Science insults

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Sovereign Court

I'm collecting science insults. Since we're mostly all gamers (and thus smarter than average) on this forum I thought this would be a great place for finding science related insults. Please share your science related insults. I'm looking for insults similar to the following.

What do your butt and Jupiter have in common? They are both gas giants!

Your like a black hole, your extremely dense!

Your so stupid that during math class you tried to eat Pi.

Dark Archive

Yo mamma's so dumb she doesn't know the difference between Newtonian physics and string theory.

Scarab Sages

Your stupidity is like the Kelvin temperature scale... absolute!


You're so stupid when some one says they say an atom split you thought they meant some guy ran away!


Sovereign Court

We are alike in that we both have a room temperature IQ, but different in that I'm using Kelvin, and you're using Celsius.

Dark Archive

You are so dense, they wanted to add you to the periodic table.

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:
Yo mamma's so dumb she doesn't know the difference between Newtonian physics and string theory.

Unified Field Theory: There in no difference.

Dark Archive

I rest my case.

Dark Archive

yellowdingo wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Yo mamma's so dumb she doesn't know the difference between Newtonian physics and string theory.
Unified Field Theory: There in no difference.

Einstein called, he want's his lab rat back.


Dark Archive

Your so fat you just sit on elements to fuse them.

What dos your butt and a blck hole have in cmmon? They both crush anything near them into the constituant atoms.

Sovereign Court

Your like one of Martin Seligman's dogs... Helpless! <--My fellow psych students gotta laugh at this one.

Dark Archive

You're like Schrodinger's cat, clueless.

Dude, your so easy to control, i that i am considering changing my name to Stanley Milgram.

Dude, that one is the force.

Dark Archive

You drool worse than Pavlov's dogs.

David Fryer wrote:
You're like Schrodinger's cat, clueless.

Watch it, baby! If there is no one else around to observe me, am I really kicking your ass?

Dark Archive

No, and nobody to tell you I just strangled you either.

Your stranger than a strangelet.

Your mamma is so fat, she has smaller fat women orbiting her.

Sovereign Court

Wow this forum is growing faster than universal expansion! I also posted to and haven't gotten a single hit yet.

Not an insult but a joke.
Two atoms walking down the road.
One says "Sh!t, I've just lost an electron!"
The other says "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive!"

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Spacelard wrote:

Not an insult but a joke.

Two atoms walking down the road.
One says "Sh!t, I've just lost an electron!"
The other says "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive!"

I must make "anode" to myself to remember this joke.

Sovereign Court

I've met lumbricus terrestris with more backbone than you!

Yo mama's so dense she could pass for a black hole.

The only happy and charming thing about you is your quarks.

You aren't that bad looking for a pithecanthropus.

Is that a smile, or do your lips use peristalsis?

Dark Archive

CourtFool wrote:
Your mamma is so fat, she has smaller fat women orbiting her.

This one made me laugh.

Somewhere in the infinite possible dimensional branes, there's a version of you that isn't a complete moron.

Einstein was right about people like you, stupidity is more common than hydrogen.

Aristotle taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. Apparently, he was talking about you.

Huzzah, may I present the missing link between man and ape! (points to subject)

You're living proof that evolution has failed. Get back in the water and try again.

You know you're supposed to attach those neurons of yours together, don't you?

Your momma wants the extra chromosome back.

I want to do an experiment with vacuum. May I pick your brain?

I didn't know people had pseudopods. Hm.

I thought at first it was dandruff, but it turns out your skin is just revolting.

How can you look so bouyant when you are so dense?

You are about as useful as a leverless fulcrum.

I have just made a curious observation. Every time you open your mouth, my medulla oblongata sends a message via my hippocampus to my sensorilimbic connective matrix to smack the living s#$% out of you before it happens again.

Please tell me you are an outlier, and the species is not doomed.

I see you don't have a girlfriend.

Thank you for restoring my faith in natural selection.

I rue the day my ancestor masturbated on frogs eggs and created the french.

The average American consumes 74.5 pounds of fat a year, but you had to get extreme, didn't you? Do you feel happy, lifting the national average?

What is it like to be free of the burden of intelligence?

115 pounds of red meat a year are wasted keeping your vapid, clueless, inane, assholish, and utterly useless self alive.

I didn't know the INS let platyhelminthes work in this country.

Neutrinos choose to go around you. You really are unlovable.

If i could build a tachyon based super weapon, the first thing i would wipe from the pages of history, after the 80's, would be the moment of your conception.

Liberty's Edge

zafthan wrote:
Your like one of Martin Seligman's dogs... Helpless! <--My fellow psych students gotta laugh at this one.

Not a psych student, still got it though. Wicked.

Liberty's Edge

waltero wrote:
I must make "anode" to myself to remember this joke.

Here's another one:

Schrödinger and Heisenberg are driving around in a car, and Heisenberg goes "I think we just ran over a cat."
"Is it dead?" asks Schrödinger.
"I can't be certain", says Heisenberg.

Expect a hairball in your underwear drawer, baby. The cat jokes aren't funny.

Scarab Sages

I, however, like the cat jokes...

As every cat owner knows, the cat has three states; alive, dead and bloody furious.

Schroedinger's Cat: wanted Dead or Alive!

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