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Dark Archive

taig wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


I really didn't know that my head could be pounding so bad.

Why screwdrivers why?

Burger Meister wrote:

I really didn't know that my head could be pounding so bad.

Why screwdrivers why?

Bachelor party? :))

Solnes wrote:
Lyn! I got the book! It is beautiful, thank you so much! *hugs*

You're welcome. I saw it and thought of you, and then I just had to send it. :)

Taig, I'm glad you're mom is doing better for now. Your family is in my prayers. *hugs*

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Youngest son graduated from high school today. It was a wonderful commencement and also the first time our whole family has been together since Christmas. I am very proud of him! Pics soon.

Congrats :)

lynora wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Youngest son graduated from high school today. It was a wonderful commencement and also the first time our whole family has been together since Christmas. I am very proud of him! Pics soon.
Congrats :)


Slow day in the tower.

The Exchange

Well I have been posting a Champions timeline and the basics of where I got the ideas from.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Well I have been posting a Champions timeline and the basics of where I got the ideas from.

The funny thing is that w/o noticing that you posted this immediately after my post, I proceeded to purchase the 6th edition of Hero Rules pdf because I have been reading the Age of Apocalypse graphic novels over the past few days...

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Well I have been posting a Champions timeline and the basics of where I got the ideas from.
The funny thing is that w/o noticing that you posted this immediately after my post, I proceeded to purchase the 6th edition of Hero Rules pdf because I have been reading the Age of Apocalypse graphic novels over the past few days...

Oh is it out now?

Crimson Jester wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Well I have been posting a Champions timeline and the basics of where I got the ideas from.
The funny thing is that w/o noticing that you posted this immediately after my post, I proceeded to purchase the 6th edition of Hero Rules pdf because I have been reading the Age of Apocalypse graphic novels over the past few days...
Oh is it out now?

Here it is. I would have responded sooner but I have been reading. :)

who knew driving could wipe you out. all I know is I woke up after 4 today. and still not fully functional.

Woodraven wrote:
who knew driving could wipe you out. all I know is I woke up after 4 today. and still not fully functional.

I think that a little physical activity in the form of getting up and moving around (an example being jumping rope) might help. Also, I have found that with extended trips it is not uncommon to become somewhat dehydrated and not realize it. Lopts of water may help. But, these are just my opinions.

Evening all, hope everyone's mem day is going well.


Liberty's Edge

pretty good....nice to have 3 days off for a change.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
who knew driving could wipe you out. all I know is I woke up after 4 today. and still not fully functional.
I think that a little physical activity in the form of getting up and moving around (an example being jumping rope) might help. Also, I have found that with extended trips it is not uncommon to become somewhat dehydrated and not realize it. Lopts of water may help. But, these are just my opinions.

I know what you mean about hydration and driving long distances. I drank a large combination of gatorade and water driving just to stay awake and keep fluids in me. But i can handle this for the memories and great times I had in MB and Columbus these past couple of weeks

Sebastian wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

They're prolly all on coke anyway.
I hate s#&! like that. f~&@ing fake ass corporate f~&@ers.

I'm annoyed they've pushed me this far. I don't believe in using people's personal lives as leverage in negotiations, but they are on my list.

It seems they haven't figured out my game yet though. They just called to say they're going to push back.

Sucks to be them.

So what happed with these douichez?

Just finished watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with the kidlet. He's a bit traumatized. Now, keep in mind that this kid has watched the Lord of the Rings movies among others. And acted out Boromir's death scene more than once. But for some odd reason the bit at the end of this movie where everyone thinks the hero has been blown up for a grand total of like two minutes before all is okay again was just too much for the kidlet. I think it was because he wasn't really expecting it from what was otherwise a funny movie so it caught him off guard. He swears he never wants to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs ever again.

The Exchange

lynora wrote:
Just finished watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with the kidlet. He's a bit traumatized. Now, keep in mind that this kid has watched the Lord of the Rings movies among others. And acted out Boromir's death scene more than once. But for some odd reason the bit at the end of this movie where everyone thinks the hero has been blown up for a grand total of like two minutes before all is okay again was just too much for the kidlet. I think it was because he wasn't really expecting it from what was otherwise a funny movie so it caught him off guard. He swears he never wants to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs ever again.

Poor baby.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
pretty good....nice to have 3 days off for a change.

still have to work tomorrow but only for 5 hours in the evening. More likely then not it will be real slow. Since it is supposed to be storming, again, I guess it will not be too bad.

Solnes wrote:
Hanging out with hubby and family today. Than school work tonight. And I have yet to get out of my PJ's. Its gonna be a good day! :D

...wait. You wear PJs? I don't remember this. :P

....finished with a long hot and humid ass day with the woman's family over at the local park for their annual extended family picnic. Probably 70+ people there. I made sure that I represented with my Paizo Golem shirt. Hopefully it'll make the family group photo whenever they get around to putting it up.

Wanted to play sand volleyball, but when I eat in this kind of weather, I just get sick to my stomach and just feel like sitting around and trying to keep hydrated.

Those who are enjoying an extended weekend, hope it's working out for you. Another overnight and should be back in Columbus tomorrow afternoon with lots of laundry to catch up on.

Night folks. Weeds picked (among other things) and dinner and dogs and kids all attended to. Time to get the house cleaned up. Laterz!


The Exchange

Patrick anytime you wish to do my yard work please feel free.

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

The Exchange

Osrry Treppa good luck later in the week.

Treppa wrote:
Burger Meister wrote:

I really didn't know that my head could be pounding so bad.

Why screwdrivers why?

Bachelor party? :))

Yes....dear god yes.

So many shots.

But at least I wasn't the one that was TOTALLY hammered.

Signing out. Good night.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for all the congrats from everyone. Yes - he is heading off to college in the fall. Now I will have all three in college. Two in Minnesota and one in New Mexico, and we live in Texas. This is why we were on pace to put 40,000 miles this year on our Pilot.

That is until this happened on the way up to his graduation - A little mishap. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

Liberty's Edge


Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB

Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB

It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Thanks for all the congrats from everyone. Yes - he is heading off to college in the fall. Now I will have all three in college. Two in Minnesota and one in New Mexico, and we live in Texas. This is why we were on pace to put 40,000 miles this year on our Pilot.

That is until this happened on the way up to his graduation - A little mishap. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

ouch, is the school in Minnesota a public or private university. I hate to see what it costs for out of state tution

Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB
It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.


Liberty's Edge

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB
It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.


The Moorluck younglings seemed to get a kick out of you guys.

Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB
It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.


The Moorluck younglings seemed to get a kick out of you guys.

they really do believe in the divide and conquor approach

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB
It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.


The Moorluck younglings seemed to get a kick out of you guys.
they really do believe in the divide and conquor approach

You looked so natural holding the kids. :)

Liberty's Edge

Uh oh!

Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Made good progress today converting our baby store to a more generic toy store. Lots of fun stuff coming in: hula hoops, stomp rockets, kites, bouncy balls, etc. Even the adults are playing with the stuff.

Of course, nobody bought anything.

you should see the picture of me and a hula hoop form my trip to MB
It's posted on FB isn't it? I'm sure I remember seeing it.


The Moorluck younglings seemed to get a kick out of you guys.

They did indeed, and cried when they left. :(

So pissed off I could scream. I swear at this point it is me or the crazy one.... at work..not at home. ;)

The Exchange

Facebook is ghosting on me!

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:
Facebook is ghosting on me!

Same here. It's been doing that recently.

Solnes wrote:
So pissed off I could scream. I swear at this point it is me or the crazy one.... at work..not at home. ;)

What happened?

Treppa wrote:
Solnes wrote:
So pissed off I could scream. I swear at this point it is me or the crazy one.... at work..not at home. ;)
What happened?

You remember I had to write that one girl up for doing a pay out to herself? Well it has gone beyond that crap. Now she is telling customers that she is the Asst Manager, she has said that I am making up stuff that Our Boss has said to scare them, and that I do it to have some form of control...and she is opening up products to test out, without permission...I have had it. Me and my other two employees are going to our boss tomorrow and having a little meeting. I will not have her acting superior to the others. She is a no body...just like everyone else who started out 2 months ago....DONE!

Solnes wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Solnes wrote:
So pissed off I could scream. I swear at this point it is me or the crazy one.... at work..not at home. ;)
What happened?
You remember I had to write that one girl up for doing a pay out to herself? Well it has gone beyond that crap. Now she is telling customers that she is the Asst Manager, she has said that I am making up stuff that Our Boss has said to scare them, and that I do it to have some form of control...and she is opening up products to test out, without permission...I have had it. Me and my other two employees are going to our boss tomorrow and having a little meeting. I will not have her acting superior to the others. She is a no body...just like everyone else who started out 2 months ago....DONE!

Do eet!

I just can't stand the b#*!@, honestly the b!~#& is crazy....:S

Solnes wrote:
I just can't stand the b~%~~, honestly the b~%~~ is crazy....:S

Somebody like that is pure poison in the workplace. One person can make a good place utterly miserable.

Treppa wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I just can't stand the b~%~~, honestly the b~%~~ is crazy....:S
Somebody like that is pure poison in the workplace. One person can make a good place utterly miserable.

Thats how the other two feel right now. It was a bad conversation with them. They feel like she orders them around and she goes behind me to the big man, too bad for her, big man told me the other day that he can;t stand her and that she annoys the f!*@ out of him. So...yeah...he aint gonna take her side on this.

Sorry, getting the petty out so that I can be professional tomorrow.

Solnes wrote:
I just can't stand the b*#%~, honestly the b*#%~ is crazy....:S

Unfortunately they are a dime a dozen.

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
I just can't stand the b#&!*, honestly the b#&!* is crazy....:S

Your the boss replace her/.

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