Class Options Volume 2: Paladins Prevail, now on sale!

Product Discussion

Paladins Prevail!

Stalwart knight. Bringer of justice. Defender of the weak. The paladin fulfills many roles. This Pathfinder compatible supplement allows a player to individualize a paladin based on how he imagines his character's faith manifests as abilities and powers. New class abilities are presented in a modular format, encouraging a mix-and-match approach to character construction, enabling greater variety, and allowing paladins of any level to benefit from Paladins Prevail. You will also find suggested combinations of these abilities and a series of new feats all paladins can use.

On sale now at RPGNOW!

I'm pleased to annoucne that Paladins prevail is now on sale here at Paizo!

Paladins Prevail

David Jarvis 54 wrote:

I'm pleased to annoucne that Paladins prevail is now on sale here at Paizo!

Paladins Prevail

I can hardly wait to see what you do for rangers!

any thoughts on this product from someone who has it? Looks pretty cool on its face

how many extra feats does the holy warrior get?

MerrikCale wrote:
how many extra feats does the holy warrior get?

Thanks for the question!

The Holy Warrior gets one bonus feat at 4th level. This feat must be a combat feat, and the paladin can select a combat feat that has fighter as a prerequisite. (Its assumed the feat selected will be Weapon Specialization.)

Other than that the Holy Warrior gets no extra feats. What the holy warrior is allowed to do is take Combat Feats that would normally only be available to a fighter at the respective level. So, for example, a 12th level holy warrior could select Weapon Specialization when a normal paladin could not.

I hope you like the product.

Stefen Styrsky wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
how many extra feats does the holy warrior get?

Thanks for the question!

The Holy Warrior gets one bonus feat at 4th level. This feat must be a combat feat, and the paladin can select a combat feat that has fighter as a prerequisite. (Its assumed the feat selected will be Weapon Specialization.)

Other than that the Holy Warrior gets no extra feats. What the holy warrior is allowed to do is take Combat Feats that would normally only be available to a fighter at the respective level. So, for example, a 12th level holy warrior could select Weapon Specialization when a normal paladin could not.

I hope you like the product.

Thats what I thought.


MerrikCale wrote:

Thats what I thought.


No problem. Thanks for reading it. Please let me know what you think of the piece. All criticism is welcome.

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