Big Honking Hero's Recruiting thread

Gamer Connection

Want to try something unique and different. Pick yourself up from the rubble of the destroyed Beverage shop, or join the fracas from the street, as our bold, over-the-top hero's attempt to the world from their stronghold in the city of Al-Kapone.

Need 3-4 Frequent posters to join our group of merry misfits, in the mis-adventure of a life time. Check out the Game thread, and OOC thread for details before they reach the length of the unabridged version of War and Peace.

The Supreme Being wants YOU !

We've only done a few posts ... but it's great roleplay fun.

No idea why some people bailed out ... we want to continue ... so ... sign up ;)


Why are you still reading this ... sign up :P

Also, since the DM hasn't quite got the hang of linking, here are the OOC thread and Game Thread.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Also, since the DM hasn't quite got the hang of linking, here are the OOC thread and Game Thread.

Thanks. You're a gem. Just wait till we get to me trying to do a map ;).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

sounds intersting, give me an evening to give it a look.

Going to throw my hat into the ring here. What's your position on monstrous races like goblins?

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Going to throw my hat into the ring here. What's your position on monstrous races like goblins?

Sorry Main rulebook only on this game. It's going to get crazy enough without unusual races as characters. Maybe when characters die they'll be reincarnated as something else. There is no resurrection in this world just reincarnation. The list is much longer however anything from dire hummingbirds to Saber-tooth Land slugs.

On second thought, I think I'll pass. It looks really cool (I'll definitely watch it), but it's a bit too complicated for me, at least for now. Good luck anyways!

By the way for those interested we've simplified the character background process. Just come up with a cool background and we're OK. the back of the Novel idea is cool, but probably works best for a table top game, so don't let that scare you off.


So uhm.. New to this site, and I'm new to pathfinder... so uhm I'd like to join and play but how do I do this, or what do i need to do?

Silverbeam wrote:
So uhm.. New to this site, and I'm new to pathfinder... so uhm I'd like to join and play but how do I do this, or what do i need to do?

Check Davi the Eccentric's thread above for links to the OOC thread, and the game thread. The OOC thread should give you the character generation info, and the game thread what's happening.

You can call me tomorrow, or come by this weekend if you need help with the character

Thanks! I'll see if I can figure it out, if not I'll let ya know and bug you until It works. :D

What are the basic characters we have so far? there's that magical girl uhm cleric? and a big talker swordsmen yes?

Silverbeam wrote:

Thanks! I'll see if I can figure it out, if not I'll let ya know and bug you until It works. :D

What are the basic characters we have so far? there's that magical girl uhm cleric? and a big talker swordsmen yes?

We've got Delwyn Mane, Gnome Barbarian who's basically He-Gnome, without any Masters of The Universe,

Captain Geoff Vanderhaven, Half-Elf Bard who isn't strictly speaking the captain of anything,
Sir Corvus Cornix, Human Paladin who's love for his god is only surpassed by his love for himself,
Spiritual Soldier Princess Eve, Human Druid who's basically been refluffed into a magical girl, and
Harktom The Sturdy, Half-Orc Sorcerer who I don't really have much of a handle on beyond "dumb savage who was eating part of a table" because the player wasn't able to post for most of the first page.

LOL... Cool.

Wow I looked over the Big Honking Hero's of Golly-I-ran OOC thread and can not figure out how to make a character.. I may have to bug you later in person to help me....

Davi The Eccentric wrote:

We've got Delwyn Mane, Gnome Barbarian who's basically He-Gnome, without any Masters of The Universe,

Captain Geoff Vanderhaven, Half-Elf Bard who isn't strictly speaking the captain of anything,
Sir Corvus Cornix, Human Paladin who's love for his god is only surpassed by his love for himself,
Spiritual Soldier Princess Eve, Human Druid who's basically been refluffed into a magical girl, and
Harktom The Sturdy, Half-Orc Sorcerer who I don't really have much of a handle on beyond "dumb savage who was eating part of a table" because the player wasn't able to post for most of the first page.

Hahaha .. this made me chuckle .. I love it ..

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