Hellfrost Bestiary (Savage Worlds)

Product Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmmm... information and statistics on (over) 300 hazards, monsters, and citizens... this sounds really interesting... I'm also tempted to get this (and the Gazetteer too) and like I said on my post for the Gazetteer... is there a Campaign Setting book as well as the Bestiary and the (aforementioned) Gazetteer? Oh... and is this v.3.5? (Or another rules set...)

Sounds really, really interesting... and I'm very curious about this.




Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Hmmm... information and statistics on (over) 300 hazards, monsters, and citizens... this sounds really interesting... I'm also tempted to get this (and the Gazetteer too) and like I said on my post for the Gazetteer... is there a Campaign Setting book as well as the Bestiary and the (aforementioned) Gazetteer? Oh... and is this v.3.5? (Or another rules set...)

Sounds really, really interesting... and I'm very curious about this.




There is a Campaign Guide, and it's written for Savage Worlds. Rumor has it that there will be a Pathfinder version made.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Scranford... Hi... and thanks for posting.

Oooohhh a Pathfinder version rumor... interesting. (I've been reading another thread about Savage Worlds, and I got the impression that the setting/rules are not 3.5, but rather their own rules set.) So... that answers one question... and although it's not a "dealbreaker" per se... I'd be more tempted to purchase it, if it was 3.5 material. However, if that Pathfinder rumor is true, perhaps I'll wait a while before purchasing.


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Scranford... Hi... and thanks for posting.

Oooohhh a Pathfinder version rumor... interesting. (I've been reading another thread about Savage Worlds, and I got the impression that the setting/rules are not 3.5, but rather their own rules set.) So... that answers one question... and although it's not a "dealbreaker" per se... I'd be more tempted to purchase it, if it was 3.5 material. However, if that Pathfinder rumor is true, perhaps I'll wait a while before purchasing.


More than a rumor. After I posted I checked out the Pathfinder Compatibility license listing, on this site, and Triple Ace games states that they will be converting their Hellfrost setting for Pathfinder.

I have the campaign guide and it's really good stuff. A lot of fluff, and not to hard to convert. I've already stolen a lot of stuff from it for my upcoming adventure in Irrisen.

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