Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus will nod to Alia in consideration. "There is truth to this. Right now, we have no direct quarrel with the Usurer unless he had something to do with the ordering of our friends death and we have not killed any of his men, though we could have. If we bring down the gnome we may be able to convince him to back off, even if only because the gnome no longer will be any good to him and he would lose more resources to come at us. I believe many of these warlike folks have a sense of honor, even if they twist it. He may understand taking out those who kill our men as we would look weak otherwise."

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)
In case you missed it, earlier Durnast wrote:

"...[The gnomes] killed her in cold blood themselves. And I believe likewise for Jylan.

The last thought I picked off the Gnome was 'They'll (meaning us) be meeting their friends, all right.'
And more disturbingly, the Gnome also was thinking 'We'll need to keep them apart. We'll need to warn the Usurer.'"

"We already know the Gnomes were working with the Usurer, if not exactly in what capacity. Given the Usurer's instant detection of my good-intentioned surveillance yesterday, he obviously presents a greater threat as an actually competent Arcanist, as opposed to these clowns who might know a few parlor tricks. Disrupting any spell he might cast just seems like a good idea, though I can do it myself if you'd rather focus on the small fry."

Good point about Tin, Llaelian, I had kind of forgotten about him when figuring our escape. Depending on how much time we have until they arrive, I may not need to jump on a horse right away, meaning Alia + Tin, and Artimus + Monty could fit on two horses (maybe w/ Swiftpaws too).
EDIT: Monty might be able to help by administering Artimus' anti-toxin to him this round before they arrive...?

Outside, the gnome is racing ahead of the Usurer's concerned but measured steps. Camomile sees the gaunt man slow down for a moment to cast a spell.

Durnast, through Cam's link, you can tell

it's a general-purpose abjuration spell. It looks to be built like shield, but the gestures that support a physical defense, the basic building blocks of the shield spell, aren't present.

It's now the top of Round 5. The gnome looks to be arriving at the bottom of the round. Alia, if you popped out into the open, you could shoot him with no range modifiers.

The Usurer will arrive at the bottom of Round 6. The Clantock mercenaries, shortly thereafter.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague can run as fast as a horse for a while if we need to escape

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia indeed shoots the running gnome as she see him.

1st Attack with deadly aim, manyshot and rapid shot
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 + damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
2nd Attack with deadly aim, and rapid shot 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
3rd Attack with deadly aim, 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

In the mean time, Swiftpaws stays put at the back of the house.
Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

"Might as well, charge out and bring it to 'em now",
I say to Artimus (and Montague, if he wasn't doing the antitoxin thing).

How far apart are the Gnome and the Usurer at this point?

Cam will move to Flank for anybody meleeing either foe, though not attacking himself to remain Invisible.

Alia's first three shafts find their mark! The gnome stumbles, startled, but keeps running.

The Bender brother is about 20 feet in front of the Usurer at this point.

Invisible, undetected creatures don't flank.

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus will nod to Durnast, focusing his attention on the oncoming forces. When the gnome comes into sight he will direct his second smite of the day towards it, getting the extra armor bonus. If he can he will charge him, but otherwise will move forward to meet with him and attack.

Artimus, the gnome won't necessarily come into view for a while, probably not until he's within melee distance to Alia. If you want to, you could exit the boarding house and head east. You might end up being able to hit the little feller.

And there are plenty of people who've posted requests to join the group, here. Please drop me an email with your opinions as to which players, or characters, you'd like to invite in.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

With Alia unleashing a flurry of arrows from her bow (one Silenced arrow?), Durnast dashes out of the covered entry behind her, and tracing an arcane glyph amidst a cloud of phosphor dust, conjures a clashing field of color and lights, which seems to follow his will to expand between the Gnome and Usurer. (if Alia didn't shoot the Silenced arrow yet, Durnast moves further away, say at O:18)

<Block off the mage if he tries to escape the effect, if you can keep him close he'll find it hard to cast his spells> Durnast thinks to all the party. <If the spell works, they'll just stand there UNLESS you directly threaten them, so focus on one at a time>

Cam, heeding Durnast's mental command, moves nearer to the two foes' location, hovering above reach of weapons and the magic field, but Readying to move and threaten/block off the Usurer if he shrugs off the magic and tries to move out of it.

Rainbow Pattern, DC20 Will Save or Fascinated, 20' Radius centered on KL/26-27
I updated the map and extended it with our placements (I added bushes or junk around Swiftpaws because she was supposedly hiding, which needs cover of some sort). Let me know if this is off at all, I tried to follow from the distance the Gnome could move and their arrival time. New map: here. (Cam's two '' marks indicate he is 2 squares above normal, or almost 15' above ground, out of the effect)
EDIT: whoops, from Chris' update the map may have not been what he intended...
I could possibly try to update to be more what you were imagining if you give me a better idea...???

Quandary, if the squares were indicating 10' instead of 5', everything would be placed pretty close to correct. Mostly, you'll want to spread things out twice as far away as you currently have them. (The embassy is actually straight to the south of the boarding house, rather than south-east, and the gnome and Usurer are coming from the east, rather than the north east, but those are minor.)

The rainbow pattern snares the gnome in its kaleidoscope of confusion, but the spell's area of effect seems to wash around the Usurer, without coming close to him. Nevertheless he stops, more out of curiosity than anything else.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

sorry but I've kind of lost track of where Montague is compared to where the action is taking place. I will spend a Ki point to raise my speed to 70 for the round, and move towards the action as quickly as possible

Perception (1d20+14=24)

@Chris: OK, I'm now remembering the way I asked you when they would arrive was when they would come within 30'... so if I shifted them 30' away would that do the trick? That would be ALMOST 2x (~+70%) as far away...? I'm just not quite sure why you said Artimus couldn't see them before they got closer, unless that was because we weren't outside yet...? (I could put some obstacle in the middle...?) I assume the Usurer passed his Save, since you said they were within 20', which is isn't a problem with a 20' radius.

@Scranford: I put Montague on the linked map ("M"), all of us were in the enclosed entry-way to start. You may as well wait until I update the map to declare your exact action.

Quandary wrote:
..if I shifted them 30' away would that do the trick?


Quandary wrote:
I'm just not quite sure why you said Artimus couldn't see them before they got closer, unless that was because we weren't outside yet...?


Quandary wrote:
I assume the Usurer passed his Save, since you said they were within 20', which is isn't a problem with a 20' radius.

Nope. The area of effect for the rainbow pattern just spilled around the Usurer. You've seen people make their save against it, and they are still in the sphere of effect. But it's as if there were something occluding the magic.

Montegue, you can reach the gnome this round, but he's bewildered within Durnast's spell effect. If you attack him face to face (a) you'll need to make a Will save yourself, and (b) that doesn't really seem sporting, does it?


BTW, I typed this before but it got eaten by the boards (probably would have been best if it had gone thru originally :-)): Given Cam has Arcane Sight up and can see all auras and their schools/spell levels, what else/exactly can he see at this point? For completeness' sake.

Quandary wrote:
Chris:** spoiler omitted **

There are some magical items on the gnome. It'll take a couple of rounds to bring them into focus and sort them out.

Camomile isn't sensing anything magical about the Usurer at all.

OK everybody, here is the new and improved map.

Montegue, I takebhe comment about being caught in the spell's area of effect. Durnast was clever enough to catch the gnome just at the edge of the rainbow pattern so you can close on him without being subject to the spell.

Artimus, you are not (yet?) feeling any further effects of the poison.

Also, Artimus, the position Quandary put you in on the map is already 30' from where you were at the beginnn of the round, next to the second Bender brother. So, you can move towards him for the rest of the round. The gnome, however, is mesmerized by the pretty waves of color circling around him, and he's no longer advancing to meet you.

Male Human Paladin 7

I was hoping he'd be moving towards me, thats like 4 move actions for me to get there. In heavy armor, I couldn't even get to the guy in a round with a run action. Hm, ok, with the map in mind:

With a move actions Artimus advances toward the gnome and the others. Still hoping we might be able to get the usurer to leave us be without a fight, he looks to do what he can to make us as intimidating as possible, so he will drink his potion of enlarge person as he goes.

The third gnome stands, transfixed by Durnast's enchantments. The Usurer keeps both his ground and his counsel.

At the end of the round, Montegue is within striking distance of the gnome. Next round, Artimus will be able to close and strike (remember, those are only 2.5' squares, not 5'). Alia still has a few arrows left in her quiver, and nothing is currently challenging Durnast. (Tinthariel, an NPC for the forseeable future, is still inside the boarding house, tending to the injured. He'll return to the front door of the boarding house at the end of the next round.)

Next round. The Clantocks gather to the west, growing great in their wrath, getting ready to confront you in a round or two. You all act before the gnome or the Usurer.

And, after consulting your collective advice, I've invited Rasina (Half-elf Celestial Sorcerer / Rogue), Nadq (Halfling Transmuter / Rogue / Shadowdancer), Mikka (Druid of Freya), and Richard (Cleric of Thyr) to join the fun. A party of eight is not so large that Slumbering Tsar ceases to be a challenge, and it allows for some attrition when the party is in the Wasteland.

Female Human Ranger 7

For now, Alia will let Montague and Artimus deal with the gnome but if it is not enough, she will join in.

Alia looks quickly to the west, and seeing Clantock's men ready to attack, she will call to Tinthariel.

"Tinthariel, can you carry the Half-Orc to the door? Then just heal him when they watch you."

This is just my proposition for Tin actions. Any other idea to defuse the Clantocks will be welcome.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague diecides this might be a good time to grapple this Gnome, since he seems a bit out of it...and might make a good hostage.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 CMB

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 will save if needed.

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus charges the gnome, swinging a might blow with a powerful attack, using the strength of his larger form to try and bring it down quickly.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19Attack:Charge, bless, bulls strength, PA, size strength and attack penalty(phew)

2d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 1) + 10 = 12Damage:Power Attack + strength mods

As he attacks, Artimus will call out to the Usurer "We have no quarrel with you. These brothers struck down our allies while they rested and such a slight cannot be ignored. We need not fight you."

As a precaution Artimus will focus his last smite on the Usurer for the AC bonus, just in case this doesn't work.

Montegue's ninja-like reflexes send him into action before Artimus. Trained in grapling smaller opponents, he holds the gnome's neck and arm, putting his right shin against the gnome's midsection, and leans upon the opponent; at the same time, Monegue swings his left leg over the gnome's head, into the cross armlock position. This rouses the gnome from his reverie.

"Wha -- where?" he stammers, suddenly aware of the arrows piercing his chest and leg, and of the monk hyperextending his elbow.

The Usurer answers calmly, in a deep voice. "Jashanah, these men have raided your home, and have in all liklihood --given what you've told me-- dispatched both Jebli and Joshiah." He looks idly at Artimus, as the paladin closes the distance. "And I wouldn't be surprised if your time here in camp were coming to a close."

Artimus comes rushing up and speaks to the Usurer as he attacks the gnome. Even with his weakest blow, Artimus' technique and strength drive the blade deep into the gnome's shoulder, dropping him.

"Indeed, Artimus," the Usurer agrees laconicly. "Such a slight could not be forgiven. But what of the damage you and your party have done to the Camp? Shall we be any more forgiving?"

Male Human Paladin 7

Assuming that with the gnome down we have a moment to talk rather than continuing in attacks:

Artimus looks at the Usurer carefully, keeping his weapons at the ready, knowing that if they look like they could do more damage if there is a fight it is much more likely they will be let go.

"What damage have we done to your camp, Sir? Beyond the gnomes, only one of your men was injured at all and we ensured he would recover. We will be happy to heal him fully before we depart.

"The boarding house still stands intact and undamaged, ready to be run by another. The gnomes were not good for either of us, they struck at our allies and caused you trouble. Even if you accepted the deaths they caused, having someone so careless that they would see an armed and ready adventuring party and think to kill two of them and ignore the others is only asking for reprisal. That is bad for your business."

1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22 Diplomacy

Edit: Ugh. I can't roll.

Artimus Borne wrote:

1d20+18 Diplomacy

Edit: Ugh. I can't roll.

Anyone willing to assist?

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

With a flourish of the expedition's Wand of Mount, a mottled steed manifests beside Durnast,
which he swings onto and rides up adjacent to Artimus (leaving room up front for Artimus to take over riding if he wishes).

"Ahem, but our impromptu charity work taking care of the "Cheater" who had eviscerated one of Clantock's boys last night, and many more I'd guess, must count for something? Speak with Hetman if you would."

"As Artimus says, that strange Elf who was travelling with us is taking care of Clantock's boy. True, unfortunate that he tried to interfere with our 'answering' of the Brothers' hospitality, but he should be no worse for the wear."

Diplomacy Aid Another, Durnast: 1d20 ⇒ 20 NICE!

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague drops the now lifeless body of the gnome, and glares at the Paladin in disgust. "He was held and in no position to defend himself". "That was cowardly".

He then stands hands at side ready for anything.

Female Human Ranger 7

Still checking on Clantock's group, Alia adds her voice to that of Artimus and Durnast.

"We also removed the threat of the enraged giant yesterday. He would have flattened part of the camp and disorganized it more than we did. Our actions have made the town safer for all except those three." She adds pointing at the fallen gnome.

Aid another Diplomacy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

The Usurer looks at Montegue with a complicated expression. "Jashanah and Jebli Bender are two of the most feared outlaws of King's Chapel. To hear their stories, they killed their gaoler while being led, bound and gagged, to the gallows. Jashanah was no more "helpless" in your grasp than would have been a medusa.

"You will see to it that men of such renown have decent burials. That's advice, by the way, not a command. Make sure they don't come back for you, because if they do, they'll be really angry."

He turns to address the rest of you.

"Yes, you took down Gurg, stirring trouble between him and the Fourteen. You struck down the Cheat, that's true, but he was more an evening's entertainment than anything else. And now you've killed the Benders. My, my, my.

"You say the boarding house is 'undamaged, ready to be run by another.' No. It's ready to be run by you. A decent place for visitors to stay for the night is a necessary part of Camp, and you are now responsible for it. You may charge whatever you like."

As the Clantock gang, all nine of them, step up, the Usurer holds his hand up. "There will be no need for that. These people are deciding whether they want to be part of the Camp society --in which case they're your neighbors, and you want to be neighborly towards them-- or else they're outcasts, and will be out of Camp, permanently, within the hour."

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague takes another look at the holy warrior.

"Forgive me if I spoke rashly" he states. "It is not my place to judge anyone". "I did not know of the danger these gnomes presented, and was only seeking to make it a fair fight".

"He then addresses the Urserer. I have a suggestion that might work for everyone". "What if we were to raise the two companions murdered by these gnomes, and have them run the boarding house". "I'm sure they would be willing to do so for a period, in repayment for restoring them to life". "Surely there is someone here who can do such a thing".

"Surely, if there were, Boss Clantock would not need to count five of his men twice. These days, our greatest cleric is Father Death," he says, gesturing towards the temple to Orcus. "Perhaps he might bring your friends back to ... something resembling life. Why don't you ask him? I'm sure his terms would be most reasonable."



Something about the way he phrased that: "These days..." It strikes you as the kind of thing a man like the Usurer wouldn't normally waste words saying.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)
"Jashanah and Jebli Bender are two of the most feared outlaws of King's Chapel. To hear their stories, they killed their gaoler while being led, bound and gagged, to the gallows. Jashanah was no more "helpless" in your grasp than would have been a medusa."

Durnast grunts in agreement at the Usurer's blunt rejoinder to our new-found companion's moralizing.

I don't really know about the Raising Jylan & Chyra bit.
But subject to GM's appraisal, the reticent-to-take-action Tinthariel COULD be willing to take over the Inn. I don't know if "filling the job" would necessarily change the rest of ours' status as 'outcasts', but it would offer a convenient segue for Tin, as well as potentially giving us a friendly NPC in Camp if we return, who might have SOME clue to the goings-on in town. He didn't really seem the proseletyzing sort (more like an Oracle, as Chris said), so he might even get along fine in this role...? I take it Tin is at least hearing all this, so if it appealed to him, he would probably speak up, right?
Otherwise, I'm happy enough leaving Camp not to return.

I also would take the Usurer's advice re: proper burial as very good advice. Presumably Tynthariel or Artimus could preside over a rite to ensure their souls are secure, probably a funeral pyre?

Durnast Kal wrote:
"Tinthariel COULD be willing to take over the Inn. I don't know if "filling the job" would necessarily change the rest of ours' status as 'outcasts', but it would offer a convenient segue for Tin, as well as potentially giving us a friend in Camp if we return, who might have SOME clue to the goings-on in town. He didn't really seem the proseletyzing sort, so he might even get along fine in this role...?"

Tinthariel has healed the orc back to a bleary, bloody consciousness, and watches him stagger back to his mercenary comrades. "Yes," he says. "I think my soul would take less damage if I stayed on here. The combat, it's too much for my mind to take at this point."

Male Human Paladin 7

Artimus nods to the Usurer, taking in his words. Montague's words are much harder to accept though and it takes a force of his will to keep his now bloodied sword hand from trembling a bit as it bears his blade. "Indeed, sir. It seems our friend here will be willing to manage the day to day operations of the boarding house as we seek the Tsar, and I am sure that whenever we have returned to camp we all will be more than willing to maintain the peace." He glances down towards the gnome at his feet. "I will ensure the bodies are properly dealt with and find a resting place. They may have struck fouly at my friends, but I need not dishonor my own soul further by leaving them to rot."

If he can do so away from the Usurer's direct gaze, Artimus will approach Montague with a sorrowful look in his eyes, stroking his mustache thoughtfully. "I do no believe you spoke rashly, friend. The gnome was a known danger, certainly, but I could have handled it more appropriately as we did with the giant. My anger at the loss of those close got the best of me and I thank you for making me look at that fact. Great deeds do not make heroes as surely as heroic motivations. If I do not wish to fall to darkness myself I must do more than simply strike down the unjust."

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)
Artimus Borne wrote:
"Indeed, sir. It seems our friend here will be willing to manage the day to day operations of the boarding house as we seek the Tsar..."

All the party 'hear' a string of expletives in Durnast's unique accent as soon as Artimus spills the beans on the expedition's true mission <#%*&@#*&*&@#$%*&@!!!!>, though Durnast maintains his outward composure as best he can, to not draw further attention to the matter.

Also via Message, Durnast asks Tin to help retrieve the other Bender corpses, along with some linens from the Inn to wrap them in, before tying them up to the horse like saddle bags. We might as well search the Inn too. At the least to find the remains of our friends, not to mention anything else the Gnomes may have hidden and which might reveal exactly what else they were up to.

Durnast, if the Usurer noticed your furrowed brow and everyone else's startled expressions, it didn't show on his face. He simply smiles an unpleasant kind of smile, and returns to his forge.

Boss Clantock, a half-orc with some hard experience behind him, approaches the party, his company a respectful distance back, most of them with bolts knocked and drawn, but crossbows not raised. "I would like a word with you, neighbors."


There are some pressing issues: talking with the rangers, not to mention tracking down Gurg. The sooner you do that, the better the likelihood that you'll catch him --and the Bard's Gate expedition-- alive.

Assuming you survive your neighborly talk with the Furious Fourteen, how long do you want to spend preparing the Bender corpses? Would you prefer to have Hetman's help?

How thoroughly do you want to search the boarding house?

How thoroughly do you want to continue asking questions around Camp?

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia turns white in furor at Montague suggestion of raising their friends, then her color comes back to normal as she realized he has not suggested to raise them as undead. Doubting that Chyressa and Jylan bodies will be found intact, she agrees to Tinthariel suggestion that he would stay in the Camp.

GM Chris Mortika wrote:

There are some pressing issues: talking with the rangers, not to mention tracking down Gurg. The sooner you do that, the better the likelihood that you'll catch him --and the Bard's Gate expedition-- alive.

Assuming you survive your neighborly talk with the Furious Fourteen, how long do you want to spend preparing the Bender corpses? Would you prefer to have Hetman's help?

How thoroughly do you want to search the boarding house?

How thoroughly do you want to continue asking questions around Camp?

For the next actions of the group and after the neighbourly talk, Alia will suggest :

  • that Tin and her stay at the house to quickly search the bodies of the gnomes and their room (the rest of the house can be searched later)
  • that Tin and her will prepare the bodies for burial while the others go and speak to the rangers, proposing a meeting at a further date.
  • that the whole group moves to the south of the cam to bury the gnomes before swinging north to go and catch Gurg and the caravan.
  • she will also ask Tin to heal Swiftpaws.

Male Human Paladin 7

I don't have much of an issue with that order of things, Alia.

Artimus will step forward towards the Boss, positioning himself between the archers and the rest of the group, nodding his head. "What can we do for you, sir?"

Clantock looks over the situation carefully. "Last night, two of me best archers, Bethral and Ulan, were kill't on their way back from the tavern. Word out of Hetman's mouth*, is that it was the hanged man what kill't them, and that probably serves us right fer tryin' t' scam people with it. Word 'bout town is that you took care of it fer us.

"It was our kill, by rights, but we won't be holdin' that against you. Because we hadn't warned you yet, an' you didn't go whoopin' it up all over Camp.

"But I wants to be real up-front with you. We're the killers in the Camp. Used to be we had competition from Granville’s Pyrotechnic Platoon, but they went up against a fire lizard, and that didn't turn out so good fer 'em. This last couple weeks, we been trying to ... negotiate ... a deal with the Pounders. Then they ran into**, oh, something, out in the deserts, and that didn't turn out so good fer 'em.

"Now, when folks coming into Camp want guards, there's the Fourteen, and there ain't no other choices. Is we clear on that, neighbor innkeeper man? We're the ones what killed the Cheat, 'cause we're the only muscle people can turn to. Mess with that, and it ain't goin' to turn out so good fer ya.

"Oh, and welcome to Camp. Some of my boys like to grab supper at the Benders' every so often, so let us know if you're changin' the menu."

* Anyone making a DC 20 Sense Motive roll:


Clantock neither likes nor trusts Hetman.

** Anyone making a DC 15 Sense Motive roll:


Clantock stopped himself there, and thought better of what he was planning to say.

Male Human Paladin 7

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Artimus will nod his head. "Fair enough. You don't need to worry about competition from us in this regard. We will defend ourselves, as you have seen, but our interests lie elsewhere and there is no desire among us to take a place as the muscle in town. If your boys like the boarding house, then perhaps we can come to some sort of mutually benefit arrangement. If Tin is running the place, I'm sure he could use some protection when the rest of us are out of camp. Your boys could have food on the house of course and you would gain the prestige of have others who saw what we did to Gurg know that we still look to you for protection, all just for your boys trying to keep any trouble out of the boarding house while they are there. Fair enough?" The paladin will glance to the others in the party to see if anyone else has any difference in opinion about the deal.

1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36 Diplomacy(if called for)

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia listens silently, trying to read behind the half-orc's words. She'll also take the time to watch the others half-orcs behind and look at the way they are organising themselves.

Sense motive 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 for Clantock

Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:

For the next actions of the group and after the neighbourly talk, Alia will suggest :
  • that Tin and her stay at the house to quickly search the bodies of the gnomes and their room (the rest of the house can be searched later)

You ransack the three little bodies and find:

On Joshiah(the first gnome)
Small black leather armor, ring (weak abjuration), Small masterwork rapier, 10 Small darts, 50-foot silk rope, spellbook (containing: 0th - flare, ghost sound, mage hand, message;
1st — animate rope, color spray, disguise self, grease, hypnotism, mage armor,magic missile, sleep, shocking grasp, ventriloquism;
2nd — acid arrow, alter self, bear’s endurance, blur, cat’s grace, darkvision, invisibility, locate object, minor image;
3rd — blink, daylight, deep slumber, displacement, fly, haste, invisibility sphere, lightning bolt, mirror image, scorching ray;
4th — arcane eye, confusion, greater invisibility, illusory wall, phantasmal killer, shout).

On Jebli (the second gnome)
Possessions: Small black leather armor, ring (weak abjuration)Small masterwork cleaver, 10 Small darts, gem (moderate divination).

On Jashanah
Small black +1 leather armor (moderate conjuration), ring (weak abjuration), Small masterwork rapier, 10 Small darts.

Tinthariel detects magic in the Benders' cramped personal quarters and finds a cunningly-wrought access panel in the east wall, down by the floor, behind which are several jumbled magical auras.

Female Human Ranger 7

I'll put all the loot on my profile. Except from the spellbook and the rope, rings and gems, I guess we will want to sell all the stuff later.

Alia will have a look in that space, looking for traps before going in.

Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

You detect no traps. It's a little tricky getting the door open, but five minutes with a dagger gives you purchase.

Hidden in the brothers’ room are treasures that have been accumulated from their years of murder and larceny. This hoard includes: an amulet (weak abjuration), 880 iron bits, 1,200 gp, a dagger (weak evocation), Jylan's Longsword ('Griefgiver,' Medium size +1 Bane vs Undead), a ring (weak transmutation), 3 identical Potions of Cure Light Wounds,a potion (weak transmutation), a set of very fine lockpicking tools, a bag (moderate conjuration), two silver urns (worth 20 gp each), 6 rubies (worth 675, 500, 600, 400, 350 275 gp), and a 4'-by-10' tapestry depicting a griffon rampant on a field of clouds.

Female Human Ranger 7

We'll show Durnast (and every one else) the tapestry and all the unidentified magical items. He may be able to identify them.

Damn, no traces of Chyressa and Jylan here. Tinthariel, casting detect magic was a good idea. Maybe when we're gone, you can do it all over the house to detect Chyressa and Jylan armors or swords and maybe their bodies.

Alia will also swing quickly in the kitchen with Swiftpaws to check the state of the meat there. Would that be of human origin or foul like the previous day fowl?

The meat in the kitchen is goat.

And double-check that list.

Female Human Ranger 7
GM Chris Mortika wrote:

The meat in the kitchen is goat.

And double-check that list.

I've seen the sword, the ring and the amulet. I was just thinking that they may have kept Chyressa second sword and both Jylan and Chyressa armors next to their bodies

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

ugh. post eaten.
OK, just to clarify, because Tin is taking over the Inn, we all are NOT outcasts in <1hr?

I failed the Sense Motive.

I agree with with Alia's plan, except I point out that Artimus has his war-horse stabled across Camp, so we should pick that up. Also, given our extreme controversiality, I thought it might be a courtesy to the Rangers to send Cam (Invisible) over to their place first and enquire if they are fine with us walking over in broad day-light, or if they would like to re-schedule our meeting later in the day, out in the desolation.

Before that happens, I help search the house, and can ID all the items we find (Cam's Arcane Sight also helping find any stray magic auras).
I had previously rolled all the items individually, but I am just going to Take 10 on them if possible (Cam Aiding).
Spellcraft results: Divination Auras: 28 (max CL 13), Evocation/Necromancy Auras: 22 (max CL 7), Everything else: 26 (max CL 11).

I also want to check the rest of the building for secret doors and stuff, and would like to investigate the tunnel the gnome had jumped into with Cam's help.
He's still Invisible for another hour or so, but I will instruct him to avoid contact if he runs into any living, or un-living, entity down there.

You ransack the three little bodies and find:

On Joshiah(the first gnome)
Small black leather armor, ring of protection +2, Small masterwork rapier, 10 Small darts, 50-foot silk rope, spellbook (containing: 0th - flare, ghost sound, mage hand, message;
1st — animate rope, color spray, disguise self, grease, hypnotism, mage armor,magic missile, sleep, shocking grasp, ventriloquism;
2nd — acid arrow, alter self, bear’s endurance, blur, cat’s grace, darkvision, invisibility, locate object, minor image;
3rd — blink, daylight, deep slumber, displacement, fly, haste, invisibility sphere, lightning bolt, mirror image, scorching ray;
4th — arcane eye, confusion, greater invisibility, illusory wall, phantasmal killer, shout).

On Jebli (the second gnome)
Possessions: Small black leather armor, ring of protection +2, Small masterwork cleaver, 10 Small darts, gem of seeing.

On Jashanah
Small black +1 leather armor of puffer-fish, ring of protection +2, Small masterwork rapier, 10 Small darts.

(Armor of the puffer-fish grows spikes at will, and those spikes are covered in a mild toxin.)

Hidden in the brothers’ room are treasures that have been accumulated from their years of murder and larceny. This hoard includes:
an Amulet of Natural Armor +1,
880 iron bits,
1,200 gp,
a +1 dagger,
Jylan's Longsword ('Griefgiver,' Medium size +1 Bane vs Undead),
a ring of feather-falling,
3 identical Potions of Cure Light Wounds,
an Elixir of Hiding,
a set of very fine lockpicking tools,
a bang of holding (Type 1),
two silver urns (worth 20 gp each),
6 rubies (worth 675, 500, 600, 400, 350 275 gp), and
a 4'-by-10' tapestry depicting a griffon rampant on a field of clouds.


There's a tunnel system that Cam can crawl through, but you don't imagine a human adult would be able to navigate at all. (Even the Benders would have been a very tight fit.) It runs down each of the hallways, with a small trap door opening onto each room.


Your search, taking about an hour, turns up nothing else out of the ordinary. There are ledgers in a kind of cipher, and that might take a while to decrypt.

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