Does this qualify as MEDIEVAL?

Off-Topic Discussions

Mexico cartel stitches rival's face on soccer ball

OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ Associated Press Writer of the El Paso wrote:

MEXICO CITY—The body of 36-year-old Hugo Hernandez was left on the streets of Los Mochis in seven pieces as a chilling threat to members of the Juarez drug cartel. A note read: "Happy New Year, because this will be your last."
To drive home the point, the assailants skinned Hernandez's face and stitched it onto a soccer ball.
His torso was found in a plastic container in one location; elsewhere another box contained his arms, legs and skull, Robles said. Hernandez's face, sewn onto a soccer ball, was left in a plastic bag near City Hall.

I think they have sen too many Quentin Tarantino movies.

Liberty's Edge

Dude, they inspired Tarantino movies...

houstonderek wrote:
Dude, they inspired Tarantino movies...

That was a little sarcasm on my part but you were probably right.

I originally thought of the MEDIEVAL term because it made me think of D&D style game settings where the road leading to a settlement would be lined with the skulls of people as warnings. Then that made me think of some movies...but you get the idea.

Anyone ever read the X-MEN alternate world storyline where Professor X was killed very early on and Magneto ran a version of the X-Men? Apocalypse had taken over the world, pretty much, and was carrying out "cullings" of humans which he directed from his throne of human skulls in NYC. I only was able to read a story or two but it was cool, IMO.

Anyone ever make anything like the OP for a game? Around an evil lord's castle or demon lord's army fort or something like that?

Nothing like the OP, but your example of skulls along the road brought to mind the climax of an old campaign I ran. When retrieving relics for a powerful monarch, the party's cleric ran afoul of a nasty curse that reversed his alignment. As a newly CE character, he abandoned the party in the middle of the barren wasteland they'd traveled to, using their only means of magical transportation to return to the monarch and collect the reward himself.

Later, after he'd reestablished a cult to a long-vanished chaos god, the party had picked up his trail and were headed to his temple. It was deep along the border of the Androsyne Empire, a Roman-style domain that worshiped Asmodeus. They were the some of the big boogeymen of that campaign world. They found the road leading to the temple lined with crosses. An entire Androsyne legion was crucified along the roadsides all the way up the hill to the temple. Every other one was crucified upside down for good measure.

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