It's over!!

Savage Tide Adventure Path

It’s finally over. After 19 months the Savage Tide campaign ends. A big thanks to all the Savage Tide authors: James Jacobs, Nicolas Logue, Richard Pett, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen S. Greer, Gary Holian, F. Wesley Schneider, James Lafond Sutter, Tito Leati, Richard Pett, Robert J. Schwalb , Eric Boyd, Wolfgang Baur, and Greg Vaughn.

It was a fantastic adventure that our group of looong (since 1982) time D&Ders will always remember. We ran the whole AP using only the 3.5 core books. So a big thanks to those authors as well: Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, and Monte Cook.

If there is a group out there that has not run this AP yet, you need to. If your group doesn’t enjoy it you probably need to find a new game to play. This AP is what D&D is all about as far as we are concerned.

Just for the fun of it, the cost breakdown of the AP:
Adventure Path Dungeon magazines (12): $100.84
3.5 PH: 29.95 (x4): $119.80
3.5 DMG: 29.95 (x2): $59.90
3.5 MM: 29.95 (x2): $59.90
Total cost of the campaign: $340.44
$340.44/19 months=$17.92 per month/4 players = $4.48 per month per player.
You just can’t beat the economics of an RPG.

I plan on running this AP at some point (just started Age of Worms so it will be a while).

What was your frequency of play and what levels did the characters make it to before the end?

I agree 100% with the economics of RPG's there is NO better bang for the entertainment buck!

cibet44 wrote:
Just for the fun of it, the cost breakdown of the AP:

No miniatures?

Dennis Harry wrote:

I plan on running this AP at some point (just started Age of Worms so it will be a while).

What was your frequency of play and what levels did the characters make it to before the end?

I agree 100% with the economics of RPG's there is NO better bang for the entertainment buck!

We played on average 2-3 times a month. Sometimes we would get good runs of 4 or 5 weekly games in a row.

We had 5 characters get to 20th level by the start of Prince of Demons. Like I mentioned above the players used only the core classes/prestige classes.

Matthew Vincent wrote:
cibet44 wrote:
Just for the fun of it, the cost breakdown of the AP:
No miniatures?

We used old minis from our long RPG years. We have minis going back 20 years that we use over and over. Including an old beat up Demogorgon and ones from those yellow box Greyhawk Grenadier sets. For anything over size medium we just use the cutouts Dragon put out when 3.0 was first published or a map tile.

Congratulations Gibet!

We just slew Emraag the Glutton and are on our way to the troglodytes. It may be even longer, but we will finish!

Well done!

Sadly, it will be quite a while before I get to run the adventure path myself - too many other RPG irons in the fire.


We are a group of long time players too (1981 for me) and I try to finish SC AP before starting another one, AoW or ST.
Hope I'll run these before dying.....;)

Just hit the Flotsam Ooze in our game, about to go ashore on Tamoachan. Congratulations on completion! Hope your players had a BLAST.

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