25 Years of Marital Bliss

Off-Topic Discussions

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I guess it's less about 'the gift' and more about 'the thought'.

That you are thinking about it enough to come seek ideas is a great start, and can only get better from there. I tend to find that most women mellow a bit with age and are less concerned with toys and trinkets, because those can simply be 'bought without thought' and appreciate the choices you make that show you care.

Half the time you can get miles of appreciation just by giving them a 'day off' where you take care of everything - and they can stop feeling the odd need to be super organised and on top of everything.

Get the house clean on day 1, take her out for a day spa on day 2... have a tub and a massage and get a pedicure together - you will also get to feel odd and awkward with someone taking an angle grinder to your feet.

Make sure there's some nice chocolate and a bottle of champagne (middle of the road is fine in a pinch) when you get home, then show her the nifty montage photo/video.

As long as it all says "I care", your work on Earth is done.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Those sneaksy womenfolk. Mine tries to find my hiding places. Happily, she's short and in the new place there are shelves she even has trouble accessing with the ladder. Ha-ha!

I hid my wife's engagement ring under the spare tire in the trunk. It is a great spot for hiding small things.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Those sneaksy womenfolk. Mine tries to find my hiding places. Happily, she's short and in the new place there are shelves she even has trouble accessing with the ladder. Ha-ha!
I hid my wife's engagement ring under the spare tire in the trunk. It is a great spot for hiding small things.

Too bad I can't hide my wife there so I can get my project done. Darn sneaky wives. Shoulda told her I was looking at porn on the computer. ;)

I usually hide stuff with my role playing books. My wife would not go near them if her life depended on it.

I wonder if she is familiar with the work of Jack Chick.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:

I wonder if she is familiar with the work of Jack Chick.

You going to try to hide stuff now with your Jack Chick collection?

Hey, it helped Jack hide his ignorance…which is no small feat.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Hey, it helped Jack hide his ignorance…which is no small feat.

This is where Chick would point out the logical fallacy in your statement.

Man! This woman has pictures squirreled away everywhere!

Emperor7, great is the quest you have undertaken.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Emperor7, great is the quest you have undertaken.

*sigh* Yeppers. Knew that going in. I spent about 12 hours putting one of these together for my mother. Find the pics, scan the pics, place the scans into the program. 94 images so far. Must find some childhood pics of us, then dig thru Zerox boxes of pics in the garage. The price of our mutual disorganization. *sigh*

I'm skipping the photo album. She's aware of what's going on and has commented about things going back where they were found. We can always work on an album together if she likes the DVD, and maybe add the dozens of ticket stubs she's saved from events over the years.

Actually, I think the kids will get bug-eyed watching this. They probably don't remember all the good times as much as they remember the less frequent bad times. A life lesson for us all, I suspect.

Is this where I loose my man-card for admitting I like to do digital scrapbooking?

CourtFool wrote:
Is this where I loose my man-card for admitting I like to do digital scrapbooking?

You had a man-card to begin with??

Urizen wrote:
You had a man-card to begin with??

I think I stole Callous Jack's. He wasn't using it.

CourtFool wrote:
Urizen wrote:
You had a man-card to begin with??
I think I stole Callous Jack's. He wasn't using it.

Make sure you don't get it mixed up with that Get Out of Closet Free card. Ever since Monopoly made the switch, things were never the same again.

Urizen wrote:
Make sure you don't get it mixed up with that Get Out of Closet Free card.

Is that a gay joke! Are you bashing gays? Huh? Huh?

Just giving you a hard time. I could just hump your leg if you prefer.

CourtFool wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Make sure you don't get it mixed up with that Get Out of Closet Free card.
Is that a gay joke! Are you bashing gays? Huh? Huh?

No way! I'm a closet lesbian, myself.

CourtFool wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

line forms to the left behind my bulldog!

CourtFool wrote:
Is this where I loose my man-card for admitting I like to do digital scrapbooking?

Like you'd care about that. Now, if you lost your Kennel Club card you'd be crying.

Emperor7 wrote:
Like you'd care about that. Now, if you lost your Kennel Club card you'd be crying.

I'm dog enough to admit I like bubble baths.

CourtFool wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Like you'd care about that. Now, if you lost your Kennel Club card you'd be crying.
I'm dog enough to admit I like bubble baths.

Well, you are a poodle after all.

135 pics loaded. I've probably gone thru 3000 pics to get those. *sigh*

At 5 seconds per the show should be about 11 minutes long. A couple ones to chase down yet, and then we can begin production. Yay!

In my opinion, that is a bit long. Especially if you are going to make family and friends sit through it. After a couple minutes, they will be heading for the hills.

I would cut it down to one song.

What is that quote about editing? If you are not dying inside while you are cutting, you are not doing it right.

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
Urizen wrote:
You had a man-card to begin with??
I think I stole Callous Jack's. He wasn't using it.

Hey, I just helped cut firewood and I have to some plumbing today. Give that back!

CourtFool wrote:

In my opinion, that is a bit long. Especially if you are going to make family and friends sit through it. After a couple minutes, they will be heading for the hills.

I would cut it down to one song.

What is that quote about editing? If you are not dying inside while you are cutting, you are not doing it right.

I can always time it for 1 image per 3 seconds. Once the final cuts are done. Too many kid pictures methinks, but that's what happens with 4 kids and 25 years.

Since my wife is the Keeper of All Knowledge, and she figured out what I was working on, I had her point out the other stashes of photos. OMG! I was only halfway done! So the revised plan is the DVD with US, then a photo slideshow for the 250 some-odd pics of US and the kids.

Now I know why we've always been broke. Our money went to film. At least we've been mostly digital for the last 5 yrs.

Well, the weekend is here. Photo DVD is ready, party is planned, and now we just have to book a hotel for Sunday night. It looks like the MGM Grand in Detroit.

I think I may sneak out and find something silver for my wife.

Woo hoo!

Good luck! Hope it all goes well and smooth for the both of you this weekend. :D

Don't forget the little blue pills. ;)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Congratulations, Emperor7, and enjoy your weekend!

Have a great time, E7!

Thank you all!

Very fun party. The DVD was a hit. Snuck away for a mini-vacation. spent money, ate food, gambled and lost. Looks like she's stuck with me for 25 more. ;)

Thanks all for the input and well wishes!

Sweet! Today is the anniversary of the day my now wife and I got together. Gonna go get some of those new roses that live forever.

How many years, Mairk?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Sweet! Today is the anniversary of the day my now wife and I got together. Gonna go get some of those new roses that live forever.

Cool! Congrats!

We're coming up on our 29th anniversary of 'going together' on 2/12. (High school sweethearts) Luckily our kids got us musical tickets and dinner certificates for the 13th, so that will be our celebration date.

Be sure to spoil your princess rotten today!

I am glad it went well, Emperor7.

Congratulations, Mairkurion {tm}.

Thanks, guys. We've passed the 8 year mark (being together, married later). And FYI, "forever" in rose years is 6 months or more. Still, pretty darn impressive, and when Mrs. M came home she was impressed at the arrangement I made of them.

EDIT: Sorry if I horned in on your thread, Emperor.

How did you arrange it? American Beauty DVD cover style? ;)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Thanks, guys. We've passed the 8 year mark (being together, married later). And FYI, "forever" in rose years is 6 months or more. Still, pretty darn impressive, and when Mrs. M came home she was impressed at the arrangement I made of them.

EDIT: Sorry if I horned in on your thread, Emperor.

No way. This thread celebrates EXACTLY that. Our special day is now past, and we work on new ones. You're doing the same. :)

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