Lost in the Labryinth

Game Master DeJoker

Where are you? How did you get here? How do you get home? Where is home? You have awoken in a 10 foot by 10 foot room with a door with no knowledge of where you are from or how you got into this room. The door seems to hold your only answer but will it answer anything or just create more questions?

Lost in the Labryinth is a classic dungeon crawl and yet more than just that as this dungeon is huge and nearly self-sufficient with folks having been here for years without end. Some folks have given up and simply call it home, others still search for an exit, and some simply try to exploit those whom they can.

You are a cut above the normal folk, with talent, skill and determination but will that be enough to wrest your freedom from this eternal prison or will you become just another casualty within the Labyrinth. This is not based on any specific world setting as such you could come from just about any world setting as you do not recall exactly where you came form nor how you got here.

Starting Level

Players will start at 3rd Level and I would prefer players choose a single class to focus on, if you feel to make your character concept you need to grab some other class please talk to me as I could very possibly create a balanced single class that reflects what you are striving to do. However I do not like to mix the two types of magic in the world either you use Arcane magic or you use Divine magic and note Warlocks and Bards are both Divine spell casters not Arcane. Warlocks because by definition they get their magic from a higher power and Bards because they have Healing spells in their spell list they just indirectly or directly worship the Patron of the arts. Note if you want to start at a lower level you may and I may do something to compensate your character for that. As I know some folks actually like to start at 1st level.

Starting Attribute Points

Players will roll 5d6 and keep 3 for their attributes if you do not average a 13 or better you may choose to reroll all your attributes but it is an all or nothing deal.

Starting Backgrounds

Players choose two Skills to be proficient in that coincides with their chosen theme and/or personality. What I mean by this if you have chosen to play a big hulking fighting type they probably would not be proficient in Stealth or Arcana. If the character personality is focussed on being overly honorable or honest they probably would not be proficient in Deception. However, I do strive to make every Skill useful within my game so do not think that any skill is less important than another.

Players also choose either 2 Languages --or-- 1 Language and 1 Tool --or-- 2 Tools to be Proficient in. Which again should kind of dovetail into your character. Spell Casters start with an additional language that is used for magic which they do know how to read/write (aka Script) but everyone else only starts with their native tongue Spoken if you want to know Script in a language (if it has one) you must take it as an additional language. Further there is no "common" each race has a racial language. If you are Dwarf you get Dwarven and one other racial language or Dwarven Script based on your characters theme (aka what you envisioned their background to be that you do not remember).

Starting Personality

Now as standard everyone must have at least 2 Traits, 1 Ideal, 1 Bond, and 1 Flaw but I use an altered version of Inspiration that makes it much more useful thus it also rewards those who define their characters a bit more with taking more than the minimums. Of course per the guidelines, one's personality can change over time but for the most part they work as wonderful guide posts along with one's alignment.


Everyone is expected to have a Patron that they pay homage to (aka giving gifts to the temple) and may have more than one and individuals and groups can pray to a Patron and ask for a blessing that will sort of take the a form similar to a clerical spell. This ability for anyone to sort of cast a miracle is driven by ones understanding of Religion of course. Further if you happen to be a Cleric you have cantrips and spells already but you can greatly assist a group pray blessing prior to going out on an adventure. Also making a successful Religion check would also increase one's bonus to their endeavor by making sure they implored the right Patron for the type of endeavor they are looking to get a blessing for.

Character Advancment

Also instead of getting either 2 Attribute Points or 1 Feat every 4 levels you get 1 Attribute Point and 1 Feat at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, and 20th. Further yes a Feat might add an additional Attribute Point per normal. Also I do plan to be running this long enough for players to accomplish this.

However to graduate from 9th level to 10th level you have to have done something deemed Heroic (which should not be a problem if you are playing the heroes so-to-speak) and to achieve level 20 you have to have done something Epically Heroic. This means the number of NPCs that are above 9th level will be small as well and of course villains have a similar restriction but they need to achieve something Villainous and then Epically Villanous.