FAWTL refugee thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

I know they let people play video games on their computers (for an hour, like everyone else).

Liberty's Edge

Naked video games. What was it, Automobile Theft Reno, Nevada II?

Liberty's Edge

That was me being technologically illiterate.

Liberty's Edge


You know how in Buffy there's Olaf the Troll God (Trolls for the Troll God!)?

Well, he shares several DISTICNT SIMILARITYES with Alternian trolls. Horns, gray skin, says "puny receptacle" instead of "dumpster," is violent, and has special powers. Also, an ancient uber-powerful weapon.


Liberty's Edge

Anyway, I've got a screencap of Olaf saying "Puny receptacle!" on my computer.

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to use it as my avatar on the MSPA forums if all goes according to plan. I'll have to alter something about it, though.

Liberty's Edge

I'll probably simply make his horns candy-corn coloured.

Liberty's Edge

Wow I really f#~@ed up those dashes in that last post.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for the pause in blitzing.

Liberty's Edge

There was a guy getting stuff from the hold shelf next to me.

Liberty's Edge

I could totally see the media being all like, "Kids these days are actually ENCOURAGED to talk about inanities for as long as possible, as seen on several VIOLENT ROLE-PLAYING GAME 4UMS."

Liberty's Edge

(Swidt? I switched out "for" with "4" in "forums" to connote 4CHAN. I am a stealth ninja.)

Liberty's Edge

(Swidt with the stealth ninja?)

Liberty's Edge

(Swidt with the continued use of an acronym of my own creation, for something people don't say on account of not wanting to look like they're flaunting their cleverness?)

Liberty's Edge

(Swidt with not actually explaining what the acronym means? SO HILARIOUS>)

Liberty's Edge

(Okay, since the guy at the market said I seemed like a nice guy, I'll tell you all. But REMEMBER IT THIS TIME>)

Liberty's Edge

So when I was riding home a few days ago (a week?) I stopped at the market (it's actually a convenience store, but WHATEVS).

Liberty's Edge

There's this old Jew with dark skin. I ask him for a monthly bus pass. He asks if I can pay cash. I say no. He asks how much cash I have. I tell him I have thirteen bucks. He says no, keep your money.

Liberty's Edge

(Wait see what I did there with the racist terms? SO RACIST> I"M A CRAZY RACIST NOW>)

Liberty's Edge

So I get out my Visa, but I say I can come back later. So he's like, no, you can have it now. The problem, he says, is that he doesn't get any money from the transaction - it goes straight to the county - but he still has to pay for the Visa use. (Actually he says this part earlier.)

Liberty's Edge

But he says that since he knows I'm a nice guy ("But I can tell you're a nice guy."), I can pay with the Visa. So I do so, and thank him, and go on my merry way.

Liberty's Edge

So if someone ever asks me about myself, I'll tell them I'm a nice guy.

Liberty's Edge

By the way: I don't actually think he is a Jew. I'm horrible at differentiating "races" (WOW JUST GOT EMVEN MORE RACIST YOU RACIST PASTERD).

Liberty's Edge

By the way: I've been stopping there every other day or so since then and buying something. I'll probably stop when this ten dollar bill runs out?

Liberty's Edge

He's a good salesman, using GUILD to make me buy more. And also calling me a nice guy, and then me knowing that if I skip town without calling in my debts (wow these idioms are f!$&ing my s**@ up) I will have proven him wrong.

Liberty's Edge

My posts are getting too long and thought-out.

Liberty's Edge

It's time for it to end!

Liberty's Edge

Back to my original point:

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I got up at five this morning.

Liberty's Edge

Actually, wait no.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Wait I'm losing my writing style.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

^Shut up. Just - just shut up.

Liberty's Edge

Restart again:

Liberty's Edge

So last night I went to sleep around 22:30.

Liberty's Edge

I got up at five.

Liberty's Edge

For breakfast I had a slice of applesauce cake and a bit of coffee.

Liberty's Edge

Then I realised I was late and ponderously began the half-mile ride to the bus stop.

Liberty's Edge

I preceded the bus by about thirty seconds.

Liberty's Edge

When I got off at 7:49, I had to hurry and lock up my bike and get to my first class at 8:00.

Liberty's Edge

During my 11:00 and 12:00 classes, I ate my lunch: first a sandwich and then another piece of applesauce cake (It's healthy! I'm young! Shut up!)

Liberty's Edge

After my last class had finished at 1:50, I went to the university library and drank a root beer.

Liberty's Edge

Around five (+/- 30 minutes) I rode my bike here, to the county library, where I could watch stuff on the internet with privacy (guttermind) and see if they had Nic Cage movies.

Liberty's Edge

I get to eat at 19:00 (American Dream pizza), but not before another bike ride back to campus (it's a quarter mile or two?).

Liberty's Edge

I've been craving food pretty much all day.

Liberty's Edge

Currently listening to this.

Liberty's Edge

Probably the best album, even if it doesn't have MeGaLoVaNiA on it.

Liberty's Edge

It probably only seems good to me, however, because I associate the music with different comics in MSPA.

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