Prestige awards and equipment buying

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 2/5

This came up in our gameday event and looking at the rules guide was wondering something. In the guide it has a list of PAs awards and the amount of an item you can buy. So at 9 PAs you can buy any item(magic or otherwise) in the corebook (or legal for play) that costs less than 1500gp or if you have 27 PAs anything under 11,750gp. If this is true do you expend PAs points? So if i have 28/28 and buy a Belt of Giant strength +2 (4000gp)(18PA to buy) do i end up with 10/28 points?

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

As I understand it, you'd only need to spend PAs if you used the extra 750 gp. PA establish a ceiling on your purchases, but then you spend gold to actually get them. You spend PA on "free" items of certain values and all those spells/bonuses listed there.

Actually, I don't think you can use the "free" 750 gp item to raise the normal cap on your purchases, either.

Garret Candoor wrote:
This came up in our gameday event and looking at the rules guide was wondering something. In the guide it has a list of PAs awards and the amount of an item you can buy. So at 9 PAs you can buy any item(magic or otherwise) in the corebook (or legal for play) that costs less than 1500gp or if you have 27 PAs anything under 11,750gp. If this is true do you expend PAs points? So if i have 28/28 and buy a Belt of Giant strength +2 (4000gp)(18PA to buy) do i end up with 10/28 points?

There are two tables and you're slightly blending the two of them.

Table 11.1 details what you can spend your PA on. So if you have 4 PA after playing 3 scenarios, you can buy someone casting regenerate on you (for 3 PA) and still have 1 PA remaining. At that point, you would have 1/4 PA, meaning you've accumulated 4 total PA in your character's career, but currently have only 1 PA to spend using table 11.1.

Table 11.2 details what becomes "always available for purchase" for your character based on their total accumulated PA. Using the example above, you now have 1/4 PA, which means any item that's in the core rulebook or has been designated legal for play that's 500 gp in value or less (4 PA) is now always available for your character.

Mosaic wrote:
Actually, I don't think you can use the "free" 750 gp item to raise the normal cap on your purchases, either.

That's the intent, but I didn't clearly spell that out in the guide. I'll need to do so in a future update.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Garret Candoor wrote:
This came up in our gameday event and looking at the rules guide was wondering something. In the guide it has a list of PAs awards and the amount of an item you can buy. So at 9 PAs you can buy any item(magic or otherwise) in the corebook (or legal for play) that costs less than 1500gp or if you have 27 PAs anything under 11,750gp. If this is true do you expend PAs points? So if i have 28/28 and buy a Belt of Giant strength +2 (4000gp)(18PA to buy) do i end up with 10/28 points?

There are two tables and you're slightly blending the two of them.

Table 11.1 details what you can spend your PA on. So if you have 4 PA after playing 3 scenarios, you can buy someone casting regenerate on you (for 3 PA) and still have 1 PA remaining. At that point, you would have 1/4 PA, meaning you've accumulated 4 total PA in your character's career, but currently have only 1 PA to spend using table 11.1.

Table 11.2 details what becomes "always available for purchase" for your character based on their total accumulated PA. Using the example above, you now have 1/4 PA, which means any item that's in the core rulebook or has been designated legal for play that's 500 gp in value or less (4 PA) is now always available for your character.

So to be clear on this if I have 13/13 PAs. I can buy a Hewards Handy Haversack(1800gp) even if it is not on the list of items on your track form for the adventure/tier that was ran. Even if i had 5/13 PAs I can do it as it is Max. PAs not how many you have at the time. Does this also mean i can buy as many Magic items as I can afford and can buy up to with the Max. PAS I have. Example I have 13,000 gp and 27 PAs so if i wanted to buy 3 Magic items at 4000gp each I can buy all 3 at beginning or end of an adventure? Thanks for the clarifications!


Garret Candoor wrote:
So to be clear on this if I have 13/13 PAs. I can buy a Hewards Handy Haversack(1800gp) even if it is not on the list of items on your track form for the adventure/tier that was ran. Even if i had 5/13 PAs I can do it as it is Max. PAs not how many you have at the time. Does this also mean i can buy as many Magic items as I can afford and can buy up to with the Max. PAS I have. Example I have 13,000 gp and 27 PAs so if i wanted to buy 3 Magic items at 4000gp each I can buy all 3 at beginning or end of an adventure? Thanks for the clarifications!

That's correct. As long as you have the gold, you can buy as many items as you want under the limit established by your Max PA.

There are three cases where you can buy things above the limit:

1. Items in the Equipment chapter of the core rules (including special materials other than dragonhide)

2. Always available items in the Society rules (+1 weapons, armor, shields, and most 0 and 1st level potions and scrolls)

3. Items on one of your three most recent scenario sheets


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Table 11.2 details what becomes "always available for purchase" for your character based on their total accumulated PA. Using the example above, you now have 1/4 PA, which means any item that's in the core rulebook or has been designated legal for play that's 500 gp in value or less (4 PA) is now always available for your character.

How do the item access rules interact with weapon/armor/shield upgrades, which have no given monetary value?


Mattastrophic wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Table 11.2 details what becomes "always available for purchase" for your character based on their total accumulated PA. Using the example above, you now have 1/4 PA, which means any item that's in the core rulebook or has been designated legal for play that's 500 gp in value or less (4 PA) is now always available for your character.

How do the item access rules interact with weapon/armor/shield upgrades, which have no given monetary value?


I asked the same question before: you need to be able to afford the newly upgraded item, not just the difference between the new item and the old item. So a character with 22 prestige (and thus an individual item limit of 8,000 gp) cannot upgrade a +1 club (2300 gp) to a +2 club (8300 gp).

What Hogarth said is correct.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
What Hogarth said is correct.

Shirley you must be mistaken.


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