Mordulin's DoD Episode 1: The Traitor's Gambit


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Opening Crawl

For those who can't watch the crawl:


Episode I


It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has spread from the Deep Core to the Outer Rim, and everywhere the Empire’s tyranny can be felt. Fleeing from the oppression of the Emperor’s minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brentaal. Known to be a vocal opponent of the Empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy. In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can
reach the Senator, the Empire has alerted its forces on Sel Zonn Station, where the struggle for liberty rages on, and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. . . .

Pan down to:

Seemingly motionless among a sea of starships and satellites above the twinkling world of Brentaal, Sel Zonn Station grows larger in your view every second. A central pylon forms the bulk of the station’s mass, and three landing platforms leading to docking bays extend from the central section, equidistant from one another and jutting out into space. The dorsal side of the station features a disc shaped secondary structure, on top of which blinking lights indicate
the presence of a landing platform reserved for wealthy patrons.

The Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce. Spilling out of the gambling halls are the sounds of victory and the moans of defeat, while the music of local bands issues from the cantinas. Only a handful of citizens mill about in the main areas of the Promenade, a few gazing out the massive windows at the planet Brentaal hovering below. Businesspeople hawk their wares to the passersby, and a couple Imperial stormtroopers make their way down the main avenue of the Promenade on their usual patrol at a leisurely pace.

Perception checks please.

Perception DC 10+:

You notice two men loitering on the Promenade who do not appear to be part of the larger crowd. Each seems to be scanning the crowd closely as though looking for someone, though they pay no attention to you.

Perception DC 15+:

You also notice despite wearing normal traveling clothes, each man is carrying a hold-out blaster tucked into his jacket, and both men are wearing identical garments.

Perception DC 20+:

You notice that both of the men seem to be whispering to themselves, obviously speaking into hidden comlinks.

Please let me know where you are at on the map.

Male Gran Soldier 1

I would probably be at about 9e

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Perception

Male Gran Soldier 1

Ansic loiters in the promenade, trying to relax some and having lunch, though even with all his time among other species he never has quite gotten used to their food. Its quite a fowl thing.

Still his eyes, all three of them, are wide open and paying attention as he has been hoping to find some others who may share his goals and he has heard some tales that others who share his disdain for those in power pass through this station fairly regularly.

What he does see is quite interesting, he takes the last bite of his food and focuses his attention on the two men, trying to figure out just what they are up to. Obviously it is some sort of trouble, but are these men guards on patrol that he can relate to, or some sort of well organized criminal element? Just in case his hand somewhat idly comes to rest on his blaster at his hip, staying casual in his posture but just being on alert.

10e on the map

perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Kael Places a hand on the massive window overlooking Brentaal below. He hadn't sat foot on any world since fleeing Coruscant some time ago, and he missed living in a place without ceilings. Such was the life of a spacer he supposed, such was the life he wasn't quite cut out for.

He was sure that he was meant for more. He was eager to act, his first reaction after running was to lash out in anger, but the order had taught him to act only when he was at peace, and so he had spent the last several weeks making peace with himself, although it was never easy to forget the things he saw on Coruscant.

He glanced over his shoulder warily, instinctively tensing up as saw the stormtroopers on their patrol. He inhaled deeply to calm him self and hung his head before giving the promenade behind him one more look. He raised a brow as he noticed two men lingering on the Promenade sticking out of the larger crowd. His heart races for a moment but he takes relief as they seem to glance over him. Nevertheless, Kael turns his full attention to the Promenade and looks to see if his Ally Corvus noticed the same thing.

G8 on the map

Perception roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Corvus still wonders what she's doing here. She scans the crowd and wonders how much longer she should remain on the station before moving on.

She spies a face from the past - Kael. Excited, yet cautious, as she takes half a step forward towards him, she becomes aware of his raised brow. She half-smiles as she remembers their time back at the Academy when it was always a 'tell' that he was troubled by something.

She follows his gaze and notices two men loitering on the Promenade. Neither is particularly threatening but they just seem out of place. At this point she looks back towards Kael to see if he is reacting to them.

After countless years as a tool of the Jedi, HK-22 is feeling good to be on his own. Already he's obtained a good bounty hunting rifle as well as a place to recharge. All he needs now is a bounty.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

HK-22 hums quietly to himself. 'Statement: these meatsacks haven't seen anything yet. Conjecture: perhaps I will have the first one made into a coat?'

HK-22 is chilling out around I-1.

Kael resists his urge to hug Corvus, any such display might draw unnecessary attention to the two of them, and that was the last thing they wanted. Nevertheless, He steps towards her and exhibits the same half-smile as her, the good feelings brought on by familiarity were almost overwhelming and Kael struggled to keep his emotions in check."Small galaxy huh Corvus...What're the chances?" He says in a hushed whisper as he faces the crowd. "I don't like the looks of those men, but then again i don't like the look of alot of things these days. Where is master Das-Han-Pal? " He asks

Liberty's Edge

Male Human

Marking the thread, posting as Kael doesn't give me the dot for some reason

I'm at B-3. Perception 1d20 (13) + 9 = 22


When I notice the two men scanning the crowd, I discretely (Deception 1d20 (4) + 7 = 11) watch them for a reaction as they scan the Imperial stormtroopers (Perception 1d20 (10) + 9 = 19).

Is there any arrival/departure times being displayed anywhere?

I'm going to begin moving to E3 moving via D5. As I come and go from D5, I want to check the doors to the north and south... Do I see any more of these men or Imperial stormtroopers past either of the doors? My character trying to discretely look for clear exits to flee down.

Deception 1d20 (4) + 7 = 11
Perception 1d20 (10) + 9 = 19

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Location: G1

Rogen huddles against a wall, trying not to draw any attention to himself, keeping a watchful eye on those around him. When an attractive woman walks by, he hardly gives her a glance, instead watching a guard, and the blaster on his hip.

Kael Kulton wrote:
Kael resists his urge to hug Corvus, any such display might draw unnecessary attention to the two of them, and that was the last thing they wanted. Nevertheless, He steps towards her and exhibits the same half-smile as her, the good feelings brought on by familiarity were almost overwhelming and Kael struggled to keep his emotions in check."Small galaxy huh Corvus...What're the chances?" He says in a hushed whisper as he faces the crowd. "I don't like the looks of those men, but then again i don't like the look of alot of things these days. Where is master Das-Han-Pal? " He asks

"Kael," Corvus whispers in return - her eyes now returning to the two men. "Remember to focus on the here and now." Again she half-smiles as she remembers one of the common mantras of their Jedi training.

She half-turns away from Kael but retains visual contact with the men. "Das is gone. He just vanished. The others that were murdered through Order 66, well there was a sign of their going. We all felt the disturbance in the force. But with Das, I felt nothing. And nobody has seen him either. It's strange. It's why I'm here - but now I'm rambling."

Corvus returns her gaze to Kael. "How are you?"

Mr. Marius wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Mr. Marius wrote:
When I notice the two men scanning the crowd, I discretely (Deception 1d20 (4) + 7 = 11) watch them for a reaction as they scan the Imperial stormtroopers (Perception 1d20 (10) + 9 = 19).

The two men do not seem to pay any attention to the stormtroopers as they pass by. Their gazes are more focused on their fellow citizens surrounding them.

Mr. Marius wrote:
Is there any arrival/departure times being displayed anywhere?

Not in this area, you are currently in the Promenade, the shopping and entertainment section of the station.

Mr. Marius wrote:

I'm going to begin moving to E3 moving via D5. As I come and go from D5, I want to check the doors to the north and south... Do I see any more of these men or Imperial stormtroopers past either of the doors? My character trying to discretely look for clear exits to flee down.

Deception 1d20 (4) + 7 = 11
Perception 1d20 (10) + 9 = 19

As you move one of the two men seems to watch you for a few moments before he goes back to scanning the crowd.

Just to let everyone know, the map is only a cutaway section of the area you are in. The door to the south is an exit to another part of the station, the door to the north is an entrance to one of the Promenade's many shops. There is plenty of space to move around if we go off the map. Just waiting on Gareth Darkstalker and Ailith Secura then I can move on. If I don't hear from one or both of them before the end of the day, I'll just move on and have to introduce them later.

Corvus Corax wrote:

"Kael," Corvus whispers in return - her eyes now returning to the two men. "Remember to focus on the here and now." Again she half-smiles as she remembers one of the common mantras of their Jedi training.

She half-turns away from Kael but retains visual contact with the men. "Das is gone. He just vanished. The others that were murdered through Order 66, well there was a sign of their going. We all felt the disturbance in the force. But with Das, I felt nothing. And nobody has seen him either. It's strange. It's why I'm here - but now I'm rambling."

Corvus returns her gaze to Kael. "How are you?"

His brow quivers as Corvus turns away and for a moment he can't take his eyes off of his old friend as he hears the underlying pain in her voice. He exhales finally and again focuses on the men. He places a hand upon her shoulder gently while looking forward."We have all lost much Corvus, Master Cath was struck down right before my eyes." He says, his mind wondering to a much more terrible place than this. He focuses on the here and now- Just as Corvus had reminded him." And so I ran as far as I could, and now I find myself here. Perhaps it is the force that has brought us together this day Corvus," He reasons, he half-turns his face towards hers now. "regardless, it is good to have a friend."

Male Gran Soldier 1

Just as a thought, since we haven't moved on quite yet. I am expecting trouble from those two, and I suspect from their actions that they are the ones I am going to be disliking more. I'd like to make a knowledge(tactics) check if I can to try and figure out a good positions where I can keep an eye on them and have some cover if things go bad.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 Knowledge(tactics)

Male Human Soldier 1

Stepping past the airlock where the freighter that had brought him here Garath looked around. The station was much larger than he had seen in a long time but it still had the metallic tang of canned air. Still it was better than being on Mandalore right now. The planet was crawling with Palp's jackboots. Fenn Sheysa might be all for Mandalorian unity, but so long as that unity meant a garrison of stormtroopers, Shysa knew where he could shove his ideas. "Well, time to find a job," he said to nobody in paticular. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Please put me at C 10.

Male Human Soldier 1

Seeing the strange activity on the promanade, Gareth lets his hand slip to his blaster pistol, just in case.

HK-22 scans the area, noticing a strange amount of tension among the meatbags. Sensing this strange rise in fleshy temperature, HK-22 slowly places his hand on his rifle and slides it to his manipulators. He tilts his head slightly down, so as to appear pensive and nonthreatening to humanoids.


My mental dialog...

Hmmm... These guys could be trouble. Especially since they didn't seem to consider the Imperial stormtroopers as either rivals or enemies. Subordinates, maybe? They outgun the enemies? Yeah, right! Who the hell out guns Imperial stormtroopers? Subordinates it is then.
Now why would a couple of Imperial... Who outranks the storm troopers again?... Hmmm...
Anyways, why would they be playing secret police?
Hmmm... Cowardice or curiousity? Leave or stay... Leave... Or stay...
I'll head for the store, get a description, causually move to the back (really just checking for places to grab cover and an exit like a back door or ladder to the roof), then find a nice place to shop where I can keep an eye on the two undercover Imperials.

A couple of random rolls... 15, 9.

Before Marius can head to the nearby store a woman with short black hair and the greasy uniform of a mechanic comes stumbling onto the Promenade, clutching her midsection as though injured. She struggles to make her way across the floor in Marius's direction, though clearly she is having difficulty walking. “Please, help me,” she calls out to you. "There are credits in it for you, just help me!” Mere seconds later, two stormtroopers burst into the area from the south end of the Promenade. They raise their blasters, aiming them at the woman, and shout through their helmet speakers, “Step away from that woman. She is under arrest in the name of the Emperor!”

Initiative please. Map

Mr. Marius (M)

Ansic Jeeg (J)

Rogen Horle (H)

Kael Kulton (K)

Corvus Corax (C)

HK-22 (22)

Gareth Darkstalker (D)

Stormtroopers (S#)

Suspicious men (I#)

Wounded Woman (W)

Let me know if you can't see the map. Ansic (and Kael) you are already in a good position for cover, you would just have to duck down and the computer terminals would provide you cover from the two suspicious men.

Kael Breaths deeply at the sudden climax of tension in the Promenade. He Waits to see what will unfold before making any move. He pays special attention to the suspicious men and their reactions.

Init1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Perception1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Both of the suspicious men turn their attentions to the wounded woman and begin reaching into their jackets.

Male Gran Soldier 1

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 Initiative

Ansic wastes no time thinking things through for what is safest for him. All he sees is a woman in clear trouble, and agents of the empire obviously intent on causing her more harm. Whatever she may have done to them, it likely is good for the cause.

He quickly draws his blaster and lets off a shot at the nearest stormtrooper.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Attack
3d8 + 1 ⇒ (8, 6, 5) + 1 = 20 Damage

Rogen puts his hands under the rat-chewed blanket crumpled up on his lap, watching the drama with the stormtroopers unfold, oblivious to the two mysterious men.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 initiative.

"Here and Now Corvus." He says with a half smile as he springs into action. Kael moves to deliver a left,right combo at the mysterious man to his leftI2

Rapid strike unarmed attack
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
2d4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 1 = 6

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1

Alith sighed as she stood up from the table. Gambling was a fool's game, though one had to participate a bit to keep up appearances. It was time to leave while the night's losses were still acceptable.

As she stood up from the table, a disturbance outside in the promenade caught her attention. She wasn't aware of anything brewing on the station that might cause such an obvious ruckus, and her curiosity was piqued. She sidled up to the door to the promenade to take stock of the situation.

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Stealth while hiding around the door frame (if that's appropriate): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Perception to see what's going on: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Sorry, didn't know this thread had been created! That's what I get for being busy and on call this week.

GM Mordulin wrote:

Initiative please.

My initiative is 1d20 (15) +4 = 19... So, before I act I see the Gran at E-9 fire at S-2.


Continuing my mental dialog...
Blessed bowel movements, bloody blessed bowel movements!!! How the hell could I have been so stupid!!! Of course standing in the middle of the blasted promenade is the worst place to be... And Blessed bowel movements, that's where I've just got to be standing!!!
Okay... The Imperials want her alive... The Gran probably does too... Either way, I can turn her over to whoever the victor is... Meanwhile I can grab her and rabbit... And maybe talk her outta some of this money before I hand her over. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

As a free action, I whisper to the lady, "Grab hold my hand, we're getting out of here... Oh and ignore what I say next." I reach out my hand to the woman... As soon as she grabs hold of it (assuming she grabs hold of it) I'm going to drag (or failing that, aid her) as far north of A5 as possible.

I yell loudly, 'We surrender, we surrender! Don't shoot! Er...' I look pointedly at the Gran and wink. 'Er, we're surrendering from in here though!'


I'm going to get us as far in the shop as possible... As I go, I'm looking for a Medkit or Medpac, and an exit like a back door or ladder to the roof.

Perception is 1d20 (9) +9 = 18...

Initiative roll 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Corvus will wait and see what unfolds before stepping into the fray. It doesn't bode well these days, waving a lightsaber around a bunch of stormtroopers.

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

HK-22's sensors begin whirring with happy violence noises. He switches the setting on his rifle to Autofire and Stun and and vocabulates loudly: "Threatening Statement: EAT HOT LASER STUNNING DEATH FLESH POTS!"

He then opens fire on Stormtroopers S1 and S2.

Attack: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3
Damage 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 2) = 11

Male Human Soldier 1

Gareth pulls his blaster and Opens fire at the stormtroopers..

Initative 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Damage3d8 ⇒ (7, 5, 6) = 18 damage

that's right...supposed to do an actual action...

Rogen will wait to see what the stormtroopers do. If they start firing on the girl, he will pull back the blanket to reveal a blaster rifle, and open fire on the closest trooper.

Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Dmg: 3d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 7) = 21

HK-22 wrote:

Initiative: 1d20+8

HK-22's sensors begin whirring with happy violence noises. He switches the setting on his rifle to Autofire and Stun and and vocabulates loudly: "Threatening Statement: EAT HOT LASER STUNNING DEATH FLESH POTS!"

He then opens fire on Stormtroopers S1 and S2.

Attack: 1d20-2
Damage 4d6

Before I move on real quick, HK, unfortunately according to the errata you can't auto-fire and set to stun unless you have an "auto-fire only" weapon that can be set to stun (which I don't see any of those in the books I have). Did you want to change your action or just auto-fire lethal?

GM Mordulin wrote:
HK-22 wrote:

Initiative: 1d20+8

HK-22's sensors begin whirring with happy violence noises. He switches the setting on his rifle to Autofire and Stun and and vocabulates loudly: "Threatening Statement: EAT HOT LASER STUNNING DEATH FLESH POTS!"

He then opens fire on Stormtroopers S1 and S2.

Attack: 1d20-2
Damage 4d6

Before I move on real quick, HK, unfortunately according to the errata you can't auto-fire and set to stun unless you have an "auto-fire only" weapon that can be set to stun (which I don't see any of those in the books I have). Did you want to change your action or just auto-fire lethal?

Lethal it is! Please remove the word STUNNING from the above statement.

As HK-22 suddenly opens a barrage of shots at the stormtroopers chasing the woman, the few tourists/civilians that don't want to get involved flee from the area. The barrage of shots go wide though as they are mostly concentrated in the area in front of the stormtroopers.

Ansic whips out his blaster and with a quick shot, puts a hole through the chest of one of the stormtroopers (S2).

Mr. Marius grabbing hold of the wounded woman's arm in the sudden confusion of blaster bolts and makes his way into the shop before him. The woman hesitates for only a moment before realizing he is trying to help her and moves as fast as she is able with her injury. Once inside you realize this is not a shop but the gambling den known as The Credit Chip. Unfortunately, no backdoor is visible upon immediately entering the establishment.

Meanwhile Kael steps up to one of the suspicious men (I2) and sends a barrage of punches at the man who is unable to defend himself properly.

Ailith inside The Credit Chip is made suddenly aware of the commotion outside as a man and wounded woman come stumbling inside. Moving to the door and peering outside you see a scene of chaos with stormtroopers being fired upon by aliens and droids.

With everyone else attacking Gareth draws his blaster and fires at the stormtroopers, his shot going wide and causing carbon scoring on the wall behind them.
The two suspicious men draw out hidden hold-out blasters from their jackets and fire. One takes bead on the Gand who killed a stormtrooper, his shot hitting the side of the computer terminal causing sparks to fly. The other attempts to shoot the man in front of him who just attacked him, but as he pulls the trigger Kael manages to move the gun so the shot hits the floor to the side of him.

One of the troopers moves into the The Credit Chip after Mr. Marius and the woman. He scans the room and he looks right past Ailith not seeming to notice her hiding by the door. The others return fire on those left outside who have shown themselves to be enemies of the Empire. Shots fired at HK, Kael, and Ansic go wide but the shot fired at Gareth find their mark. (6 damage)

Watching everything unfold Rogen finally reveals his blaster rifle under his blanket and takes aim and shoots the chest of a stormtrooper (S4) causing him to fall lifeless to the floor.

okay Initiative is:

Corvus Corax (C) (Delayed till after the troopers, so gets to go now)
HK-22 (22)
Ansic Jeeg (J)
Mr. Marius (Currently off the map)
Kael Kulton (K)
Ailith Secura (A)
Gareth Darkstalker (D)
Wounded Woman (Currently off the map)
Suspicious men (I#)
Stormtroopers (S#)
Rogen Horle (H) (Delayed till after stormtroopers)

New Map

HK-22 will use a free action to switch back to single shot and spend 2 swift actions to aim at S1...

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13

"Excited Statement: This is more fun than pushing Jedi Younglings over a cliff!"

Male Gran Soldier 1

Ansic will let a shot fly at the back of the stormtrooper who is moving after Mr. Marius and the woman(I believe it is S5) and then advance slightly while moving to take cover behind the boxes in D4.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Attack
3d8 + 1 ⇒ (7, 8, 2) + 1 = 18 Damage


Continuing my mental dialog...
Ah! Er, blasted broken bones!!! No exit!!! There has to be another exit!!! How to find it... how to find it? Of course!!! Rats always find a way off sinking ship!

I scream out in the most frantic voice possible, "Imperial Raid!!! They're after your money!!!"


Deception is 1d20 (3) +7 = 10.

I'll try to keep an eye open for people disappearing... However, I think it'll be best to put a table full of patrons between the door and the two of us, pull her to the ground, and get down to playing doctor.

I whisper to her "Keep an eye on the door and the other eye open for people disappearing out a bolt hole. I'm a doc... Er, I used to be a doctor. I need to check your injury."

Treat Injury is 1d20 (16) +9 = 25.

Since I haven't seen a med pac yet, I'll go straight to healing her with a Vital Transfer. My primary goal is to get her ambulatory, my secondary goal is to get her wounds stable.

Use the Force is 1d20 (13) + 7 = 20. Bloody broken bones!!!

She heals (her character level x3). I take half of the damage healed as damage to me. Er, wow. If she's 6th level character, this just popped my damage threshold and moved me one step on the condition chart. If she's 12th level or higher, I may have just killed myself.

Male Human Soldier 1

Gareth runs to tak cover behind the console and turns his fire on the suspicious men. Moves to E10, Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Damage3d8 ⇒ (5, 6, 1) = 12 Critical Damage3d8 ⇒ (1, 8, 5) = 14 on I1

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1

Ailith couldn't help a small smile as the stormtrooper missed her. It broadened with appreciation as she heard the man who'd helped the wounded woman into the gaming hall call out "Imperial Raid!!! They're after your money!!!" Everyone inside would be too busy to remember her actions - and the chance to get a shot at an unsuspecting imperial was too good to miss on.

She drew the obvious and rather oversized blaster she'd practically bartered and arm and a leg to get licensed from the large holster belted to her hip and thigh and shot at the stormtrooper. Combat wasn't her forte, but surely it would be criminal to pass on such a tempting target...

Move action to draw the blaster, shoots blaster at S5: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
3d8 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) = 14

The situation escalated multiple levels in the blink of an eye. The imperials were pursuing an obviously injured woman, and these two mysterious men were clearly allies of the empire. Before he could reconsider the action he felt his lightsaber slide effortlessly into his hand from the wrist holster he had concealed it in. He felt his vision narrow, clouded perhaps by the dark-side. Before him he saw the death of Tegan Cath and countless other Jedi in the eyes of this imperial. This was not the time for philosophy, he thought as blasters erupted all around. This was the time for action. It looked like once this was said and done, Kael would be on the run once again. He cast caution to the wind as he ignited the blue blade of his saber and delivered two whirling strikes at I2

Rapid strike Lightsaber
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
3d8 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10
3d8 ⇒ (7, 6, 3) = 16

correction and clarification:

Mr. Marius wrote:

She heals (her character level x3). I take half of the damage healed as damage to me. Er, wow. If she's 7th level character, this just popped my damage threshold and moved me one step on the condition chart. If she's 12th level or higher, I may have just killed myself.

Lols, I like this Force Power. I think I will be taking 10 outside of combat/initiative for when I use it not just because it would reduce the healing to x2, but because it sorta feels like meditative controlled healing that is less likely to KILL me.

If I would have made a DC 25 (which I can actually do)... And she were a 5th level character, this would have popped my damage threshold. If she were a 9th level or higher character, I would have just killed myself.

I notice that in the Force Power it says I can use a Force Point to ignore the damage... Do I have to state this before or after healing her? If I have to state it before... I'm using a force point now. I'd like to survive my first encounter please.

Also on the Force Power it mentions using a Destiny Point to move her on the condition track. I know she's wounded... And I am checking her out. If she's more than one step down on the condition chart... I suppose I will burn the Destiny Point too.

After all... if there isn't another exit, I'm towing her out the front.

If I take 4 or more hit points damage from healing her (or by the time my action goes off), and have a Swift Action left, I will also Second Wind at the end of my turn.

The scene unfolding in front of Corvus convinces her that the time for prudence is over.

All her Jedi training kicks in as, holding her emotions in check, Corvus is immediately aware that Kael is focused on the stranger closest to her.

Drawing her lightsaber, Corvus makes the instant decision to move to oppose the two stormtroopers closest to her. S2 - Putting her at H7

As she closes in on the nearest stormtrooper, her lightsaber simultaneously hums and emits a bight yellow light, as she brings it to bear on the Imperial.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 172d8 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10

Corvus Corax wrote:

The scene unfolding in front of Corvus convinces her that the time for prudence is over.

All her Jedi training kicks in as, holding her emotions in check, Corvus is immediately aware that Kael is focused on the stranger closest to her.

Drawing her lightsaber, Corvus makes the instant decision to move to oppose the two stormtroopers closest to her. S2 - Putting her at H7

As she closes in on the nearest stormtrooper, her lightsaber simultaneously hums and emits a bight yellow light, as she brings it to bear on the Imperial.

1d20+1; 2d8

I think S2 is dead... Killed by a chest wound left by Ansic. Are you looking at the updated map?

Here is all the maps so far.

Sorry for the delay everyone!

Corvus ignites her lightsaber and moves to the closest stormtrooper(S1) cutting him down with one smooth motion.

HK flicks his rifle settings and with a well placed shot hits the stormtrooper(S3) in the chest dropping him to the floor lifeless.

Ansic more concerned with finding cover shoots towards the stormtrooper chasing Mr. Marius and the wounded woman only to watch his shot hit the door frame beside the trooper.

Mr. Marius with the keen eye of a professional doctor recognizes that the woman's injury's extend far below the surface and without surgery or immersion in bacta, she will never fully recover. Calling on the Force he taps deeper than he has before and the cell regeneration of the woman is enough to completely heal her without the need for bacta or surgery. (Please mark off the Force Point or take 1 damage and mark off the Destiny Point. For the future, you can wait till I tell you how much damage you would take before you spend the Force Point.)

Kael's lightsaber suddenly flashes out and within the blink of an eye, the man(I2) before him lies beheaded.

Back in the casino Ailith watches as many of the patrons ignore the Imperial and merely move out of the way, despite the doctor's warning. A few though, do suddenly bolt looking for other exits distracting the trooper(S5) further as Ailith shoots him through the throat killing him instantly.

Gareth outside takes cover and shoots the other suspicious man(I1) in the eye ending whatever plot the two were up to.

The wounded woman looks to Marius as her open wounds close and the pain flees from her eyes. "Thank you doc! It looks like there is an exit to the east side of the building, it probably leads to an alley. I just saw someone flee that way so hopefully its safe."

The one remaining stormtrooper turns his attention to the jedi with their lightsabers ignited. He shouts into his comlink, "We've got trouble! Ambush set up by the rebel, there are Jedi here!" He then raises his blaster and fires at Corvus but his shot goes wide and merely causes carbon scoring on the wall.

New Map (Let me know if you can't see it.)

Okay initiative is:

Rogen Horle (H)
Corvus Corax (C)
HK-22 (22)
Ansic Jeeg (J)
Mr. Marius (Currently off the map)
Kael Kulton (K)
Ailith Secura (A)
Gareth Darkstalker (D)
Wounded Woman (Currently off the map)
Stormtrooper (S#)

HK-22 swing rifle across the room, ticking off potential targets. So far only the stormtroopers seemed to have the ire of all the sentients in the room. Best not to tip that shuttle yet.

"False Statement: It is a good thing this unit is only interested in terminating stormtroopers and not random well-armed passers-by!"

He then fires at the remaining stormtrooper, taking 2 swift actions to allow his targeting system to lock on: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 2 = 8

Male Gran Soldier 1

Seeing the lightsabers make Ansic's heart pound and he looks towards them, calling out. "Jedi! You'd best get out of here before more of the troopers come. I'll cover your retreat and be right behind you! Be on your guard!"

Assuming that the man and the woman know more about him when they fled into the shop, he'll nod towards it, assuming that the Jedi will help protect them on their way.

He'll take a shot at the storm trooper on the other side of the crates from him and then move up to A5 so he has some cover around the corner and can let the Jedi get past him.

If the trooper is consider to have cover from me then I will Aim before shooting(racial trait to Aim as a single swift action).

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Attack

3d8 + 1 ⇒ (3, 8, 8) + 1 = 20 Damage

Edit: I always have such bad luck with dice rollers, and that first round gave me false confidence I think. Now I see how it really is.

Heeding the gran's words, he switches off his saber and Turns to run inside "The Credit Chip". He takes Corvus by the hand insisting she come along. His heart was nearly pounding out of his chest and he struggled to keep his thoughts clear as he stepped over the body of the stormtrooper and looked for the injured woman.

Perception1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Female Twi'lek Aristocrat 1

Ailith first examined the man and woman who'd ducked into the room, then the east side of the building the woman indicated might hold an exit. She backed up toward them, keeping her blaster trained on the entrance (If there is a table or some sort of cover near the pair, Ailith will move behind it). "I don't like Imperials much, so I don't mind lending a hand, but this situation can degenerate quickly. Are either of you armed? If you want to retreat, you find the exit, I'll cover you as best I can."

Move action to step up to the doctor and woman. I would like to ready an action - if I see a stormtrooper enter, or I am fired on, I will fire on either the stormtrooper or enemy combatant that opens fire on me. Just in case it comes up: Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (5, 6, 5) = 16. I'm not sure if you want one or two perception rolls while Ailith's looking around, so I'll roll two just in case. Take whichever one you please if you only want one: Looking at the doctor and woman: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14. Looking at eastern side of building: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

GM Mordulin wrote:

Mr. Marius with the keen eye of a professional doctor recognizes that the woman's injury's extend far below the surface and without surgery or immersion in bacta, she will never fully recover. Calling on the Force he taps deeper than he has before and the cell regeneration of the woman is enough to completely heal her without the need for bacta or surgery. (Please mark off the Force Point or take 1 damage and mark off the Destiny Point. For the future, you can wait till I tell you how much damage you would take before you spend the Force Point.)

The wounded woman looks to Marius as her open wounds close and the pain flees from her eyes. "Thank you doc! It looks like there is an exit to the east side of the building, it probably leads to an alley. I just saw someone flee that way so hopefully its safe."

I'll mark off one Force Point and one Destiny Point. I was pretty committed to getting her fully ambulatory without... well, you know.

"You can call me Marius... Just plain ol' Mr. Marius." Hopeful but brief pause for her name.

"Okay, time to go. Up and at 'em," I say while assisting her back to her feet...


As I get her name and assist her back to her feet, I'm going to look her over very closely. What's she look like again? Is she physical appealing under the gore and grime? Does she carry herself like someone used to manual labor or like a noble? What gear does she have? Mostly though, I'm interested in how attractive she is underneither everything else.

Perception check is 1d20 (11) + 9 = 20.

Somehow ending up with her hand again, so I begin dragging/leading her to that exit on the east side of the building. "Let's get out of here."

While on the move, I'll try to get a good look outside.

Perception check is 1d20 (14) + 9 = 23.

Male Human Soldier 1

"Keep the stormies occupied," Gareth yells as he takes a shot at the nearest stormtrooper. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 attack, 3d8 ⇒ (4, 7, 6) = 17 damage.

Kael Kulton wrote:

Heeding the gran's words, he switches off his saber and Turns to run inside "The Credit Chip". He takes Corvus by the hand insisting she come along. His heart was nearly pounding out of his chest and he struggled to keep his thoughts clear as he stepped over the body of the stormtrooper and looked for the injured woman.


Corvus allows Kael to take her by the hand, all the while taking notice of her immediate surroundings.

Perception roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

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