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![Vencarlo Orinsini](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A19_vencarlo_final.jpg)
I have just completed converting all of the haunts in the Skinsaw Murders to the PRPG rules using the guidelines provided by James on the boards and the info provided in Pathfinder #27.
Please feel free to give me feedback. I had to take some liberties and make some guesses to make some of the haunts work under the new rules, and I'm not sure if the are as good as they could be. Thanks.
Burning Manticore CR 3
XP 800
CN haunted area (area B2) - burning
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Perception DC 20 (catch a momentary whiff of burning hair and flesh)
hp 6
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect Atk +8 touch (4d6 fire damage; Reflex DC 15 to avoid catching fire). The flames burn only the haunted PC and cannot spread to other creatures of objects.
Worried Wife CR 4
XP 1200
LN haunted area (area B5) - universal
Caster Level 8th
Notice Perception DC 20 (hear a woman’s voice whisper “Lorey”—the name of Vorel and Kasanda’s daughter)
hp 8
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect Spell effect - suggestion to drag another PC out of the house to area B1 and into the carrionstorms outside; Will DC 14 resists.
Dance of Ruin CR 3
XP 800
CN persistent haunted area (area B7) - vengeful
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear the piano play a catchy but discordant Varisian song)
hp 14
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect Haunted PC takes 1 point of Strength damage every round for 6 rounds (DC 15 Will save ends the dance early). Once the dance ends, the affected PC is fatigued. If the character can be successfully grappled and pinned or otherwise stopped, Iesha shrieks in rage causing 1d2 Wisdom damage to all in the room (DC 15 Will save negates).
Iesha’s Vengeance CR 5
XP 1600
CE persistent haunted Diminutive object (scarf) - vengeful
Caster Level 5th
Notice Perception DC 15 (to notice the scarf moving on its own)
hp 22
AC 14 (+4 size); Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect When Iesha’s scarf unerringly wraps around the haunted character’s throat, he must make a DC 16 Will save to avoid being paralyzed with fear as a ghostly image of Aldern manifests before him and appears to be using the scarf to choke him to death; at the same moment, the haunted character loses sense of himself and believes he has become Iesha. He must then make a DC 16 Fortitude save—success indicates he merely takes 3d6 points of nonlethal damage, but failure indicates he is immediately reduced to –8 hit points and is dying.
Frightened Child CR 3
XP 800
CN haunted area (area B11) - obsessed
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear the sound of a child sobbing)
hp 6
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect DC 14 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage from the mind-numbing terror of the sight.
Phantom Phage CR 3
XP 800
LE haunted area (area B13) - festering
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear a child’s voice, quivering with fear, ask “What’s on your face, mommy?”)
hp 6
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect DC 14 Will save or the PC claws desperately at the flesh of his own face, dealing 1d6 points of damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage.
Misogynistic Rage CR 3
XP 800
LE persistent haunted area (area B15) - wrathful
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Sense Motive DC 15 (to notice a feeling of overwhelming hatred or women)
hp 14
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect When this haunt manifests, the haunted PC hears the sound of a woman’s shrill voice saying, “What do you get up to down in the damp below?” He must make a DC 14 Will save or be compelled to attack the closest female, using all of his capabilities in an attempt to kill the target—this haunting continues beyond the surprise round for 4 rounds. If no suitable target is within sight he instead attacks himself, leaping out the window if no weapon is handy.
Stricken Family CR 3
XP 800
NE haunted area (area B17) - universal
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Wisdom DC 10 (to notice the room start to grow cold)
hp 6
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect DC 14 Fort save or contract Vorel’s Phage (see Pathfinder #2); those that fail also see tiny splotches of mold and tender red bumps on their flesh, but until the disease has had a chance to incubate, these symptoms remain invisible to others.
Suicide Compulsion CR 4
XP 1200
CN haunted area (area B18) - insanity
Caster Level 4th
Notice Sense Motive DC 20 (to notice feeling the overwhelming conviction that he has just killed the person he loves the most)
hp 8
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect The haunted character must make a DC 15 Will save. Failure indicates he moves over to the desk and attempts a coup de grace action on himself with the jagged length of wood, dealing 2d4 + plus twice his Strength modifier points of damage on himself. He must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the damage dealt) to avoid being slain by this suicide attempt. If anyone tries to prevent the attempt, the haunted character makes a single attack against that person with the “dagger.” If he hits, the supernaturally guided strike automatically scores a critical hit. After this attack, the “dagger” turns back into wood.
Plummeting Inferno CR 4
XP 1200
CN haunted area (area B22) - burning
Caster Level 4th
Notice Wisdom DC 10 (to notice feeling uncomfortably hot)
hp 8
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect The haunted character must make a DC 16 Will save. If he fails, he is compelled to hurl himself through the unbroken window, taking 2d6 points of damage from the shattering glass and a further 1d6 points of damage from the fall onto the rooftop below. A weather vane on the roof makes a single +8 attack against the falling character; if it hits, the character takes another 1d6+7 points of damage, but his fall ends. If it fails to hit him, the character must make a DC 15 Reflex save. If that fails, he slides off the steep roof over the course of one round, whereupon he may make a final DC 10 Climb check to catch himself before falling 300 feet to the rocky surf below, taking 20d6 points of damage in the process.
Unfulfilled Glories CR 3
XP 800
NE haunted area (area B23) - insanity
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Sense Motive DC 15 (to notice the growing feeling of bitter disappointment)
hp 6
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect DC 14 Will save or take 1d6 points of Wisdom damage.
Origins of Lichdom CR 3
XP 800
CN persistent haunted area (area B29) - wrathful
Caster Level 3rd
Notice Perception DC 20 (to notice the stain-glass depiction of Vorel sneer)
hp 14
Weaknesses Calm emotions, dispel evil, and protection from evil or any effect that removes a fear effect used on the haunted character can end this haunt before the PC reaches B13.
Trigger touch; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect Once the haunted character receives the vision described above, she must make a DC 14 Will save or suddenly be filled with terror at the knowledge that Vorel has already succeeded in transforming himself into a lich, and must flee at top speed upstairs to try to find her “children” and rescue them. Anyone who gets in her way or tries to stop her suddenly seems to transform into Vorel, and the haunted character must attack that character to the best of her ability until she can continue on her flight up to area B13.
Ghoulish Uprising CR 4
XP 1200
CE haunted area (area B30) - obsessed
Caster Level 4th
Notice Wisdom DC 13 (to notice an increase in the stink of rotten flesh)
hp 8
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect As the ghouls reach for the haunted PC, she must make a DC 16 Will save to shake off the vision and regain her senses. If she fails, the ghouls grab her and begin to tear and bite at her flesh. Observers see the haunted PC jerk and thrash in the air as if she were being shaken by a mob, and suddenly deep red claw and bite wounds appear on her flesh. The haunted PC takes 6d6 points of damage from the assault (half on a DC 16 Fortitude save), and must make a DC 16 Fortitude save to resist catching ghoul fever (Pathfinder Bestiary 146).
Vorel’s Legacy CR 4
XP 1200
NE haunted area (area B37) - festering
Caster Level 4th
Notice Sense Motive DC 15 (to notice a sensation of vertigo)
hp 8
Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
Effect Spell effect: suggestion to eat the fungus; DC 15 Will resists.
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![Vencarlo Orinsini](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A19_vencarlo_final.jpg)
Can you link to these guidlines please? Is Pathfinder #27 required to convert the haunts, or are the guidlines enough?
Mr. Jacobs posted his rough draft of the guidelines here. However, the guidelines seem a bit more polished in AP #27, plus there are a few actual examples in the adventure itself. The final haunt rules will be in the Gamemastery Guide, due out in February or March.
joecoolives |
I have just completed converting all of the haunts in the Skinsaw Murders to the PRPG rules using the guidelines provided by James on the boards and the info provided in Pathfinder #27.
Please feel free to give me feedback. I had to take some liberties and make some guesses to make some of the haunts work under the new rules, and I'm not sure if the are as good as they could be. Thanks.
** spoiler omitted **...
How do you score exp. from a haunt? Do you have to destroy it? Or can you get exp. for resisting the efects? My players never keyed into the channel positive energy yet or even tried to do a Knowledge religion check. So they are facing the haunts, and doing rather well with the saves. But, I was thinking that I would give Full exp for destruction. Half for a positive save. Nothing for failure.
How is it suposed to be?
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![Vencarlo Orinsini](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A19_vencarlo_final.jpg)
How do you score exp. from a haunt? Do you have to destroy it? Or can you get exp. for resisting the efects? My players never keyed into the channel positive energy yet or even tried to do a Knowledge religion check. So they are facing the haunts, and doing rather well with the saves. But, I was thinking that I would give Full exp for destruction. Half for a positive save. Nothing for failure.
How is it suposed to be?
I believe the PCs earn CR-appropriate xp for experiencing the haunt, regardless of whether they destroy it or not. This is similar to the xp gained from surviving/disarming a trap or gaining xp as a story reward.