Question of what's easiest for first Pathfinder setting adventure

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Hi all,

I just got the Pathfinder rulebook and campaign setting. I like it!

However, I'm also feeling a tad confused and/or overwhelmed.

I'm trying to decide what adventure path I should by first that would compliment the new setting. From what I understand, some of the adveture paths came out before the campain setting, right? So are some of the new adventure paths adjusted better to fit with the setting book? Or is there no big difference?

I'm just trying to make sure my first game in this new setting is great so the players buy in for the entire adventure path.

I was also looking at the Shackled City hardcover but read in the reviews that it is actually set in Greyhawk. It looks very neat but, also in the review section, people said it had a different feel than the adventure paths.

If anyone has any advice on the above or any other that might help me get a grasp on what might work best I'd appreciate your time in posting it.


Dark Archive

Re Shackled City. It is set in Greyhawk and was the very first AP that Paizo did, it was originally published in Dungeon Mag. So technically its not part of the Pathfinder (but certainly if you liked it it could be ported in easily) setting/adventures etc. But sounds like you're looking exclusively for Golarion APs which are Pathfinder.

Re the earlier APs (rise of the runelords, curse of the crimson throne) you shouldn't find any problems between the adventures and what is written in the campaign setting book. RotRL and CoCT are set in the Varisia region. Neither of them deal much with the Inner Sea area (Cheliax, Taldor etc.) Regardless, both should be a lot of fun to run/play. I am currently running a group through Crimson Throne and they've had a blast in exploring Korvosa and are now just on their way to the Cinderlands.

Also something to bear in mind if you're just starting out there are also individual pathfinder modules (stand alone adventures rather than larger campaigns). Crypt of the Everflame seems like a solid intro to the setting and the game.

B_Wiklund wrote:


Another thing to bear in mind is that adventure paths before Council of Thieves were written for D&D 3.5. They are compatible with Pathfinder, but they do require a little bit of elbow grease, mainly adding up the CMB/CMD, changing a few skills and checking up on a couple of spells/feats every once in a while. I'm currently running Rise of the Runelords and everything is going smoothly.

Whatever you choose, have fun and good luck.

Thank you for your thoughts. I found both very helpful.

I think I'm going to go with Rise of the Runelords. Here's hoping the small tweaks needed to take it from 3.5 to Pathfinder don't cause me too many headaches as I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder yet. I think I'll be okay.

Courez pour sauver votre vie! Faux-nez des Québécois envahissent!

The Exchange

So hows the movie industry?

Urizen wrote:
Courez pour sauver votre vie! Faux-nez des Québécois envahissent!

Hey with the small baby boom we are having, we have to invade something! :D


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