Open Sandbox Campaign Creation

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Oh, bit of a miscommunication, there. I never said gold dragon (and actually, Galdrix the Conqueror was quite chromatic). That was just a fluffy 'nigh god-level.' At least, in his mind. I'm thinking a red dragon being reincarnated as a blue kobold would be quite embarrassing. :P I'm also thinking he was a male dragon, reborn a female kobold, just to make pronoun selection more obnoxious.

And no need to worry about the breath. My 'splodey spells are gonna be fluffed as breath attacks, methinks.

Eric Swanson wrote:
Viletta Vadim wrote:
Eh, you'd probably be better off picking one and sticking with it. Multiclassing would probably be a bad idea. If I had to pick? It'd probably be ninja.
Yeah multiclassing is pretty bad, but the classes are pretty close in abilities, so I figured i could get away with it, have to see how Kurt will handle the ninja class, spellthief has a conversion for PF already.

You know what... I'm going to pull something fun here.

Scroll Jutsu Feat: By spending 1 ki point per level of spell on a given scroll, the ninja or monk is able to cast a spell on a scroll without a UMD check, and without consuming the scroll.

Requires- Ki Pool access.

it's a patch feat, but a pretty good one. Have fun with it.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Eric Swanson wrote:
Viletta Vadim wrote:
Eh, you'd probably be better off picking one and sticking with it. Multiclassing would probably be a bad idea. If I had to pick? It'd probably be ninja.
Yeah multiclassing is pretty bad, but the classes are pretty close in abilities, so I figured i could get away with it, have to see how Kurt will handle the ninja class, spellthief has a conversion for PF already.

You know what... I'm going to pull something fun here.

Scroll Jutsu Feat: By spending 1 ki point per level of spell on a given scroll, the ninja or monk is able to cast a spell on a scroll without a UMD check, and without consuming the scroll.

Requires- Ki Pool access.

it's a patch feat, but a pretty good one. Have fun with it.

Ok I'll do it, I will be a ninja. Officially.

Eric Swanson wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Eric Swanson wrote:
Viletta Vadim wrote:
Eh, you'd probably be better off picking one and sticking with it. Multiclassing would probably be a bad idea. If I had to pick? It'd probably be ninja.
Yeah multiclassing is pretty bad, but the classes are pretty close in abilities, so I figured i could get away with it, have to see how Kurt will handle the ninja class, spellthief has a conversion for PF already.

You know what... I'm going to pull something fun here.

Scroll Jutsu Feat: By spending 1 ki point per level of spell on a given scroll, the ninja or monk is able to cast a spell on a scroll without a UMD check, and without consuming the scroll.

Requires- Ki Pool access.

it's a patch feat, but a pretty good one. Have fun with it.

Ok I'll do it, I will be a ninja. Officially.

Oh, right, I want to do two more things to it.

1: Hit die up to d8, of course.

2: Get rid of that stupid ki will and just give the thing a good will save.

Ack! My post got eated.

Anywho, I never said gold dragon. I said nigh god-level dragon. At least in his own mind. Galdrix the Conqueror was quite chromatic. I'm thinking a crazy-old, male red dragon reborn into a puny, female, blue kobold.

And no need for any form of breath weapon; 'splodey spells are liable to end up getting a breathy flavor.

Viletta Vadim wrote:

Ack! My post got eated.

Anywho, I never said gold dragon. I said nigh god-level dragon. At least in his own mind. Galdrix the Conqueror was quite chromatic. I'm thinking a crazy-old, male red dragon reborn into a puny, female, blue kobold.

And no need for any form of breath weapon; 'splodey spells are liable to end up getting a breathy flavor.

Wups, guess I misread that, my bad.

(Also, considering all the super posts you put out V.V. I'd expect you to be in the habbit of preserving them)

Looking forward to see the details :)

Dark Archive

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Alright, I just read through the Thri-Kreen in the ExPH, looks like you'll start out with one level, and then you'll gain one extra level on the party at some point, so you have an effective LA of 1 then.

Also, now that I think about it, each Level Adjustment you guys eat is a going to be an empty hit die.

1d4+con modifier HP, and they have a 1/2 BAB value, and 1/2 progression to all saves and you gain 0+int modifier (minimum 1) skill points for those levels. When you get to trade them in they simply become PC levels.

The example Thri-Keen would gain +1 BAB, 2d4+(2*con) hp, and +1 to all saves. (Yes I realize that the saves are actually pretty decent, but eh, most people would prefer class features pretty strongly.)

So I can create kreen using the rules from the XPH? I'm not exactly clear on what you meant right now. Kreens are +2 LA in the rules, so I thought to start with 1 level of ranger. Did you mean that in addition to 2d8 racial hd and 1d10 of ranger I add 1d4?

kyrt-ryder wrote:
(Also, considering all the super posts you put out V.V. I'd expect you to be in the habbit of preserving them)

Oh, I normally am. This one was just weird. It looked like it'd gone through, but as an invisible post.

So I was thinking perhaps going Bard as well for my imp... So many great choices, and what better way to sway the masses than through inpiring tales of deceit :)

I was saying I could have been your Dragon's familiar, not the familiar for your current incarnation.

Something like:

Once the sidekick of the great and poewrful INSERT DRAGON NAME HERE, I helped him learn and study the magics of death. To prevent his studies from going elsewhere, he bound me with many rituals, so that when he used these powers we learned together, my mind would be destroyed and none could follow his soul out from the pit, where he should now reside, back to the mortal realm.

Lost, alone, and with my magic torn from me, I wandered for many years until I felt a pull. Drawn to this familiar feeling, I have stumbled on a kobold tribe.

Dark Archive

I'm thinking about kreen fighter with multiweapon fighting, raised in a mercenary hive used as shock troopers and bodyguards by some militaristic empire. Perhaps elven? Now, is it possible to modify my kreen a little? Instead +2 to Wisdom score, I'd like to give him +2 to Intelligence score. I'm still not sure which class to take - fighter or ranger. Do we use PFPRG core classes, or your modifications?

LOL, I just had an idea for a Goblin Soulknife :)
Probably done before, but sounds fun none the less.

Dark Archive

Celestial Half-Porc wrote:

LOL, I just had an idea for a Goblin Soulknife :)

Probably done before, but sounds fun none the less.

In my Eberron campaign one player has Warforged monkey scout (small warforged prototype) soulknife. It's a great combination - but you should check out Dreamscarred Press variant of soulknife. Much better than original.

nightflier wrote:

So I can create kreen using the rules from the XPH? I'm not exactly clear on what you meant right now. Kreens are +2 LA in the rules, so I thought to start with 1 level of ranger. Did you mean that in addition to 2d8 racial hd and 1d10 of ranger I add 1d4?

Totally missed the racial HD lol (long day yesterday lol).

Hmmm. You mind dropping the bite attack? It just feels a little much, and having to deal with the poison rolls ontop of a bunch of natural attacks in a turn feels annoying.

I'm feeling... hmmm...

Probably best to just trade the racial hit dice for Ranger levels. Makes life simpler. If you really wanted them for whatever reason (will save bonus maybe?) Then I guess you can start as just a Thri-Kreen (whatever character concept you want of course, but the actual mechanical ranger levels wouldn't be there yet)

nightflier wrote:
I'm thinking about kreen fighter with multiweapon fighting, raised in a mercenary hive used as shock troopers and bodyguards by some militaristic empire. Perhaps elven? Now, is it possible to modify my kreen a little? Instead +2 to Wisdom score, I'd like to give him +2 to Intelligence score. I'm still not sure which class to take - fighter or ranger. Do we use PFPRG core classes, or your modifications?

This thread right here is Pathfinder as written

Dark Archive

Okay, I don't mind loosing bite attack. I'll go with two levels of ranger and then proceed to fighter. Questions: 1) Can I exchange racial bonus +2 to Wisdom for +2 to Inteligence? 2) At 2nd level of ranger PC receives Two-Weapon fighting - can I take Multiweapon fighting instead?

nightflier wrote:
Okay, I don't mind loosing bite attack. I'll go with two levels of ranger and then proceed to fighter. Questions: 1) Can I exchange racial bonus +2 to Wisdom for +2 to Inteligence? 2) At 2nd level of ranger PC receives Two-Weapon fighting - can I take Multiweapon fighting instead?

Looking to max skills huh. Works for me.

On both counts.

Dark Archive

At some later point I'll need some input from you about game world. My character concept is trained Hunter-Killer, gone rogue. His masters are militaristic empire, assassin sect, cult of an Elder God - whatever. But I'd like to tailor-fit the character to the world as much as possible.

This sounds like fun, am I right in understanding this is a PBP?
do you have room for another player?
I love making quirky off the wall characters...

nightflier wrote:
At some later point I'll need some input from you about game world. My character concept is trained Hunter-Killer, gone rogue. His masters are militaristic empire, assassin sect, cult of an Elder God - whatever. But I'd like to tailor-fit the character to the world as much as possible.

The game world is what we make of it my friend. It's renaissance level technology for the most part, but everything else is completely custom.

You and I Nightflier, together we shall rule the universe! Mwahahaha.

But in all seriousness, this is how I always run games. Start with a fresh world, build the players source locations, and then start play somewhere.

We might start all PC's in the same spot that is one of the people's locations, everybody might start independently in their location, or everybody could start out someplace that makes itself manifest during the opening post. Anything is possible my friend.

You decide what you want, militaristic empire, assassin sect, cult of an elder god, anything you like.

This is your gameworld nightflier, every bit as much as it is mine. Your character and his background are yours to create (with my help of course)

BelGareth wrote:

This sounds like fun, am I right in understanding this is a PBP?

do you have room for another player?
I love making quirky off the wall characters...

Play by post or Play by Chat, it isn't determined yet.

For those of you who have msn messenger, by all means please add me.


So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?
hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...

BelGareth wrote:

So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?

hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...

Pseudodragon ninja. I'm not sure what class or concept the imp is rolling with for sure. (the post might say but I haven't looked in a while)

BelGareth wrote:

So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?

hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...

Not an imp ninja, a psudodragon ninja and an undefined imp.

Caineach wrote:
BelGareth wrote:

So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?

hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...
Not an imp ninja, a psudodragon ninja and an undefined imp.

Speaking of ninja's ;)

*disappears in a puff of smoke after having epically ninja'd Caineach*

kyrt-ryder wrote:
BelGareth wrote:

So we have a Thri-Kreen Ranger/Fighter, Kobold Warmage and an IMP Ninja?

hmm I think I could conjur up something suitably crazy...
Pseudodragon ninja. I'm not sure what class or concept the imp is rolling with for sure. (the post might say but I haven't looked in a while)

and a ninja DM

edit: He even ninja'd my ninja comment !?!?!

nightflier wrote:
I'm thinking about kreen fighter with multiweapon fighting, raised in a mercenary hive used as shock troopers and bodyguards by some militaristic empire. Perhaps elven? Now, is it possible to modify my kreen a little? Instead +2 to Wisdom score, I'd like to give him +2 to Intelligence score. I'm still not sure which class to take - fighter or ranger. Do we use PFPRG core classes, or your modifications?

More fun; APG Summoner with an eidolon with multiweapon fighting. By level 20, it could wield 13 greatswords.

Viletta Vadim wrote:
nightflier wrote:
I'm thinking about kreen fighter with multiweapon fighting, raised in a mercenary hive used as shock troopers and bodyguards by some militaristic empire. Perhaps elven? Now, is it possible to modify my kreen a little? Instead +2 to Wisdom score, I'd like to give him +2 to Intelligence score. I'm still not sure which class to take - fighter or ranger. Do we use PFPRG core classes, or your modifications?
More fun; APG Summoner with an eidolon with multiweapon fighting. By level 20, it could wield 13 greatswords.

Possible, though it seems rather... non-stylish to me.

I know I wouldn't go that route lol. (Not as though you couldn't get something roughly as badass via natural attacks)

Lots of Small beings, methinks a Large guy is needed here...
I'm thinking an Ogre(Can't recall HD I don't have acces to my books) or maybe a Goliath WereBear or something similar, I think the Wear bear is nerfed a little in PFRPG so I will be able to use it. (+2 CR or +3?)
Cause everyone knows a Pseudodragon, Imp, Kobold and a Thri-Kreen aren't complete without a Raging Large biped behind them!!!!

BelGareth wrote:

Lots of Small beings, methinks a Large guy is needed here...

I'm thinking an Ogre(Can't recall HD I don't have acces to my books) or maybe a Goliath WereBear or something similar, I think the Wear bear is nerfed a little in PFRPG so I will be able to use it. (+2 CR or +3?)
Cause everyone knows a Pseudodragon, Imp, Kobold and a Thri-Kreen aren't complete without a Raging Large biped behind them!!!!

Heh, you mean infront of them, breaking doors and skulls?

You might find half-ogre (it's the same template in both Races of Destiny and Savage Species, but keep in mind the official LA is +2)

I'll think it over and come up with something.

Also, to those who choose not to take a crazy race/template, I think I'll hand out an extra feat of their choosing.

Stock goliath oughta cut it, really. The nerfs on werecritters are just completely depressing. What's the world coming to when you can't make the players crap themselves with that 40+-strength ogre were-T-Rex? :P

Then again, the change in level rules do make an ogre somewhat more attractive an option.

Oh, and a fun toy I've always been fond of for my big beaters. Large platinum fullblade. Pretty much the ultimate BFS. Expensive as crap right now (+7,000g on top of, like, 500g base for masterwork), but you could barely afford it if you took the ranks in Craft: Weaponsmithing to make it yourself. Fullblade's from Arms and Equipment Guide. 2d8 two-handed exotic sword. 3d8 when large. Platinum's a weapon material from Magic of Faerun. You need proficiency again (meaning you need to be proficient twice with the large platinum fullblade), but it deals damage as if it were one size larger (4d8). Most importantly, it's twelve feet long and weighs almost a hundred pounds. ^^U (Alternately, if you go with a large, platinum bastard sword/waraxe for 3d8 and aim for a level of Exotic Weapon Master [Complete Warrior], you would then get you 2x strength damage when using that bastard sword two-handed, which could outweigh the extra damage from the fullblade. Particularly worthwhile on an ogre, with that crazy strength. And really, what self-respecting ogre doesn't go around swinging a giant katana? An ogre could even throw in Monkey Grip/Strongarm Bracers later to get a huge platinum bastard sword to get the 4d8 back.)

*Finds combat far more entertaining when kept short and brutal.*

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Possible, though it seems rather... non-stylish to me.

I know I wouldn't go that route lol. (Not as though you couldn't get something roughly as badass via natural attacks)

Oh, the multiwielding's all style. My grapple-heavy tentacle monster and I are well aware of the badassery of eidolon natural attacks.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Also, to those who choose not to take a crazy race/template, I think I'll hand out an extra feat of their choosing.

I don't suppose a wisdom of twenty is enough to convince you of my character's sanity, is it? :P

Profile added, he he

Yes, a Kobold qualifies for the bonus feat lol.

Viletta Vadim wrote:
stuff about platinum fullblade

Funny you should mention that. In a 3.5 game I'm in right now I helped a friend of mine come up with an OA Samurai for it. He's playing a Tengu (slightly tweaked, but with Swordmaster still in place)

His ancestral Daisho is an O'dachi, somewhat Sephiroth like (though it's packing a healthy amount of it's weight in it's width so it's not quite so long, 8 feet, just short enough it can be worn over the shoulder at the right angle) is a Large sized Platinum fullblade.

He's a spring attack vital striking skirmisher.

(Also, the Fullblade IS a 1 handed weapon, it just requires two hands to use if your smaller, but that doesn't change it's nature as a 2 handed weapon. Hence why the Samurai just took a level in Exotic Weapon Master.)

Alrighty, so far the concept that is sticking my brain above all others is of a LE outsider that is charged by some infernal general to come to the material plane. While on the material plane his mission is to help evil souls shed their mortal coil (preferably through violence) to bolster the ranks of the infernal legions in the ceaseless battles of the Blood War!

As far as the outsider goes, my first thought was to use a custom PFRPG tiefling using the tables from Pathfinder #25. My second thought (what with all the crazy shenanigans going on here) was a legion devil (merregon) from Fiendish Codex II.

As for the class, pathfinder paladin all the way. Maybe with some changes to smite evil (less about killing dragons, undead, and outsiders and possibly a focus on humans!)

The only other concept swimming in my brain was a character based on "the operative" from the film Serenity. A cold, calculating, and utterly ruthless killer, but he is killing to help the great good. Not so much out of need to redeem himself (knowing full well that some of the things he does are irredeemable) but to ensure a better future. Race was undecided but the class would have been the inquisitor from the APG playtest.

EDIT: Dammit all, I just remembered that I always wanted to run a Deathmaster from the Dragon Compendium as well! Too many options in this free reign scenario!

Lumbo wrote:

Alrighty, so far the concept that is sticking my brain above all others is of a LE outsider that is charged by some infernal general to come to the material plane. While on the material plane his mission is to help evil souls shed their mortal coil (preferably through violence) to bolster the ranks of the infernal legions in the ceaseless battles of the Blood War!

As far as the outsider goes, my first thought was to use a custom PFRPG tiefling using the tables from Pathfinder #25. My second thought (what with all the crazy shenanigans going on here) was a legion devil (merregon) from Fiendish Codex II.

As for the class, pathfinder paladin all the way. Maybe with some changes to smite evil (less about killing dragons, undead, and outsiders and possibly a focus on humans!)

The only other concept swimming in my brain was a character based on "the operative" from the film Serenity. A cold, calculating, and utterly ruthless killer, but he is killing to help the great good. Not so much out of need to redeem himself (knowing full well that some of the things he does are irredeemable) but to ensure a better future. Race was undecided but the class would have been the inquisitor from the APG playtest.

Both of them sound interesting. So far we really don't have a full stealth type, so the inquisitor might be the better option. However, if you really want to go the legion devil (or tiefling) route, your welcome to.

Lumbo wrote:

EDIT: Dammit all, I just remembered that I always wanted to run a Deathmaster from the Dragon Compendium as well! Too many options in this free reign scenario!

Hahaha, if worst comes to worst you could either A: roll a die to choose which to build, or B: write up all the characters and then choose from them once their done.

Brazus the Azer Monk is here. By the god Brighid, I walk among thee.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Both of them sound interesting. So far we really don't have a full stealth type, so the inquisitor might be the better option. However, if you really want to go the legion devil (or tiefling) route, your welcome to.

We have a nernja don't we? That is a full stealth type is it not?

I think the solution is to write em up. If I can't decide then 1d3 it is! lol

So Azers are listed as Extraplanar Outsiders. Should I change that to Native for RP sake.

Nah, extraplanar works pretty well (plus it gives you a small Achilles heel in banishment effects, don't worry I don't plan to use them often and if I did you'd just go to the plane of fire until you managed to work your way back.)

Lumbo wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

Both of them sound interesting. So far we really don't have a full stealth type, so the inquisitor might be the better option. However, if you really want to go the legion devil (or tiefling) route, your welcome to.

We have a nernja don't we? That is a full stealth type is it not?

I think the solution is to write em up. If I can't decide then 1d3 it is! lol

Your right, for some reason I was thinking combat focused ninja battles (Ninja Assassin type stuff, not so much sneaking and such)

Yeah, write em up, and we'll see which one looks coolest.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Nah, extraplanar works pretty well (plus it gives you a small Achilles heel in banishment effects, don't worry I don't plan to use them often and if I did you'd just go to the plane of fire until you managed to work your way back.)

That would be fun :) I could meet my maker.

Brazus wrote:
So Azers are listed as Extraplanar Outsiders. Should I change that to Native for RP sake.

Have you looked at the rest of the party :)

Haha, very true. I'm just trying to get out of paying for and carrying around rations and a waterskin ;)

Do we use standard 3rd level wealth from the Pathfinder Core Book? I am gonna have a lot of money left, not having to spend it on food water and armor, or very many weapons at that.

Brazus wrote:
Do we use standard 3rd level wealth from the Pathfinder Core Book? I am gonna have a lot of money left, not having to spend it on food water and armor, or very many weapons at that.

Yeah, standard wealth.

Oh, that's another thing, nobody really needs to worry about food and water that much. Having a magic item that makes both could be useful to prevent you from having to get ahold of it in game, but the little nickel and dime food-stuffs aspect isn't a big deal.

Decided on tiefling paladin what for the bolstering of hell's ranks.

Now to work on the Death Master!

Naboriax wrote:

Decided on tiefling paladin what for the bolstering of hell's ranks.

Now to work on the Death Master!

Looks good Lumbo.

Lumbo wrote:

We have a nernja don't we? That is a full stealth type is it not?

I think the solution is to write em up. If I can't decide then 1d3 it is! lol

We do have a Ninja, and a super sneaky one at that. Pseudodragon means +8 stealth from size, another +4 from race, and another +4 still if we're in a forest.

And my Warmage is pretty sneaky, too. Being a kobold, he/she gets Stealth as a class skill, and the first Arcane Disciple feat I'm taking is Trickery.

However, stealth is one of those things where, the more people in the team have it, the more options there are overall.

I will probably only be able to actually play if it's a PBP game. I'm full up as far as gaming is concerned until I get my schedule set up.

You said it was a renaissance style game? Do we get guns? Regardless, I was thinking of playing a duelist style character using the cavalier class. He's a nobleman who travels the land in search of challenges to his skill. If the game gets to high levels I will probably shoot for the duelist prestige class. I was thinking either a human or an elf for this one, although if I play an elf they are not snooty and totally Spanish. The county he hails from is a small Switzerland like deal with much larger countries with more powerful armies on all sides. Despite this, his country has remained mostly untouched due to the great skill of their craftsmen and mercenaries. The king issued an edict some 200 years ago that proclaimed that all his subjects past a certain age would be trained in certain weapons should they need to protect their land. This, along with their mountains being neigh impassable, has kept other countries from breaking their trade agreements to invade the quite prosperous country.

The nobleman's father and mother were married at a young age. As the years stretched on after he was born, a rift grew in-between them, and they only pretended to be happy during banquets and other large social events. The nobleman slowly grew to hate his parents and their calculated and separate ways. He was a Lothario for a year or so, but the embrace of the country's women always left him wanting. At one banquet, he mistakenly acquainted himself with a young woman who already had a suitor, and was challenged to a duel for her hand. His parents were furious, so he graciously accepted. In the duel, he narrowly escaped a nasty stomach wound and struck his foe just below the collarbone, leaving him helpless in later years without the aid of healing magic. The nobleman was restricted to his room for a whole month, bereft of the company of any woman. All that interested him in his quarters was his great grandfather's blade. As he practiced, each swing rang with the cries of foes he would someday maim. Each muscle tore like the flesh of his enemies. Each flash of the blade revealed the faces of men who were about to die.

And the nobleman couldn't have been happier.

To die in battle, to seek meaning in violence though he knew he would never find any, surely that was better than suffering and dying slowly without any happiness as his parents did.

When he was released from his bond, he calmly explained to his parents that he must leave, to think further about the error of his ways, and that he would come back with a bride. He took his father's horse and vowed once he was out of the gates never to return until both his parents were dead and buried. His great grandfather's sword hurried him along, and the first man he slew in a duel was in a nearby town, over a drink.

Now a gentle face upon that horse wanders out of the sunset. The intricate stitching and patterns of the hat and cloak betrays that he is of elegant taste, and his great clanking pack upon the horse's side is clearly armor of some make or another. As the sword is drawn, the man's lips part to reveal a grin that chills men to their bones. His eyes betray his intent to slay all before him who would provide a challenge to his skill.

Viletta Vadim wrote:

Eric Swanson wrote:
Do you need a friendly sidekick, he he?
Did I mention I had a cult before the reincarnation? :P *Would totally dig a minion... er... 'companion.'* You could even be my high priest. :D

Ran a game once with a similar duo, had one necromancer who wanted to become a god and started a cult. Another player played a psion minion who'd rewrite people's memories to help attract followers. Game never got too far, which was a shame because the characters were awesome.

Think I'll be watching this game with some interest if it runs. Good luck :p

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