Labyrinth Lord - Advanced Edition Companion Now Available!


As a fan of retroclones, I am pleased to announce that the Advanced Edition Companion for Labyrinth Lord is now available!

No love for Labyrinth Lord here?

Funny, I thought Goblinoid Games' equivalent of AD&D was OSRIC.

Love LL here.

Downloaded the freebe Advanced Edition the other day. I tend to follow the Grognardia blog so I keep pretty up to date with whats going on in the retro market.

I need to pony up the cash and get Hard copies though....


Dark Archive

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Funny, I thought Goblinoid Games' equivalent of AD&D was OSRIC.

Nope, Osric is from Knights and Knaves and was and is an AD&D Clone

Labyrinth Lord was and is an OD&D/Basic D&D Clone.

Advanced Edition Companion let you use most of the AD&D features with the Labyrinth Lord Rules.


Not such a fan of the AEC, however. I feel it needlessly complicates a great system to make an inferior version of something that has since evolved into something much better (Pathfinder).

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