PaizoCon III Paper Minis Previews

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey gang,

In an earlier thread, I had made mention of producing a few 3-D Pathfinder Paper Minis sets to be previewed at PaizoCon III and released after the Con is over. The current plans include a Colossal silver dragon (suggested by Sharoth), and Treerazer (set to compete with Lillith's Treerazer in a battle I call "Duelin' 'Razers"). I figure I should have enough time to do a third set for viewing/manhandling at PaizoCon III, but I've got one problem: what should I make?

So, any suggestions? The limiting factors on your choices are:

1): It must be Huge or larger. No requests for detailed 3-D imps please. The ordinary 2-D Tiny figures are hard enough to cut out, thanks. :P

2: It must be a Pathfinder or OGL critter. I've got my license with Paizo, and that's who I produce sets for. Anything from the Bestiary, the Pathfinder APs, or any of the other books where monsters doth dwell is good by me.

So, let me know what you want to see, and I'll see what I can do! I'll be posting links to scans and photos when they become available, and bringing the final versions to the Con for up-close-and-personal viewing. Shortly afterward, I'll put the sets up for sale online, and y'all will get a chance to fill your house with 'em. :D

Sound good? Good. Well, let's get the suggestion ball rolling!

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