Hellfrost Gazetteer (Savage Worlds)

Product Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey... since it asked me to be the first... does that mean I beat Heathy posting on something? :O

Seriously though... this looks and sounds very interesting, does anyone know if this is v.3.5? And this is just the Gazetteer for the Campaign Setting... is that still available as well?

I'm really tempted to give this a look (and a purchase) but might hold off... for obvious reasons.

Thanks in Advance for any assistance provided.



Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

Hey... since it asked me to be the first... does that mean I beat Heathy posting on something? :O

Seriously though... this looks and sounds very interesting, does anyone know if this is v.3.5? And this is just the Gazetteer for the Campaign Setting... is that still available as well?

I'm really tempted to give this a look (and a purchase) but might hold off... for obvious reasons.

Thanks in Advance for any assistance provided.



This is for Savage Worlds, not 3.5. And I gather that the Gazetteer *is* the main campaign setting book, though there's also a Bestiary and a Player's Guide.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi Vic,

Thanks for letting me know that HellFrost isn't a 3.5/d20 system. I probably won't be purchasing it then, I'd rather stick with one rules/game setting... and that pazio's Pathfinder RPG.

Although it does sound interesting... no... no resist the urge to impulse buy RPG products... I need more basic flip-mats first. :P


This book is supposed to be rules free, or at least rules lite, so you could definitely run it in Pathfinder if you want.

This in combination with the 3.5 book about winter climates (forget the name) is an intriguing combination.

They have a preview here.

I just got this book off amazon and it is fantastic! Like I mentioned before, it is rules free, meaning you can run it in any game system you like with NO conversion work needed.

It contains a map in the back, and details each province or country. It breaks down each country's population, geography, religion, and government and details a number of interesting places within it. Some regions include a "Current Events" section which provide a number of adventure hooks for GM's to flesh out if they like.

Finally, they include a dozen or so evil organizations in chapter 2 to pit against your players. Again, these are rules free and are pure fluff.

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