Looking for Maptool / Skype Pathfinder group.

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

I'm looking for a gaming group to join. I don't really care about the software used but it has to be real time. I have Fantasy Grounds and Maptool.

I am willing to DM a campaign if somebody else is willing to DM a game where I am a player.

The Exchange

xiN. wrote:

I'm looking for a gaming group to join. I don't really care about the software used but it has to be real time. I have Fantasy Grounds and Maptool.

I am willing to DM a campaign if somebody else is willing to DM a game where I am a player.

Might want to try here: http://groups.google.com/group/pathfinder-society-online-collective?hl=en

There usually are PFS games going on at different times, though it has been slow the last week or two (probably holiday season and what not has people busy)

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