PFS in Olympia, WA

Local Play

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Shadow Lodge

Anyone in Oly or nearby feel like starting up a Pathfinder group? Perhaps getting together on saturdays or sundays at Olympic Cards and Comics?


Have you contacted the store yet? Perhaps they can put up a flyer for you calling for players. I can also send them a poster that advertises that Pathfinder Society is played there and that could also help you build a steady base of players. Heck, if you get this thing started, I could probably come down and GM the first table. :-)

Shadow Lodge

That would be great. I'm planning on heading down there this weekend, so I'll talk to the owner and see what can be set up.


I live in Lacey. I would love to help get something going at our FLGS, but I'm unemployed and looking for work. I am reluctant to make a commitment I may have to break as soon as I find work.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have been looking for PFS and paizo product players in Lacey for awhile now.
Somebody is buying all of those products, besides the ones I am.
I am definitely down for pathfinder and PFS.

LtlBtyRam, I am sure something could be worked out.

One thing though, I am going up to Gottacon on the 6-7th of Feb to GM a handful of PFS scenarios.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Josh, that would be awesome. I have been trying to get PFS and Pathfinder started at OCC for awhile now.

Dane, I have the Legacy of Fire adventure path and all of the released modules from Council of Thieves. I am more than willing to DM.
Talk to Gabby. She knows me as Daniel.
Also with Kingmaker coming out soon ......

Shadow Lodge

Yeah. I wasn't able to make it down this weekend, but I'll talk to her as soon as I'm able. My hope is to get a few people that can alternate DMing (I'm certainly willing to DM as well, but I want to actually play sometimes too).
Though I'd love to be able to find someone to DM something outside of PFS too. I have a group that I'm running through Curse of the Crimson Throne right now (I have all of the released AP volumes except a few Legacy of Fire ones), but what I prefer to do is play. Especially if it's Council of Thieves, lol.

Shadow Lodge

Alright! I spoke with Gabi today, and everything's a-go once we get a set date to start and really get the people coming in. The second and fourth Saturdays of the month will be the best time so that we don't conflict too much with the other gaming groups on the weekends (namely the RPGA. This way, they can play PFS too if they like and those of us who enjoy 4e can get in on the RPGA action still). Seems that there have been a lot of requests for PFS, but no one was willing to take charge. Well, I'm taking charge. Let's get this rolling!

edit: And also, this works well for me because I can still meet with my home group every other week. Sweet.

For February, that means the 13th and the 27th. My time is spoken for on the 13th, but I might be able to come down on the 27th and run the first table.

What level is everyone in your group? Would it be appropriate for me to run a Tier 1-7?

Shadow Lodge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

For February, that means the 13th and the 27th. My time is spoken for on the 13th, but I might be able to come down on the 27th and run the first table.

What level is everyone in your group? Would it be appropriate for me to run a Tier 1-7?

1-7 would be perfect, as aside from myself everyone would be fairly new to Pathfinder Society. And again, thank you very much.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'm in Steilacoom, but I'd come to Lacey. I couldn't do 13th but 27th probably.

Shadow Lodge

excellent. The 27th seems to be the day of choice, so that's what I'll shoot for. I'll contact Gabi and set it up so they can post PFS nights on the schedule.


This sounds AWESOME. What time are we thinking afternoons or evenings?

Shadow Lodge

Afternoons. Evenings bumps into a larger RPGA group I think. So probably around noon or so would be the best time to get things started.


Sounds good to me. Count me in!!! Any way we can get together before so we can meet in person instead of entities on a message board.

Assuming I can fit this into my schedule (and I'll know tonight if I can), noon would work better for me since I have to drive down from King County. :-)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I suggest running The Pallid Plague for the inaugural session, since it will be brand new that weekend.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, definitely no earlier than noon. And whatever Josh wants to run will be awesome. I'll try to have something prepared myself so that if enough people show up we can open up another table.

I'm penciled in to be there. I'd like to run #29, but we'll see what everyone *has* played first.

Shadow Lodge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'm penciled in to be there. I'd like to run #29, but we'll see what everyone *has* played first.

No problem. I actually haven't played #29, myself. And I know that with others I've invited it'll be their first PFS scenario, so that'll be pretty safe.

Awesome. Looking forward to it. :-)


I've GM'd #29 & 30. Some of my usual home group (we play PFS if anyone is missing) has played #29, some have played #30, and some have played both. I would rather play since I've been GM'ing for our group, but if I need to GM I will. I can also play a pregen if need be. I will have to put this out to the group on Saturday to see if anyone is interested in gaming in public. Regardless, I know I'll be there. I am soooo looking forward to this. It ought to be a blast.

I stopped by & talked to Gabi today. She has my contact information if you want to call or e-mail me then you can get it from her. I gave her the ok to pass it on to you.

Shadow Lodge

Sweet. I'm hoping to head down to talk to her sometime in the next few days and let her know that things are rolling. Sounds like we're going to have quite a few people coming. This will be great.

Edit: Another question. Especially since it sounds like we have more than a single group coming, we should probably get things hammered out as to who, other than Josh, will run a table that week. I have #29 downloaded already, but never got around to looking it over. Since you say you've already DM'd it, LtlBtyRam, you'd probably be the better choice for taking up a second table. That said, I'm prepared to eat the scenario myself, so it really all depends on preference. On top of that, those that don't get to play this time around will certainly have more chances at later meetups. So there's no rush or pressure to absolutely get your playing done in the first session.

And since you said some of your group have already played 29 (as well as 30), I could also prepare a different scenario for them to play, if they're coming. I want to make sure we're prepared.


Hi Dane,
If we neeed a 2nd table I will GM it as I've already done so. However, if by chance we end up running more than one slot I'd love the chance to play. We can figure it out more after I know how many people we have coming and how long they want to be there. My regular group tonight when we play. So, more details to follow.

I really hope this takes off as I'm looking forward to it!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Definitely. I'll try to have something prepared so we can do something that you haven't played if we do run longer than a single slot.
Today's my normal game day, too. But I'm recovering from being sick, so my voice can't take the thrashing from DMing the whole time, so I'm calling it till next week.


It looks like we will have myself and 2-4 others who are going to be there. I don't think one of them will play they just want to go to meet people. Just to keep you posted I've ran #29, 30, & 35. I hope you feel better and look forward to talking with you soon.

Shadow Lodge

well, we'll probably have about the same coming from my home group (depends on if they can make it). I know my dad and I will both be there, so at the least it sounds like we'll have...5 people, and between our two groups there could possibly be 10. Maybe more if more show up that we don't know about. So we may have to play that by ear :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'll be there!

I'm looking forward to this. I can only be down there for one slot and then maybe some Q&A time afterward. :-)


Great to hear Charilie. I'm really looking forward to this. As for coming down Joshua I'm ecstatic you can. One slot and maybe some Q&A would be great. I'm just thrilled you can make it down!!! Now we just need to hear back from samerandomhero....

Silver Crusade 1/5

Sorry about that. I will be there. Most definitely. Thank you Dane and Ltlbtyram, it seems you two have been able to do what I couldnt. And that is get Pathfinder played at OCC.
Thank you Josh for coming down. That is really awesome of you.

I have no problems GMing a slot or what not.


Nice to hear samerandomhero. I don't think it is a matter of you couldn' just hadn't found the right people to help out. For some reason we all found this thread and tada. We will now have a PFS session at OCC. Hopefully between the three of us we can make this stick!!!!!

Looking forward to meeting everyone & I can't wait!

Shadow Lodge

I look forward to seeing everyone too! And yeah, one slot and Q&A sounds great to me. And it didn't take much to get things started, really. From what I heard, it seems like a lot of people were wanting to play, but no one was willing to get it started. Well, we'll get it started, and I intend to make it stick. And what's better, we have 3 people willing to GM, so even if we only run a couple of tables each session, we can try and rotate so we all get chances to play.

On another note, I'm hoping to get some practice with PFS scenarios working up to the 27th, starting this saturday with my home group. So I'll be ready :)


I have gotten some practice with my Saturday home group. I've never really GM'd before so this has been crucial. I'm still a little nervous about GM'ing in a public setting for people I don't know very well. Another note my boyfriend volunteered to GM too, so our total now is 4.

What mods are you thinking of practicing with? How familiar are you with all of the feats, spells, and such? I am not all that familiar so I rebuild all the stat blocks with lots of extra info like what each feat, spell, and ability does. If you are running something I've already prepped will be gald to send them to ya. If you are familiar then lucky you :p

Shadow Lodge

I'll be running #35 this weekend, so any assistance would be helpful, lol. Any materials can be sent to dcpitchford at gmail dot com

Grand Lodge 4/5

This is the character that I'll be bringing (Charlie Bell). Very much the skill monkey. This'll be my first time with Pathfinder Society, though not by a long shot my first time with Pathfinder/3.5/D&D in general. Would one of the DM's mind taking a look to make sure this character's legal?

Also, since this is my first time in PFS play, I want to play, not GM. But I'd be interested in and available for GMing future games.

I'll be running a table for #29 for 1st level folks. :-)


I can run #29, #30, or #35 or I can run a pregen if needed, but it doesn't sound like it.


Professor T. A. Forthlake wrote:

This is the character that I'll be bringing (Charlie Bell). Very much the skill monkey. This'll be my first time with Pathfinder Society, though not by a long shot my first time with Pathfinder/3.5/D&D in general. Would one of the DM's mind taking a look to make sure this character's legal?

Also, since this is my first time in PFS play, I want to play, not GM. But I'd be interested in and available for GMing future games.

I looked over your character most everything looks good. I found 3 things.

According to what I come up with
1) Survival +5 (+1 rank / +3 in class bonus / +1 Wis mod)
2) 7 gp 8 sp (unless I messed up on the math)
3) I'm not sure where you get the polyglot language from (checked languages from pg 101 in the Core book and didn't see it listed)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

LtlBtyRam wrote:
3) I'm not sure where you get the polyglot language from (checked languages from pg 101 in the Core book and didn't see it listed)

Polyglot is the native tongue of humans of the Mwangi ethnicity throughout central and western Garund.


yoda8myhead wrote:
LtlBtyRam wrote:
3) I'm not sure where you get the polyglot language from (checked languages from pg 101 in the Core book and didn't see it listed)
Polyglot is the native tongue of humans of the Mwangi ethnicity throughout central and western Garund.

Thanks much Yoda!!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It's what I do.

Dark Archive

Assuming I don't wind up GMing, I'll be running this character. Look forward to seeing you guys there!


Karriden Draegar wrote:
I'll be running this character.

Don't forget your +2 to an ability score of your choice.

Dark Archive 2/5

All the fun stuff happens when I'm either working or sleeping... :(

Oh well, I guess I'll have to start my own group, with blackjack and hookers. Okay, maybe not the blackjack, or the hookers....


Justin Sluder wrote:
All the fun stuff happens when I'm either working or sleeping... :(

What would be a good time for you? We may run more than one slot if we get enough interest or maybe we can work something else out.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Black fang!!
Let me know if there is a weekday you want to game. we can work something out. all shall be given the gift of paizoey goodness, none shall be turned away. :)

Shadow Lodge

Hmm, could have sworn that +2 was in there, but I'll have to check it over again. I haven't played Karriden since Season 0, so will definitely have to go over it >_>


Dane Pitchford wrote:
Hmm, could have sworn that +2 was in there, but I'll have to check it over again. I haven't played Karriden since Season 0, so will definitely have to go over it >_>

I was just going by the stats in the profile which add up to 20 for the point by system. Your character sheet may have them.

Also do you have Excel? If so I can e-mail those stat blocks, otherwise I can save them in pdf format and send them that way.

Shadow Lodge

LtlBtyRam wrote:
Dane Pitchford wrote:
Hmm, could have sworn that +2 was in there, but I'll have to check it over again. I haven't played Karriden since Season 0, so will definitely have to go over it >_>

I was just going by the stats in the profile which add up to 20 for the point by system. Your character sheet may have them.

Also do you have Excel? If so I can e-mail those stat blocks, otherwise I can save them in pdf format and send them that way.

So they do...well, I'll have to fix that then :)

And I think PDF would be better. Not sure if I have excel, honestly. Possibly somewhere...

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