Pathfinder Society Recruitment in Northern California

Local Play

The Exchange

Hi, all. I'm a fairly new GM (gaming for about a year and a half, GMing for most of that) and I'm currently looking for more players for my 1-2 times monthly Pathfinder Society game held in Ukiah, California.

We're square in the middle of Mendocino County and all comers are welcome- the more the better. We held out first session recently and I am going to be running another on January 16th, starting at 4:30PM.

The location is Crossover Comics and Games, our FLGS, and walk-ins are very much welcome. Our first game had a good turn-out of 5 players, but not all will be available for every session, so I encourage anybody in the area (or willing to drive there) to join us next month for PS #4, The Frozen Fingers of Midnight.

The Exchange 3/5

Hi wOnk,

We're close, but not super close, but maybe join this: ?

I got married in Mendo and would happily drive up again for a weekend of games, but would love to see your games posted. We also have players from Sonoma, Napa, and Sacto counties...there could definitely be an overlap.

Rock on,


w0nkothesane wrote:

Hi, all. I'm a fairly new GM (gaming for about a year and a half, GMing for most of that) and I'm currently looking for more players for my 1-2 times monthly Pathfinder Society game held in Ukiah, California.

We're square in the middle of Mendocino County and all comers are welcome- the more the better. We held out first session recently and I am going to be running another on January 16th, starting at 4:30PM.

The location is Crossover Comics and Games, our FLGS, and walk-ins are very much welcome. Our first game had a good turn-out of 5 players, but not all will be available for every session, so I encourage anybody in the area (or willing to drive there) to join us next month for PS #4, The Frozen Fingers of Midnight.

The Exchange

Thank you for the link, I've just joined the group. I'll begin posting my games there, as well. I may even grab the occasional opportunity to drive down and play if the moons (err, schedules) line up properly.

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