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Something of a rough draft. I have to rewrite it to use the same verbiage in each specific 'Devil-School,' since they all have certain commonalities (abandoning training in kama, nunchaku, sai and siangham to learn a different devil-specific weapon, for instance).
Devil Taught Monks of Cheliax
In the Asmodean-sponsored monastaries of Cheliax, devils are called to Golarion to instruct the faithful in arts of combat forged in the fires of Hell itself. Noble sons and daughters, often having lobbied and sacrificed for the opportunity to train here, are tutored alongside foundlings and pardoned criminals, for the devils keep their own counsel who they choose to train in the arts of Hell. There are currently four dominant 'Devil-Schools,' and they compete fiercely to see who produces the more powerful warriors.
Hamatsula Style
Your teaching came from monks who studied under the cruel tutelage of a Hamatsula, also known as a ‘Barbed Devil.’
Benefit: You are trained to wear a special harness of leather straps over wrists, hands, forearms, shoulders, chest, waist and legs that are adorned with deadly steel spikes. (Cost 25 gp, Armor Bonus +1, Max Dex Bonus +6, Armor Check Penalty -1, Arcane Spell Failure 10%, Lt armor, 6 lbs, time to don/remove as breastplate) Because of your special training, you can wear such armor (but no other!) without impeding your Monk class abilities, and you ignore the Max Dex Bonus and Armor Check Penalty of such a harness. A Spiked Harness mainly serves as a platform to mount Armor Spikes, which you can use proficiently as a special Monk weapon (although you lose the ability to use the kama, nunchaku, sai and siangham as special Monk weapons as a result of this training). Your body has been toughened to constant puncture wounds, during this torturous training, and you suffer two less point of hit point damage per round from any bleed effect (to a minimum of zero damage). Ability point damage inflicted by a bleed effect is not mitigated by this training.
Prerequisites: 1st level Monk
Advanced Hamatsula Training
Benefit: You can now choose to inflict your unarmed attack damage with your armor spikes (the damage remains Piercing). You have learned to throw spikes as well, which are treated as darts (with which you gain proficiency), and as special monk weapons for the purpose of flurrying. Additionally, if you confirm a critical hit with an unarmed attack, you can rake your armor spikes across the victim to add an additional +1d6 to that attacks final damage (this damage is not multiplied). Your continued exposure to puncturing wounds has toughened your body so that you now suffer one less point of ability damage from any bleed effect.
Prerequisites: 6th level Monk
Kyton Style
The lessons of the so-called ‘Chain Devils’ have been imparted during your oppressive instruction.
Benefits: You have been trained to use the spiked chain as monk weapon, and gain exotic weapon proficiency in the spiked chain (you lose the ability to use kama, nunchaku, sai and siangham as special Monk weapons in the process, however). You also gain a +2 bonus to Escape Artist checks to escape ropes, chains or manacles.
Prerequisites: 1st level Monk
Advanced Kyton Training
Benefit: You have been trained to fight while draped in chains, which are treated as a Spiked Harness (above) for statistics, minus the Armor Spikes. (As with Hamatsula style, you are trained to ignore the Max Dex Penalty and Armor Check Penalty that anyone else would suffer wearing chains in this manner, and can wear this ‘armor’ without impeding your Monk class abilities). Unlike a Spiked Harness, you have also been trained to don/remove such chains swiftly, and treat these protective layers as Studded Leather, for time to put on / remove purposes. Otherwise, statistics are identical to the Spiked Harness, save that weight is 8 lbs. This training has also given you the equivalent of the Quick-Draw feat, but only as pertains to readying your spiked chain. You also gain a +4 to your CMB for the purposes of determining the DC for others to escape bindings you have placed upon them (see Escape Artist, p. 95).
Finally, and most importantly, you can choose to use your unarmed attack damage with your spiked chain attacks (although the damage remains Piercing).
Prerequisites: 6th level Monk
Gelugon Style
The cold teachings of the ‘Ice Devils’ have taught you to keep your foes at arms’ length, while strengthening your flesh against the ravages of winter’s fury.
Benefit: You gain longspear proficiency, and can use the short spear, halfspear or longspear as special monk weapons (but lose the ability to use kama, nunchaku, sai and siangham as special monk weapons). You can also use a spear to conduct the effects of a Stunning Fist, and when you successfully strike with a Stunning Fist attack (whether from a spear or unarmed attack), you can choose for the victim to be slowed for 1d6 rounds instead of stunned for 1 round. Finally, you gain a +2 to Fortitude saves vs. the effects of exposure to extremes of cold, and ignore the first 2 points of nonlethal damage from exposure to extreme cold.
Prerequisites: 1st level Monk
Advanced Gelugon Training
Benefit: You can now use the Unarmed Damage rating for your Monk class levels when you hit with a spear, instead of using spear damage (although the damage remains Piercing). You can also spend a point of ki as a swift action to give your spear the Frost property for 1 round. You gain a +2 to all saving throws against lethal or nonlethal Cold damage, and 2 points of Cold Resistance (which stack with the benefits of Gelugon Style).
Prerequisites: 6th level Monk
Bezikara Style
Benefit: You sacrifice the training to use kama, nunchaku, sai and siangham as special Monk weapons to instead learn to proficiently use Clawed Gauntlets (treat as spiked gauntlets, but as light martial weapons that inflict 1d4 S / 19-20, cost 10 gp each and weigh 2 lbs each) as special Monk weapons. Your training allows you to use your Unarmed damage in place of the clawed gauntlets (the 1d4 damage number therefore only applies to other users), but you retain the improved critical range (and slashing damage). You also gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth checks.
Prerequisites: 1st level Monk
Advanced Hellcat Training
[b]Benefit: You can now use a Flurry of attacks as a standard action at the end of a Charge. This does not allow you to take advantage of full-attack actions such as the additional attack(s) gained from two-weapon fighting or a haste spell, nor does it apply to a Flurry attack when you are not taking the Charge action. You also gain the ability to rend someone that you have hit with at least two of your attacks during a Flurry, inflicting an extra 1d6 slashing damage for every attack after the first that hit from that Flurry (extra attacks from TWF, haste or other means are not counted in this calculation). For the purpose of passing through Damage Reduction, this extra damage is added to the last attack that hit from that Flurry. Your bonus to Stealth checks increases to +4.
Prerequisites: 6th level Monk
Generally speaking, these Feats should have their abilities divided up into three Feats (Gained at 1st, 2nd and 6th levels), but I haven't figured out exactly how I want to break them up yet, and my enthusiasm has waned enough that I figure if I don't post them now, I'll probably shove that document to the corner of one of my desktops and forget about it for a couple of months (with a couple dozen other half-baked ideas...).
Any thoughts, beyond the obvious, 'too much! are you crazy?'? :)