Newbish Character Creation Help Needed pt 1

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

Pt 1 of what is sure to be a long saga :)

I'm in the process of creating a half-elf I'm at step 4 which tells me to "determine starting skill points and spend them as you see fit"...but I can't find anything in the rulebook about how to do that. I have a whole list of skills, but nothing to indicate how many starting points I get. Tables 4-1, 4-2, etc. don't look like the right ones for this. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Sorry about the "jeesh if he's too stupid to figure this out he shouldn't be playing" thought inducing moment, but I have other redeeming qualities (smiles). Thanks!

Near the beginning of the Ranger class' description, it tell you what your class skills are and how many skill points you get per level.

Welcome to Pathfinder. Very few on here will ever put you down for wanting to learn. On page 15 it tells you how the skill points are gained. table 4-1 is correct for determining the point to class values.

Liberty's Edge

Let me mention I'm also using PC Gen to help create this character in case that messes something up. I may just need to do this the old fashioned way :)

Ok...I have my list of class skills, and I see the "skill ranks" table. Rangers get 6 plus Int modifier, in my case I get 7 ranks of skills to put in my class skills? Can I put more than one rank in a skill (not that it's a good idea, just whether I can do it that way)?

You can only spend a number of skill points equal to your character level on any skill. At level 1, that means only 1 point in any skill. However, if you spent at least 1 skill point on any skill that is on your class skill list, you get a +3 modifier when you use that skil.

Liberty's Edge

Gryphon Gold wrote:
You can only spend a number of skill points equal to your character level on any skill. At level 1, that means only 1 point in any skill. However, if you spent at least 1 skill point on any skill that is on your class skill list, you get a +3 modifier when you use that skil. I can put 1 rank into 7 of my class skills then? For some reason PG Gen won't let me do's only allowing me to put 1 rank into 1 skill.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

John Brady 713 wrote: I can put 1 rank into 7 of my class skills then? For some reason PG Gen won't let me do's only allowing me to put 1 rank into 1 skill.

Are you sure you're not choosing your Skill Focus feat you get for being a half-elf? You should be able to place all seven ranks in any seven skills, not just your class skills. The only difference between class skills and non-class skills is that class skills provide you a one-time +3 bonus when you take your first rank in the skill.

Liberty's Edge

yoda8myhead wrote:

Are you sure you're not choosing your Skill Focus feat you get for being a half-elf? You should be able to place all seven ranks in any seven skills, not just your class skills. The only difference between class skills and non-class skills is that class skills provide you a one-time +3 bonus when you take your first rank in the skill.

Well, with PC Gen, I can't be sure of exactly what I'm doing...not the most intuitive thing I've ever seen.

I'm going to ditch it for the time being. I'll just do it manually, probably would have been done an hour ago if I'd done that from the start :)

Thanks for the help...I'm sure I'll be back when I get to Feats lol.

John Brady 713 wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:

Are you sure you're not choosing your Skill Focus feat you get for being a half-elf? You should be able to place all seven ranks in any seven skills, not just your class skills. The only difference between class skills and non-class skills is that class skills provide you a one-time +3 bonus when you take your first rank in the skill.

Well, with PC Gen, I can't be sure of exactly what I'm doing...not the most intuitive thing I've ever seen.

I'm going to ditch it for the time being. I'll just do it manually, probably would have been done an hour ago if I'd done that from the start :)

Thanks for the help...I'm sure I'll be back when I get to Feats lol.

i'd highly recommend Erian's excel sheet..

and here's the thread in the forums about it.. PG/communityContent/houseRules/erian7sExcelBasedCharacterSheet&page=1

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the help so far. I'm done with the Skills part, but once again I'm stymied in the Feats section. I know I get a bonus feat of Skill Focus as a racial...okay, that's easy. For the life of me, though, I can't find anything in either the 1st chapter, the Ranger section, or the Feats section that tells me what the *base* number of feats a level 1 Ranger gets. I've even looked at the other class sections, and there's no mention of it in any of them either. I've looked at the Core Rulebook until my eyes have glazed over...I don't work this hard at WORK for cryin' out loud :)

John Brady 713 wrote:

Thanks for the help so far. I'm done with the Skills part, but once again I'm stymied in the Feats section. I know I get a bonus feat of Skill Focus as a racial...okay, that's easy. For the life of me, though, I can't find anything in either the 1st chapter, the Ranger section, or the Feats section that tells me what the *base* number of feats a level 1 Ranger gets. I've even looked at the other class sections, and there's no mention of it in any of them either. I've looked at the Core Rulebook until my eyes have glazed over...I don't work this hard at WORK for cryin' out loud :)

look at table 3-1 on pg 30. Rangers get 1 feat at 1st level in addition to your half elf Skill Focus bonus feat. Try the sheet I linked above as well

Liberty's Edge

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? wrote:
John Brady 713 wrote:

Thanks for the help so far. I'm done with the Skills part, but once again I'm stymied in the Feats section. I know I get a bonus feat of Skill Focus as a racial...okay, that's easy. For the life of me, though, I can't find anything in either the 1st chapter, the Ranger section, or the Feats section that tells me what the *base* number of feats a level 1 Ranger gets. I've even looked at the other class sections, and there's no mention of it in any of them either. I've looked at the Core Rulebook until my eyes have glazed over...I don't work this hard at WORK for cryin' out loud :)

look at table 3-1 on pg 30. Rangers get 1 feat at 1st level in addition to your half elf Skill Focus bonus feat. Try the sheet I linked above as well

Thanks...don't know how the (*^*^*%&^%&)_*)(*)(*() I missed that :(.

I poked around with that spread sheet a little, but I couldn't figure out how to set my char level to 1 (it is at 0 by default, and I didn't see any way to change it, so it wouldn't let me put any skill ranks in as a result). At this point, my eyes are glazed over and I need to bag it for the day. I really really appreciate the help!! I think I got 90% of everything done, so I can pick it up again tomorrow.

John Brady 713 wrote:
Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? wrote:
John Brady 713 wrote:

Thanks for the help so far. I'm done with the Skills part, but once again I'm stymied in the Feats section. I know I get a bonus feat of Skill Focus as a racial...okay, that's easy. For the life of me, though, I can't find anything in either the 1st chapter, the Ranger section, or the Feats section that tells me what the *base* number of feats a level 1 Ranger gets. I've even looked at the other class sections, and there's no mention of it in any of them either. I've looked at the Core Rulebook until my eyes have glazed over...I don't work this hard at WORK for cryin' out loud :)

look at table 3-1 on pg 30. Rangers get 1 feat at 1st level in addition to your half elf Skill Focus bonus feat. Try the sheet I linked above as well

Thanks...don't know how the (*^*^*%&^%&)_*)(*)(*() I missed that :(.

I poked around with that spread sheet a little, but I couldn't figure out how to set my char level to 1 (it is at 0 by default, and I didn't see any way to change it, so it wouldn't let me put any skill ranks in as a result). At this point, my eyes are glazed over and I need to bag it for the day. I really really appreciate the help!! I think I got 90% of everything done, so I can pick it up again tomorrow.

You use the Character Options tab for a lot of the entries

Here's a screenshot of one of my character's

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Another good Excel character generator spreadsheet, fairly intuitive:

Forum about it:

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Callarek wrote:

Another good Excel character generator spreadsheet, fairly intuitive:

Forum about it:

This is the character generator I use.

yoda8myhead wrote:
Callarek wrote:

Another good Excel character generator spreadsheet, fairly intuitive:

Forum about it:

This is the character generator I use.

Give Erian's a look for sure. I used to use the one you do and this one is head and shoulders above in my opinion. It was just updated today with the new playtest classes..

Liberty's Edge

Once again thanks for all the help folks! I've gotten everything squared was a combination of being too tired and having too much information to sort through.

Everything is done, both me and another one of my group (housemate) created our characters and got them into one of the Excel based programs, and everything is good.

So...we're one step further on our path, as another buddy is headed over tomorrow, and I'll work with him to get a character created.

Dhéagláin wrote:

Once again thanks for all the help folks! I've gotten everything squared was a combination of being too tired and having too much information to sort through.

Everything is done, both me and another one of my group (housemate) created our characters and got them into one of the Excel based programs, and everything is good.

So...we're one step further on our path, as another buddy is headed over tomorrow, and I'll work with him to get a character created.

Congrats! You'll have a great time. Is everyone in your group new to the system?

Liberty's Edge

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? wrote:

Congrats! You'll have a great time. Is everyone in your group new to the system?

We're ALL new to it :) Only one of our group has much recent experience, he's in a current 3.5 group. We'll be looking for some general guidance from him I imagine, hopefully the difference between PF and 3.5 won't be so great that he can't help us.

In the meantime, we're trying to bone up on the rules. Don't know when we'll actually get to play, given our schedules. Everyone *wants* to play, but modern life is too hectic at times.

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