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While I'm not terribly active in the Olympia PFS group, the awesome folks that keep it running (and do a great job at it!) were at PaizoCon and I had a chance to catch up with them. PFS is still going strong at OCC, and as far as I know still meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month around noon. Although I know LtlBtyRam can tell you the exact times better than I can.

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Hey all! Just got done with PaizoCon and my first ever PFS, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and was wondering if there is still PFS going on at OCC, and if so, when?
Yes we are still playing at OCC. And Dane was right mostly. We are playing on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, but we are only playing once session now and we actually start at around 1pm. I try to be there by noon or as close to it as I can get.
If you want to touch bases with me I can be reached at Olympia.pfs.players@gmail.com
Welcome to PFS play!

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Not unlike Varthanna up there (you horrible old man), I also played my first PFS and had a good time with it. He just beat me to the punch in looking up Gabi's for a game. I may or may not be able to attend, but I'm certainly interested. It's on the 25th, right? I'm just sorry that I'll have to bring a level 1, and possibly disrupt everyone else. (Kind of a structural flaw there)

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Yep the next date is the 25th with a start time of 1pm I do try and I stress try to be there by noon. Don't worry about bringing a level one. We have very generous players and we will always do whatever we can to accommodate new players. If for any reason we can't have a low level table we keep pre-gens on hand for you to play. The only way this would happen is if we don't have enough GM's and/or players to break into 2 tables. This rarely happens (I think twice in a year and a half).
If you have any questions please e-mail me at olympia.pfs.players@gmail.com
Once again welcome to PFS play

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Oh, and Angela, I'd love to swing down on the 25th to visit the group and possibly run a game for you guys, if you'd like. I'll be in mid-vacation then, I think, so I'll likely be in the area anyway. I'd be happy to run The Midnight Mauler or perhaps one of the newer scenarios that premiered at PaizoCon for those that haven't had a chance to play them yet.

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I have been looking for PFS and paizo product players in Lacey for awhile now.
Somebody is buying all of those products, besides the ones I am.
I am definitely down for pathfinder and PFS.LtlBtyRam, I am sure something could be worked out.
One thing though, I am going up to Gottacon on the 6-7th of Feb to GM a handful of PFS scenarios.
I would like to play some pathfinder with you guys when you have the chance?

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Oh, and Angela, I'd love to swing down on the 25th to visit the group and possibly run a game for you guys, if you'd like. I'll be in mid-vacation then, I think, so I'll likely be in the area anyway. I'd be happy to run The Midnight Mauler or perhaps one of the newer scenarios that premiered at PaizoCon for those that haven't had a chance to play them yet.
Hey, I am in Olympia, and I would love to play some pathfinder with you guys.

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Well, although I don't have much direct involvement with the awesome folks in the Olympia group, they do meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 1 pm, so swing by at the next session and check them out! Which should be on the...9th of July, unless I miss my guess.
Thanks for stopping by last Saturday, Dane! It was a bit of a cluster****, and I appreciate you running We Are Goblins! for a bunch of new faces. :)

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Not a problem! The OCC group was where I started coordinating, and I always love heading back down to see everyone. It was great to see so many new faces, too!
I'm always happy to run stuff, too, and despite the lack of communication it was great to run We Be Goblins for one of the tables. I'm pretty sure my dad, Jon, will be trying to join in more from time to time too. Hopefully i'll get to swing by again and run or play soon :)

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Unfortunately real life gets in the way of gaming sometimes. Thanks Dane for being there, I'm sorry I couldn't be. Keven wasn't sure if he was going to have enough vacation leave for his 20th year class reunion until the last minute. It ended up he did, so we were out of state.
I am usually there to coordinate and well, like I stated above real life intervened.
Yes we do play on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 1pm, and yes the next session will be July 9th, 2011.
Barring a medical emergency I will be there. If anyone has any questions go ahead and post them here. I check the boards regularly.
Sorry once again for any confusion. :-(

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Calling all Pathfinder Gamers!
As most of you know, PAX Prime is on August 26th, 27th, and 28th.
Dane Pitchford, the Seattle area Venture Captain is looking for GMs for PAX Prime. They are planning on having 8 tables, with several delve slots running every hour, and numerous full scenarios as well. There will be rewards for GM'ing, plus you get into PAX if you don't already have a ticket. Contact Dane Pitchford at SeattlePFS@gmail.com
See you there!