns into mist that you breathe in. You have a bonus vs sense motives ( +2). This replaces another Aasimar trait
232. Capillary perfection; Your hair is alway perfectly coiffed (and smells of lavender). Addionally, should you ever cut it, it regrows to its "perfect" length in 1d4 rounds. If you are a man, your beard also grows to its "perfect" length and trim. You have no choice in its style, it is determined either by current social norm or by your celestial ancestry
233. Truth seeker; Your ears are very large (like a fenneck). Lies sound discordant to you. Anybody lying to you is subject to an immediate Sense Motive. Sense motive is a class skill for you. You have +2 sense motive. This replaces another Aasimar traits.
234. Tears are constantly streamin from your eyes. It does not affect your ability to see. Those who mourn or feel great sadness feel almost compelled to seek you out and confide in you. Afterwards they always feel better
This one just for lolz.
You are always stuck in the "friend" zone
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^^^ :O
Doubly Blessed is hitting a lot of sweet spots for me right now. :)
And Chronicles of the Righteous needs to be in my hands soon, so we can start up one of these threads for Empyreal Lords.
Wow. How have I missed/forgotten that thread for so long?
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235. Natural Fit (angel, cassisian) - Pieces of clothing worn upon your head, from hoods to caps to helmets, fits more snugly than usual. These apparently naturally fitting pieces of headwear eventually seem to be almost natural parts of your body, seeming to grow from and around your head rather than being worn upon it.
This clothing sometimes seems almost expressive, mirroring any shown upon your face. For example, a helmet with a low brow plate might furrow when you're irritated.
Rarely, stylized wings made of the same material as the rest of this headwear might grow from the sides or be drawn along their surface.
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236. Lord of Light You have no shadow, instead casting a faintly luminous outline of yourself where a shadow would normally fall. In conditions of complete darkness, your own person, and any space(s) you occupy, are considered dimly lit (which is, unfortunately, often more of a benefit to anyone attempting to strike you, than it is to you...). Your reflection also is of a luminous featureless outline, instead of your actual appearance, although your clothing and equipment shows normally in mirrors or other reflective surfaces.
237. Sacred Iconographer Any representation of a specific deity or empyreal (to whom you may be related, or in some other way have been touched before your birth), be it holy symbol, written name, mural or statue, reacts visibly and audibly (and perhaps even giving off some olfactory or physical sensation, such as a sudden chill, rush of warmth or crackle of static electricity or the scent of forge-smoke, salty sea air, brimstone, honeysuckle, fresh beer or ozone) to your presence, with a subtle sound of song (or similar sound reminiscent of the deity, such as sounds of distant battle for Gorum or the ringing of hammer on forge for Torag). In extreme cases, a statue might even move in your presence, shifting in position, mimicking a traditional movement, or turning to gaze upon you. The representations of other related deities do not react to your presence, but the representations of deities of opposing natures or specifically opposed to your patron will react as well, turning their faces away, or adopting a threatening appearance for a moment.
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238. Weeping Angel Your mother, a paladin, died on the field of battle, her dying body delivering itself of you in those final moments. An angel of grief took pity, and broke rules about intervening to spirit you away, across the celestial realms, to the arms of your father, half a continent away. The tracks of her tears never left your face, and your first breaths, drawn in heavenly realms, changed you forever, so that your humanity became infused with something else, despite no trace of celestial blood in your heritage. Physically, you are mostly human, still visibly your parents' child, but you have three furrows descending from each eye, small channels in the flesh of your cheeks that trail down, angling outward, and finally merging into singular larger channels when they reach your mouth, only to drop off the sides of your chin. Your eyes constantly weep, a slightly pinkish tear, as the clear liquid is tinted by the slightest trace of blood, and whatever shirt you wear is always damp from this constant blood-tinted trickle.
What you find more important is that your nature causes you to share a distant echo of the pain and suffering of others, as your sympathy surpasses that of the human world, and enters the world of the supernatural. Whenever someone you know well feels pain in your presence, you share some of that pain, and they feel slightly less. The better or more intimately you know them, the more of their pain you take from them, and you find yourself wincing as they are struck, or crying out when they suffer trauma. Your fathers death was particularly brutal, long and filled with suffering, and you were there, at his side, bringing him what comfort you could, until the pain grew to great, and you ended his suffering (and your own) by giving him an overdose of a remedy meant to alleviate his pain and allow him to sleep for a time.
Your current companions are becoming too well known to you, and you find the sharp pains of blades against flesh, or the screaming agony of magical flames striking multiple allies at once, to become cruel reminders of those last months with your father.
Perhaps soon, some encounter will prove too much, and these new friends will also fall, and you will again know peace, for a time.
An aasimar angel of mercy? Oh yes.
And yeah, this is just a further development of Cymric's idea in 234. I like riffing off of other people's ideas, 'cause I'm all riffy like that.
Icyshadow |
227. Echo of Lost Divinity. (Lissala) Peacock feathers replace your hair, trailing down your back, and the mark of the sihedron rune glimmers faintly upon both brow and breast, with one of the seven points of the rune glowing a bit brighter whenever you cast, or are subjected to, a spell of the appropriate school of magic.
Considering that Lissala is of Evil Alignment, wouldn't this be more of a Tiefling trait than an Aasimar one?
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Set wrote:227. Echo of Lost Divinity. (Lissala) Peacock feathers replace your hair, trailing down your back, and the mark of the sihedron rune glimmers faintly upon both brow and breast, with one of the seven points of the rune glowing a bit brighter whenever you cast, or are subjected to, a spell of the appropriate school of magic.Considering that Lissala is of Evil Alignment, wouldn't this be more of a Tiefling trait than an Aasimar one?
Lissala *is* of Evil alignment.
But, she's not dead, like Curchanos or Aroden, and yet I called her a 'lost' divinity. To her original faithful, from back in the days when she was patron of the seven *virtues,* and not the later corruption of herself that embraced the seven *sins,* she is indeed 'lost,' having lost her way and become something very different.
For the same reason, I could probably craft an angelic / aasimar trait for 'Echo of Lost Divinity (Dou Bral)', even though Dou Bral isn't really dead, either, and, in his current incarnation, is evil with a capital Eeeeee.
TL;DR Lissala's a different kind of 'lost' than Aroden, and wasn't always evil.
Ragathiel is another one who could be intriguing fodder for both aasimar traits *and* tiefling traits.
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For the same reason, I could probably craft an angelic / aasimar trait for 'Echo of Lost Divinity (Dou Bral)', even though Dou Bral isn't really dead, either, and, in his current incarnation, is evil with a capital Eeeeee.
yes plz :)
And speaking of, there's also possibilities for ZK and Shelyn's dad along those same lines.
...probably ought to add a trait based on how our Jade Regent GM portrayed was was almost an aasimar descended from that guy after work.