Anthony Kane |
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Alternate Hexblade: Invocations rather than spells
Credit to: SmiloDan for the rebuild of the Warlock found in the thread Pathfinder Truenamer.
Thanks to anyone who assisted with suggestions or ideas for this.
Reasons for attempting said experiment:
-The Hexblade was printed before complete Arcane and thus the whole Invocation systme had yet to be developed or released.
-The Duskblade is a better arcane caster/warrior combination and pretty much shelves the Hexblade.
-Invocations seem more fitting: at least thematically. Therefore rather than try to make the Hexblade compete for "best warrior/caster" class, I chose to provide my players with something more unique. A martial character with some invocation progression.
Some things I did change:
-I reduced the Hexpower progression from SmiloDan's version. Rather than gaining a Hex Power at every even level they now gain a hex power at levels 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18. (originally I counted 9 hex powers, but it was gained 10 times?). This allows for some further customization between Hexblade A vs hexblade b.
-I dropped the Familiar or Arcane bond feature as well as Quick curse ability. Replaced with Baleful Strike
-Increase Aura of Unluck from 20% to 25% when gained at 20th level
-Updated bonus feat list. Pulling feats not usable with invocations. Replaced with new ones.
edit: after some discussion with some friends we found that the hex pool system needed some reworking. Both in terms of the overall points in the Hex Pool and some of the costs. They have been reworked (see below).
So here is the first draft. Let me know what you think.
Hit Die: D10
Base Attack Bonus: Good (+20/+15/+10/+5 @ 2th level)
Saves Fort: Poor/Reflex: Poor/Will Power: Good
Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifierLevel/Special
1.) Hexblade's Curse (-2), Hex Pool
2.) Eldritch Resistance, Hex Power
3.) Mettle
4.) Bonus Feat, invocation (least)
5.) Baleful Strike
6.) Hex Power
7.) Improved Hexblade's Curse (-4)
8.) Bonus Feat
9.) Aura of Unluck (25%)
10.) Hex Power
11.) Baleful Luck, invocation (least, lesser)
12.) Bonus Feat
13.) Greater Hexblade's Curse (-6)
14.) Hex Power
15.) Baleful Strike (full attack)
16.) Bonus Feat
17.) Greater Aura of Unluck (50%)
18.) Hex Power, invocation (least, lesser, greater)
19.) Dire Hexblade's Curse (-8)
20.) Bonus Feat, Reversal of FortuneHexblade Invocation Progression:
*Note the Hexblade receives no invocations before 4th level.
-After 4th level the Hexblades's caster level is equal to his Hexblade level -3Level/Invocations Known
4.) 1 (least)
5.) 1
6.) 2
7.) 2
8.) 3
9.) 3
10.) 3
11.) 4 (least & Lesser)
12.) 4
13.) 5
14.) 5
15.) 6
16.) 6
17.) 6
18.) 7 (least, lesser, and greater)
19.) 7
20.) 8
Class Features: The following are class features for the Hexblade.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hexblades are proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor, but not with shields. Because the somatic components required for invocations are relatively simple, a hexblade can use any of his invocations while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However like arcane spell casters a hexblade wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a normal chance for arcane spell failure.
Hex Pool (Su): A Hexblade has a Hex Pool equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) + 1/2 class level (minimum of 1 hex point at 1st level). His Hex Pool is replenished each day. The Hexblade spends points from his Hex Pool to power his Hexblade's Curse and Hex Power abilities.
Hexblade's Curse (Su): As a swift action, the Hexblade can target an opponent within 60 feet with his Hexblade's Curse. The Hexblade must spend at least 1 point from his Hex Pool to activate this power; the duration of the Hexblade's Curse is equal to a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the Hexblade's Class level + Charisma Modifier. The opponent is allowed a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Hexblade's class level + his Charisma modifier to avoid the Hexblade's Curse. If the opponent fails the Will Save, the opponent takes a -2 luck penalty to its Ability Checks, AC, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks for the duration of the Hexblade's Curse.
At 7th level, the luck penalty increases to -4. At 13th level, it increases to -6, and at 19th level, it increases to -8.
Eldritch Resistance (Su): At 2nd level, so long as a hexblade has 1 hex point remaining in their hex pool (see above), the hexblade gains a bonus equal to his charisma modifier on all saving throws vs. spells and spell like affects.
Hex Power (Su): The Hexblade is adept at using power of luck to hinder his enemies and aid himself. At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Hexblade selects one of the following abilities. Using a Hex Power is an immediate action unless otherwise stated. The Hexblade must accept the results of the reroll even if the result was worse than the initial roll. Since hex points spent to force rerolls using Hex powers are immediate actions the hexblade can only force one reroll per round.
Hex Powers:
-Hexed Ability: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an ability check by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own ability check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool.-Hexed Attack: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an attack roll by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own attack roll by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Spell Damage: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a spell's damage roll by spending 3 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own spell damage roll by spending 6 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Weapon Damage: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a weapon's damage roll by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own weapon damage roll by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Save: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a saving throw by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own saving throw by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Caster: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a caster level check by spending 3 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own caster level check by spending 6 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Skill: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a skill check by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own skill check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool.
-Hexed Reaction: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll an initiative check by spending 2 points from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own initiative check by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool. This use of Hex Power does not take an action; it occurs prior to actions being taken.
-Hexed Prowess: The Hexblade can force an opponent to re-roll a Combat Manuver Check by spending 2 point from his Hex Pool, or the Hexblade can re-roll his own Combat Manuver Check by spending 4 points from his Hex Pool.
Mettle (Ex): If the Hexblade makes a successful Fortitude or Will save that normally results in a partial effect, the Hexblade instead avoids all harmful effects.
Bonus Feat: At levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20, the Hexblade gains a bonus feat from the following list. He must meet all requirements of the selected feat.Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Empower Spell-Like Ability, Extra Invocation, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell-Like Ability, Maximize Spell-Like Ability, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus.
Invocations (Sp): A hexblade does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, starting at 4th level, hexblades start to possess a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities, known as invocations that require them to focus the wild energies that suffuses his soul. A hexblade can use any invocation he knows at will, unless stated otherwise in an invocations description, with the following qualifications.
A Hexblades invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. A hexblade is entiled to a concentration check to successfully use an invocation if he is hit by an attack while invoking, just as a spell caster would be. A hexblade can choose to use an invocation defensively, by making a successful concentration check, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. A hexblades invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation's description states otherwise. At first level a hexblade has no caster level. At 4th level when a hexblade gains their invocations their caster level is equal to their class level – 3.
The save DC for an invocation (if it allows a save) is 10 + equivalent spell level + the hexblade's charisma modifier. Since spell like abilities are not actually spells, a hexblade cannot benefit from the spell focus feat. A hexblade can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat (see page 303 of the D&D 3.5 Monster Manual), as well as feats that emulate meta-magic effects for spell-like abilities.
The four grades of Invocations, in order of their relative power, are Least, Lesser, Greater and Dark. At 4th level the hexblade receives an invocation which must be of the lowest invocation grade, least. As a hexblade gains levels he learns new invocations (see above table). A list of available invocations (that is subject to growth) will be found after the class description. Complete descriptions for each invocation can be found in the following source books (Complete Arcane and Complete Mage).
At any level when a hexblade gains a new invocation, he can also choose to replace an invocation he already knows with another invocation of the same grade or lower.
Finally, unlike other spell-like abilities, invocations are subject to arcane spell failure chance as described under the weapon and armor proficiency entry above. Hexblades follow the normal rules as Warlocks for qualifying for prestige classes, with the following exception: Unlike the Warlock, the a Prestige class that grants an increase to spell casting, does not increase a hexblades Eldritch Blast since the hexblade has not Eldritch blast class ability.
Baleful Strike (melee attack) (Sp): At 5th level a Hexblade can, as part of a standard action, imbue his weapon with the power of his Hexblade's Curse (see above entry). He spends 3 hex points, and the next creature that the hexblade strikes in melee must make a Will Power saving throw equal to the hexblade's attack roll + Charisma Modifier or be affected by the Hexblade's Curse ability that was imbued into the weapon. If a full round elapses and the Hexblade has still not made an attack, the hex points are returned to the hexblade's hex pool (see above).
Aura of Unluck (Su): At 9th level, by spending 1 point from his Hex Pool as an immediate action, all attack rolls against the Hexblade have a 25% miss chance for 1 round. At 17th level, the miss chance increases to 50%.
Baleful Luck (Su): At 11th level, when using his Hex Power against an opponent, the Hexblade applies a luck penalty equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) to his opponent's reroll. When using his Hex Power to benefit from a re-roll himself, the Hexblade adds his Charisma bonus (if any) as a luck bonus to the results of the reroll.
Baleful Strike (full attack) (Sp): At 15th level a Hexblade's baleful strike class feature improves. He can now spend 3 hex points as part of a swift action, and every creature that is struck in melee that round is subject the effect of the Hexblade's Curse ability and must make a Will Power saving throw vs a DC equal to the attack roll made against the subject + the hexblade's charisma modifier. If a full round elapses and the Hexblade has still not made an attack, the hex points are returned to the hexblade's hex pool (see above).
Reversal of Fortune (Su): At 20th level, by spending 10 points from his Hex Pool as an immediate action, he can treat any failure as a success, or treat a Natural 1 as a Natural 20. Furthermore, by spending 10 points from his Hex Pool as an immediate action, he can also force any opponent he has line of effect to to treat any success as a failure, or a Natural 20 as a Natural 1.
Hexblade Invocation List
Invocations marked with an * are from Complete Mage.Least:
Beguiling Influence, Breath of Night, Dark One's Own Luck, Darkness, Devil's Sight, Earthen Grasp, Entropic Warding, Leaps and Bounds, Miasmic Cloud, See the Unseen, Serpents Tongue, Spiderwalk, Soul Reaving Aura*, Summon Swarm, Swimming the Styx*.Lesser:
Charm, Curse of Despair, Cold Comfort*, Crawling Eye*, Disembodied Hand*, Flee the Scene, Hungry Darkness, Mask of Flesh*, Relentless Dispelling*, Stony Grasp, Voidsense, Walk the Unseen, Witchwood Step*.Greater:
Caustic Mire*, Chilling Tentacles, Devour Magic, Enervating Shadow, Nightmares Made Real*, Painful Slumber of Ages*, Tenacious Plague, Warlock's Call, Word of Changing.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I really like the changes! But you might want to reduce the cost of the Hex Powers to 1 Hex Point each. When I first came up with the Hex Power costs, the Hexblade was getting Charisma bonus x level Hex Points. Now that the number of Hex Points has been significantly reduced, you may want to change them to 1 to influence an enemy, and 2 to influence himself.
I also like reducing the number of Hex Powers to 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18th levels. That way, a Hexblade can't have all the Hex Powers, so different Hexblades will have different abilities.