PFS in Olympia, WA

Local Play

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Shadow Lodge

Okay! Popped by OCC today and gave them the final heads-up. We're set for the 27th.


SWEET!!!!!!!! I can't wait...only 3 weeks left!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Seems like my attempts at getting some practice GMing PFS scenarios keeps getting derailed. Second week in a row we had to cancel due to not having enough people.


Dane Pitchford wrote:
Seems like my attempts at getting some practice GMing PFS scenarios keeps getting derailed. Second week in a row we had to cancel due to not having enough people.

If you need two people and can get a game set up for any day other than evenenings on tues, fri, and sat my boyfriend and I can fill two slots for you. Neither one of us minds running a pre-gen if needed. We are both without jobs so our schedules are pretty much open and can do it last minute.

Shadow Lodge

Well, I'm going to try to run at least one scenario, maybe two next saturday around noon (I hope). The first one will be Scenario 4: Frozen Fingers of Midnight, and my dad will likely be running 35 if there's the time for it and enough people can stick around. (He's gotten back into gaming after quite a few years, and he's still getting familiar with the system, so this'll be his first time GMing with Pathfinder). But yeah, having a few bodies to take up a slot with a pregen (or their own character if they haven't played the scenario yet) would be great.


Dane Pitchford wrote:
Well, I'm going to try to run at least one scenario, maybe two next saturday around noon (I hope). The first one will be Scenario 4: Frozen Fingers of Midnight, and my dad will likely be running 35 if there's the time for it and enough people can stick around. (He's gotten back into gaming after quite a few years, and he's still getting familiar with the system, so this'll be his first time GMing with Pathfinder). But yeah, having a few bodies to take up a slot with a pregen (or their own character if they haven't played the scenario yet) would be great.

We can definately make the noon one and maybe the second one too(depends on the status of our group). We are both still up and awake for several more hours if you want to give me a call we can talk about it....waiting for replies on this board takes a lot of time lol. :-)

And AWESOME your dad is back into gaming Love it!!!

Shadow Lodge

Well, not much to talk about as of yet, lol. But for two weeks in a row, now, things have fallen through. Getting rather tiresome, and I'm actually debating finding a different group of people to play with eventually. Regardless, they're my friends, so I'm gonna give it another go. So yeah, tentatively Saturday the 13th at noon.


If you are one person short as the GM you can run a pre-gen. Not my choice and I haven't had to and hope I don't get put in that situation, but I guess it does beat the alternative.

Shadow Lodge

LtlBtyRam wrote:
If you are one person short as the GM you can run a pre-gen. Not my choice and I haven't had to and hope I don't get put in that situation, but I guess it does beat the alternative.

I know, and I would have had to if just one person hadn't shown. Unfortunately we were two short. Not really the best circumstance. I can handle running a pregen myself, honestly, since I've run GMPCs at times (sometimes it's the only way I get to "play", really), but yeah...I was hoping I wouldn't have to. Unfortunately, one guy never answered his phone and the other just couldn't make it down.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Definitely cool of you to help out Dane out, ltlbtyram. :)
Dane, I hope things work out.

While the RPGA has saturdays slotted for them, Gabi's OCC is not that strict or crowded. In other words, yes the RPGA has priority but there is lots of room and they come and play on weekends they do not have reserved.

That being said, if you are more comfortable at home or elsewhere, then definitely do what works for you.

Shadow Lodge

Home is typically the most comfortable setting, but luckily the RPGA guys don't have the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month in the afternoon taken up. That's when the PFS group at OCC will be playing from now on (they've added us to the schedule, so we're official). The RPGA guys do have the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, as well as evenings it seems, as there are two different groups, but we shouldn't have too much of an issue bumping into them. We'll have to see how it plays out on the 27th.

Shadow Lodge

Slight change of plans for the home game this weekend. Seems my dad has to work, so it'll likely only be the one session.

Edit: I was going to run #4, but actually, if you would like to play a particular scenario from Season 1 that you haven't played yet, let me know. I've got my eye on a few, so it's a bit up in the air at the moment.


To be honest Dane I will play any of the scenarios. They all look pretty fun to me from what I've read in the descriptions.

Shadow Lodge

Alright, then. I'll have it all ready by saturday, then. This promises to be fun :)

Shadow Lodge

Dane Pitchford wrote:
Alright, then. I'll have it all ready by saturday, then. This promises to be fun :)

So I'll definitely run #4. If there's time, we'll see about #35, though that was one I was hoping to play instead of run myself, lol. Regardless, I'll be happy to have a group.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'd be happy to fill a chair, if you need players in the pre-27th games. I couldn't make it the 13th, but the 20th I could.

You can email me at [my name above] at charter dot net.

Grand Lodge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'll be running a table for #29 for 1st level folks. :-)

That's the one I'll be there for, as I wasn't present when LtlBtyRam ran it a few weeks ago. This'll give my Half Orc Monk a chance to catch up to the rest of our group.

Shadow Lodge

Well, little less than one week, now. I look forward to seeing everyone at the kickoff event :)

Silver Crusade 1/5

Am I DMing the alternate table if alot show up? Just want to know for prepatory reasons. If so, any ideas on the mod I should bring?
Looking forward to this.


samerandomhero wrote:
Am I DMing the alternate table if alot show up? Just want to know for prepatory reasons. If so, any ideas on the mod I should bring?

Have you already GM'd any scenarios? Another question is how many alternate tables do people think we should be prepared to run? I've GM'd 3 scenarios and would hate to have another GM "eat" one of those if I've already done so. I guess we need to get this part coordinated huh??

samerandomhero wrote:
Looking forward to this.

Me Too!!! Very much so. I just can't wait and it's less than a week. YAY :-)

Shadow Lodge

Would 3 tables total be good? I'vehonestly never run anything myself


1 GM can at the absolute least run a table with 3 players and absolute most 7 players with the prefrences 4 - 6. So with 3 GM's the absolute minimum would be 9 and absolute 21 with prefrences 12 - 18.

Do we have any idea on how many people to expect?


LtlBtyRam wrote:

1 GM can at the absolute least run a table with 3 players and absolute most 7 players with the prefrences 4 - 6. So with 3 GM's the absolute minimum would be 9 and absolute 21 with prefrences 12 - 18.

Do we have any idea on how many people to expect?

Any room for extra DMs or Players?


Kjob wrote:

Do we have any idea on how many people to expect?

Any room for extra DMs or Players?

Absolutely!!! We will be starting this around noon at Olympic Cards and Comics. More people = More FUN

Always room for more players (assuming the store has seats!).

I plan on running 6-7 level 1 folks through #29. The more the merrier (and the harder I can be on you -- MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA).

Shadow Lodge

I personally have no idea who's coming, all told. I'll be there, of course (I'd better, being the person who sorta instigated this and is coordinating, lol), and so will my dad. But no one else from my group will be able to make it.


I know I'll be there as will my boyfriend and we have 1 more coming with us for sure. That would be LREggers. If I get confirmation from anyone else in my group I'll be sure to post but for now that's all.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Still going to be there, unless some unexpected Army thing happens.

Shadow Lodge

So that's at least 6 we can count on, but better to be prepped for more just in case :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Charlie Bell wrote:
Still going to be there, unless some unexpected Army thing happens.

And... it happened. Must have jinxed myself. I won't be able to make it to play, but I will do my best to swing by if for no other reason than to make some connections. I'm still looking for a regular group.


Charlie Bell wrote:
Charlie Bell wrote:
Still going to be there, unless some unexpected Army thing happens.
And... it happened. Must have jinxed myself. I won't be able to make it to play, but I will do my best to swing by if for no other reason than to make some connections. I'm still looking for a regular group.

Aww that bites :( Hope you can stop by to at least meat ya.


On another note Countdown is here less than 24 hrs to go!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Looking forward to it. Got my character ready (if I play), and have an adventure all picked out (if I GM), so I'm ready to rock :)

even got a flip mat and some dry erase markers. Haven't had a reason to use em for my home group yet, but this'll do.

Had great fun running #29 for you guys and gal today!

Shadow Lodge

It was an honor having you there. We wound up running a second session after a dinner break (#30), and had a blast. Even drew in a new player. :)

As a note for the rest of the group, everything is reported, I just need the name of the new character once its all set up. Thanks!


I too had a blast!!! I also have to agree it was an honor having you there today Josh. Hope to see you again soon (PaizoCon). Can't wait 'til our next session either!

P.S. I still think a system needs to be put in place to account for multiple crits by the GM........the second session players know what I'm talking about.....wink-wink-nudge-nudge....Anyone agree??

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

LtlBtyRam wrote:
P.S. I still think a system needs to be put in place to account for multiple crits by the GM........the second session players know what I'm talking about.....wink-wink-nudge-nudge....Anyone agree??

That system exists. See the section on Death and Dying in the Combat chapter of the Core Rulebook.


yoda8myhead wrote:
That system exists. See the section on Death and Dying in the Combat chapter of the Core Rulebook.

Yeah the group that played last night is really familiar with making stabilization checks and not making them. At one point there was only 1 person left standing out of 6...and it almost happened again. LOL We did have a great time thought.

What I was meaning though is a way to soften the encounter when put in the hands of a GM who rolls a lot of crits (by a lot I mean 7+ crits in one session). Again we had fun and that is what matters.

Grand Lodge

LtlBtyRam wrote:
What I was meaning though is a way to soften the encounter when put in the hands of a GM who rolls a lot of crits (by a lot I mean 7+ crits in one session). Again we had fun and that is what matters.

Although I wasn't really counting, it seemed like our 2nd session GM was rolling about 5 to 8 crits per battle, which is actually pretty darn high. Over the course of a written adventure, that could make many players a bit leary of a GM with such a high crit average. However, as long as everyone is having fun, it's worth a few crits.

Shadow Lodge

Okay, I know we're all thinking it, but I gotta say it...

Crit happens, right? ;)

*coughs* Anyway, we had a blast. Literally. Between three evil clerics and a fire trap, we got smacked around pretty good. My character Ailyn didn't make it quite as deep into the negatives as everyone else, and at least was one of the last people standing in that one battle...before being taken down by a dart. Good thing one of our clerics was still up :)

And I still say that one guy was a eunuch...

On another note: What scenarios have all of you played, and which would you like to play next time? My dad or I certainly don't mind GMing, and I'd really like to do something no one has done before. I'll certainly volunteer to eat a scenario if no one else wants to run.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

OK, sorry I missed it. I ended up having to play Army from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Saturday.

My question is, when's the next game?


Dane Pitchford wrote:
On another note: What scenarios have all of you played, and which would you like to play next time? My dad or I certainly don't mind GMing, and I'd really like to do something no one has done before. I'll certainly volunteer to eat a scenario if no one else wants to run.

The only other scenario Keven and I have played is #35. We are open to anything anyone is up for running. Can't wait 'til next time.


Charlie Bell wrote:

OK, sorry I missed it. I ended up having to play Army from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Saturday.

My question is, when's the next game?

That does bite, we missed having you there! We will be doing this on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month starting at noon (unless otherwise determined). Hope to see you @ the next one!!!

Shadow Lodge

So the next game will be on the 13th (oooh, Saturday the 13th) and I'll try to run #43: The Pallid Plague by Mark Moreland, if there aren't any objections. Another question, though, do we want to do two sessions again? (with a shorter dinner break between, I'd suggest, to avoid having to rush to get out of there before the store closes, lol), and who wants to run something for the second?

Silver Crusade 1/5

Dane Pitchford wrote:
So the next game will be on the 13th (oooh, Saturday the 13th) and I'll try to run #43: The Pallid Plague by Mark Moreland, if there aren't any objections. Another question, though, do we want to do two sessions again? (with a shorter dinner break between, I'd suggest, to avoid having to rush to get out of there before the store closes, lol), and who wants to run something for the second?

Sounds good. I was going to do one as well, so let me know the one you all want. If you want a second one.


Has anybody checked out the phase I changes...they are pretty sweet. One thing that came to my notice was the two scenarios being retired @ the end of March. Keven wanted to run #15 (which we have already purchased and downloaded), so I would put him on the schedule for the 27th. The other one being retired is #10. Do we want to try and play that one this month? Retiring date for these two is March 29, 2010. A note regrading retired scenarios there will be an announcement 1 month ahead of time to let people make a last ditch effort to run them.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I am down with gaming and/or Gming whichever scenarios the group wants.
If you want particular scenarios before they go away, that is cool with me.

Shadow Lodge

10 and 15 sound great


Not sure about the rest of the group, but I for one would like to take advantage of the stuff that is slated to disappear. So I say #10 for samerandomhero and Dane does #43 on the 13th. Then on the 27th Keven can do #15 and someone can do another one for the 27th. I don't mind, but if someone else wants to GM I'm cool w/ that too.

Shadow Lodge

Sounds good. :)

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