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Liberty's Edge

More cutesy b!&@!#+!:
Going to watch [S] Cascade once tomorrow. Then I will begin my reread of Homestuck. This time I only have like nine days so I'm going to have to get through about 700 comics per day. This means I will neglect
  • school
  • boards
  • sleep
1d3 ⇒ 3

Liberty's Edge

Hopy sit that was actually the outcome I was hoping for. <Declares self GOD OF LUCK.>



swearing but with a typo for comedic effect so it's not bleeped?:

Anyway I'm going to go finish this section of reading and then watch [S] Cascade and then hit the sack. If I don't wake up at 5:00 am, I'm going to be PISSED>

Liberty's Edge

^^Naked sleep I guess? :/

Liberty's Edge

>BEGIN, mofos.

You continue to flip your s#!* while listening to music. Wow what a f%&+ing waste of time.

Liberty's Edge

@aeglos: That is a horrendous trip. Unless you're going to make three days of it, you will not have a good time at all. Since it is about 12 hours from Corvallis to Oakland, and this trip would have horrible traffic on BOTH ends, I'd bet on 16 hours.

It is really pretty, though! Some of the time. Definitely check out the redwoods. A lot of people love Shasta, but not me. Ummm . . . Portland is cool. A lot of stuff there (though you'll want to do some research beforehand, unless you don't in which case you shouldn't).

Oh. Mt. St. Helens. Actually, I think Washington is pretty scenic.

Or I guess your girlfriend probably wants "cool" places. I guess the only thing that fits that bill - that I know of - is Portland.

I'm probably supposed to plug Corvallis now but it's actually pretty s$$+ty - just a veneer of tourismness.

^Will you just look at this disjointed post. I better get some sleep tonight.

Edit: There are also some wetlands and rice paddies along the way (I think?).

And the Klamath Basin, which is kind of impressive.

Edit1: What about Amtrak? I mean, it's not an American Road Trip, but at least you're not as tired when you get there. Or Greyhound I guess.

Liberty's Edge

You achieved new achievement: Passable Score!

82%. Better than I expected walking out of that test.

Also, the new lecturer's PowerPoint presentation was hilariously s&+@ty. Like bad animations and backgrounds and fonts and colours as far as the eye could see. He really liked showing gory pictures of disease symptoms. I was able to laugh and be all like, "Haha, this guy doesn't care about societal standards" the first few times, but then I got weirded out and started to wonder if he had a fetish or something. Or maybe he is just trying to scare the med students. This morning in lab quite a few people were freaking out about mycelia that grow in an insect's brain and make it climb up high, then root it to the substrate and send carps out of its head and s$~~. I felt kind of bad for nervously smiling (humour makes one not feel empathy? I don't know). But this guy . . . yeah just weird. Almost like he wanted to trigger an anxiety attack or something. He seems like he'd be nice to you if you were on his side, but I can definitely see him being a dismissive a*$+$$% to those who oppose him. Ego problem. Perhaps because he is from NYC?

Liberty's Edge

George of the Jungle-Lost crossover.

Liberty's Edge

Make s$%$ hapen.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, we are not going to f&!* up their nice thread like that. Get your ass back in here for a good stomping. I've taken your s%@$ long enough, had to put up with people thinking we are the same person.



F@#~. F!%~ing. You. I am not going to take part in your juvenile little roleplay. You may think it's time for a fight just because you're listening to battle music, but it's not actually that great. Your Homestuck obsession is merely the result of Andrew Hussie's attempt at pioneering a new genre. He is not good. The musicians are not good. "At the Price of Oblivion" is not good, and the associated Flash is only better because it cut short what would have promised to be an agonisingly boring strife scene. If the outcome is inevitable, why should you bother watching it? That's what I never got with you. You know what's going to happen, but you actually try to avert it. I doubt even I could blame predestination entirely for your hopes. Soon you will die. Stop acting as if this is not a thing that is true. Wait. Did you just make me use one of your incomprehensible Homestuck quotes? F$*# you. F+&$ Homestuck. F+*~ MSPA. F@#@ Andrew Hussie. F~$!. F#%&ing. You.

Liberty's Edge

Cancel wrote:
You may think it's time for a fight just because you're listening to battle music, but it's not actually that great. Your Homestuck obsession is merely the result of Andrew Hussie's attempt at pioneering a new genre. He is not good. The musicians are not good. "At the Price of Oblivion" is not good, and the associated Flash is only better because it cut short what would have promised to be an agonisingly boring strife scene.

Liberty's Edge

Cancel wrote:
Your Homestuck obsession is merely the result of Andrew Hussie's attempt at pioneering a new genre. He is not good. The musicians are not good.

Liberty's Edge

Cancel wrote:
He is not good.

Liberty's Edge

Cancel wrote:
not good.

Liberty's Edge


This radio play was brought to you by Fish's fervid Way Too Much Sleep Last Night.

Shadow Lodge

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Make s$*# hapen.

Would you like it in a flaming bag?

Hmmm. A lot of stuff happening on the boards while I was away.

Usually, of course, I'd be the first to pour on the oil, but I had a long and grar-filled day at work and already got all the trolling out of my system.

I liked the first Does Anybody Hate Everyhing thread, though. I thought it'd make a nice Negative Energy Plane anti-thread for I Love My Life. Too bad it's drawn the admin's displeasure.

Liberty's Edge

Burgomeister of Troll Town wrote:

Hmmm. A lot of stuff happening on the boards while I was away.

Usually, of course, I'd be the first to pour on the oil, but I had a long and grar-filled day at work and already got all the trolling out of my system.

I liked the first Does Anybody Hate Everyhing thread, though. I thought it'd make a nice Negative Energy Plane anti-thread for I Love My Life. Too bad it's drawn the admin's displeasure.

I was freaking out at all those threads. Unfortunately, it brought out my negative-energy-themed nemesis, who I have decided is another alter ego. Then I got cussed out for cussing him out and accidentally typoing something that was PG-13 into something that was probably not. It was fun! bad.

I have watched so many movies.

George of the Jungle: B. This is excellent for Disney. FINALLY something that doesn't take itself seriously. Watch it with your kids. I would have given it a B+, but it's not quite surreal enough.

Coraline: C+. Pretty good thematically and dialogically, and I liked some aspects of the art style . . . but those eyes. The animation was kind of weird (when she closes her eyes)? I don't know. My brother liked it a lot more than I. I liked the dad, though. Pretty hilarious. Oh. I remembered why I wanted to give it a C+ (wait not that, get your mind out of the gutter). Those ghosts . . . SO BAD> Really all there is to say on the matter.


Unfortunately, like pretty much all trailers, it was way better than the movie. I guess it was - short? Tropey? I was definitely put off by the bird girl character, even if it could be explained away as the guy's feminine side or something. From the trailer, it seemed like One would be the cool priest guy and Two would be the scholar and all, and they would go on Adventures!. But instead the ending was unfulfilling and sad.

I mean, they don't even bring life back to Earth!
Also the protagonist is SO BLNAD>


George of the Jungle 2: D+. A lot worse than the original, if only because they had a kid and got lamer. Part of this may be my reaction to the reduced budget or whatever. And New!George has manboobs. For this one, I was not as willing to suspend my disbelief. It was still pretty surreal, so I didn't give it an E or something.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Burgomeister of Troll Town wrote:

Hmmm. A lot of stuff happening on the boards while I was away.

Usually, of course, I'd be the first to pour on the oil, but I had a long and grar-filled day at work and already got all the trolling out of my system.

I liked the first Does Anybody Hate Everyhing thread, though. I thought it'd make a nice Negative Energy Plane anti-thread for I Love My Life. Too bad it's drawn the admin's displeasure.

I was freaking out at all those threads. Unfortunately, it brought out my negative-energy-themed nemesis, who I have decided is another alter ego. Then I got cussed out for cussing him out and accidentally typoing something that was PG-13 into something that was probably not. It was fun! bad.

I have watched so many movies.

George of the Jungle: B. This is excellent for Disney. FINALLY something that doesn't take itself seriously. Watch it with your kids. I would have given it a B+, but it's not quite surreal enough.

Coraline: C+. Pretty good thematically and dialogically, and I liked some aspects of the art style . . . but those eyes. The animation was kind of weird (when she closes her eyes)? I don't know. My brother liked it a lot more than I. I liked the dad, though. Pretty hilarious. Oh. I remembered why I wanted to give it a C+ (wait not that, get your mind out of the gutter). Those ghosts . . . SO BAD> Really all there is to say on the matter.


Unfortunately, like pretty much all trailers, it was way better than the movie. I guess it was - short? Tropey? I was definitely put off by the bird girl character, even if it could be explained away as the guy's feminine side or something. From the trailer, it seemed like One would be the cool priest guy and Two would be the scholar and all, and they would go on Adventures!. But instead the ending was unfulfilling and sad.** spoiler omitted **Also the protagonist is SO BLNAD>


George of the...

I am not your f~+&ing alter ego. Get a grip.

Liberty's Edge

Cancel wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Burgomeister of Troll Town wrote:

Hmmm. A lot of stuff happening on the boards while I was away.

Usually, of course, I'd be the first to pour on the oil, but I had a long and grar-filled day at work and already got all the trolling out of my system.

I liked the first Does Anybody Hate Everyhing thread, though. I thought it'd make a nice Negative Energy Plane anti-thread for I Love My Life. Too bad it's drawn the admin's displeasure.

I was freaking out at all those threads. Unfortunately, it brought out my negative-energy-themed nemesis, who I have decided is another alter ego. Then I got cussed out for cussing him out and accidentally typoing something that was PG-13 into something that was probably not. It was fun! bad.

I have watched so many movies.

George of the Jungle: B. This is excellent for Disney. FINALLY something that doesn't take itself seriously. Watch it with your kids. I would have given it a B+, but it's not quite surreal enough.

Coraline: C+. Pretty good thematically and dialogically, and I liked some aspects of the art style . . . but those eyes. The animation was kind of weird (when she closes her eyes)? I don't know. My brother liked it a lot more than I. I liked the dad, though. Pretty hilarious. Oh. I remembered why I wanted to give it a C+ (wait not that, get your mind out of the gutter). Those ghosts . . . SO BAD> Really all there is to say on the matter.


Unfortunately, like pretty much all trailers, it was way better than the movie. I guess it was - short? Tropey? I was definitely put off by the bird girl character, even if it could be explained away as the guy's feminine side or something. From the trailer, it seemed like One would be the cool priest guy and Two would be the scholar and all, and they would go on Adventures!. But instead the ending was unfulfilling and sad.** spoiler omitted **Also the protagonist is SO BLNAD>


George of the...

I am not your...

See there he goes again.

Liberty's Edge

These threads are so funny.

Like, wow man. SO FUNNY>

(Sorry if people misunderstood my posts, I am Probably Crazy!)

I am thinking of starting a thread entitled "Things you are really proud of about yourself." It would be about stuff you like to talk about yourself about that you are proud of.

Ex: I am so proud of not hating people. I lapse sometimes. I am proud of my self-awareness. I realise I am not always self-aware, and I am proud of my ability to recognise this . . . (continue ad nauseam)


Or probably something that would be a really dumb idea.


Liberty's Edge

<Scrolls up a little.>

This thread is like the English countryside. All these little walls (of text) all over the place.

Liberty's Edge

Also, woah! This thread has reached 10 pages on angry grubf%!# power alone!

Liberty's Edge

I was thinking about staying up tonight, but instead I will do it tomorrow and change the clocks at the lawful time FOR ONCE>

I never saw Coraline, but I enjoyed both Mirrormask and Stardust.

In other news, an amusing incident from work yesterday before my day turned grar:

I'm currently reading Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses and I had it out during my lunch break. My supervisor walked by and said "Oh great, not only are you a socialist, but now you're a devil-worshipper, too!"

Hee hee!

I don't get along with him very well, but I have to admit that he's pretty sharp sometimes.

I am also sorry I missed your brush with authority, Gark.

Damn goblins.

Doodlebug Anklebiters's TV and Movie Round-up

I've lived most of my adult life without cable television, but I've been spending a lot of time over my parents' doing winter-prep work and, afterwards, drinking beer and watching TV.

I have recently laughed at the following shows: The King of Queens, 30 Rock and The Office (U.S. version).

Movie-wise, I've decided that I was too easy on the films I disliked above and will be more stringent in my grading from here on in. I liked the last three films I saw, though:

The Fighter: A. Seeing as this movie takes place in my stomping grounds along the Merrimack River valley and the Mark Wahlberg character is a member of my local, it's kind of surprising I went so long without watching this. I liked it a lot. I can't attest to the accuracy of the boxing stuff--it follows the cliche of the protagonist absorbing a storm of ass-kicking before landing the one punch that results in a KO--but everything that takes place outside of the ring rings pretty true to my experiences amongst the New England working class. Christian Bale's charming crackhead reminds of me at least two ex-roommates. Good movie.

Cop Out: B+. I think Kevin Smith might have missed his calling. Although all of his films have their hilarious moments, I think his formulaic genre pictures are a lot more satisfying than his more personal relationship pictures which I find rather clunky. This Bruce Willis-Tracey Morgan buddy cop-flick goes down smooth, however.

The Sword of Doom A+. I won't ruin it with words: watch this film! (I could do without the symphonic metal in the video, but that's not in the movie.)

Liberty's Edge

From those quick allusions, I think I may have seen The Fighter before when I was younger. Actually, I think that was some spy comedy film with Owen Wilson.

Anyway, I have determined that if I got a convert* every time someone misused the word "troll" on these boards . . .

*Really just any kind of convert, it doesn't matter.

Also we just f&~*ed up a zombie's s&@@. I kept tripping him. Then we retreated upwards. He managed to get to our level . . . and then I tripped him.

I got knocked out and didn't actually deal any damage in that battle, but I sure as hell got to make my reference.

Liberty's Edge

Breakin' my Pan's Labyrinth-induced hiatus to say that this is still the best MSPA page. Ever.

Edit: Wait wrong. This one.

Edit: Eh what the hell. <== perhaps the easiest part to get into

Liberty's Edge

Breakin' my *-induced hiatus to say the following words:


just howw HIGH do I evven have to BE. . ...

to go without SPLEEP on th day before a TEST?>??

Well, if I'm not high now, I certainly will be then.

(Two midterms and 3000 comics to read . . . AND a future to decide . . . will he make it?)

Liberty's Edge

Fight Club: Two friends decide to start a community outreach centre in their hometown. Everywhere else, people think it is such a great idea that they start similar centres in their towns! Unfortunately, the two friends are split apart by a girl. Will they realise that friendship is the best hip in time to prevent their centre from going bankrupt!

I got this today but I haven't watched it yet. It looks to be full of lots of timeless wisdom.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Good. Okay, see, I can work with this.

Jack is never surprised because of his fourth wall.

Liberty's Edge

Quotes for Today

Time to "call CAMPUS F&&!ING SAFETY."

"I love turtles. I have some turtles. They're my friends."
-My biology lecturerer, Andy Blaustein

Liberty's Edge


Don't worry, Gark, it'll be okay.

Liberty's Edge

Okay I feel much better now.

Liberty's Edge

It's as thick as pea smoke out there. Can't see for more than a block.

Liberty's Edge

Will to stay awake . . . fading . . .


^what><><><><><><><><>&l t;><><><><><><><><><& gt;<><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><look at all the fish<<<


Liberty's Edge

Where'd all those hate threads go? I really hate losing pencils, and then not finding them later.

Shadow Lodge

No thread can contain my hate.

Liberty's Edge

I saw one of them today but I lacked the time to read it. Someone must have resurrected it for me. Thank you, anonymous donor!

Liberty's Edge

Wow f!*+ how did I get sick my Hygiene skill is like +14. Must have been all this lack of sleep and also the freakish cold today. And . . . maybe sitting outside for three hours?

BY THE WAY > > > Did you know that 30-40% of college males don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom? PEOPLE WE LIVE IN A F**%IN PETRI DISH> And only 20% of college females so there's that. I got this from my Biology lecturer, who I guess is pretty cool. He's a bit obsessed with parasites, though (which is good I guess because he probably grosses out those who would otherwise be vectors). He basically spent the whole day today talking about parasite and host behaviour (with like 5 minutes of Platyhelminthes discussion). I might be getting inured to his images.

I like Porifera! Seriously contemplating switching majors just so I can study sponges. They're like plants . . . only ANIMALS>>>

Liberty's Edge

WhOa f#~# look at all these posts I am making while being kind of out of it. I guess when I'm out of it I talk all up like this you know at there.

So, after three successive weekends of not playing due to children's birthdays, freak snowstorms, Halloween and something to do with fiancees, tonight my group is finally heading back to Harrowstone!

They just finished clearing out the top floor and are about to delve into the basement--and the cleric can't make it because he's been press-ganged into baby-sitting!

Hee hee! They are so screwed!

Liberty's Edge

Public Enemy on Sound Opinions tonight. Sound Opinions is this radio show that comes on at 11:00 that is done by a couple of guys who are even greater hipsters than I. I tend to just turn it off. But I guess Chuck D (Ruby Dee/Heavy D? ahahaha) is taking on some record companies for not giving fair royalties.

Oh man Wild Flag. An indie band has become slightly less indie! >SHIP: COME TRUE>

Since I've postponed it long enough:

Pan's Labyrinth: This is one of the few movies worth its hype. It kind of sucked that I had all these preconceptions from when it came out and all these interviews were going on, but it was still very good. I'm not going to spoil anything, but it altered my mind. A+ (even though I'll be kicking myself later for A+ creep)

And while I'm talking about movies:

Hairspray: THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER> A fat kid fights against racial and economic divisions and takes the elite down a notch while at the same time singing a lot of really great music. BEST EVER>

Liberty's Edge

Also F+&~ but this dizeesus is making me way too snarky. I was a flaming s!%+storm of passive aggressive this evening. Now I'm posting ironic and offensive reviews of movies and am tempted to make an ironic email . . . ironic against my GRAND_PA>

Liberty's Edge

Anyway I basically spent the whole day doing non-digital stuff while my sister had an archive binge on my computer. F+$!in pie crusts never working all the time.

Shadow Lodge


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