Papa-DRB |

*sigh* I know what I meant, how come no one else did ( lol !). I was asking about the Hero's Lab product. I "upgraded" it to have the Pathfinder dataset but no APG classes.
-- david
Papa-DRB wrote:Go to Here and add it to your cart and download it. It's free.I can not find the playtest classes. How do I access them please?
-- david

Rob Bowes Lone Wolf Development |

I can not find the playtest classes. How do I access them please?
When you create a new character and the Configure Hero form appears, you'll see all the available options on the right. Make sure that the Advanced Player's Guide option is checked. Once you do that and save the change, add a new level. You should see Alchemist at the top of the list.
Hope this helps....

Papa-DRB |

Sorry, doesn't work. The APG is checked when I start up the program, but the APG classes are not available for level up.
-- david
Papa-DRB wrote:I can not find the playtest classes. How do I access them please?When you create a new character and the Configure Hero form appears, you'll see all the available options on the right. Make sure that the Advanced Player's Guide option is checked. Once you do that and save the change, add a new level. You should see Alchemist at the top of the list.
Hope this helps....

Rob Bowes Lone Wolf Development |

Sorry, doesn't work. The APG is checked when I start up the program, but the APG classes are not available for level up.
That's strange. Could you please verify that you are running Hero Lab V3.6 and the V2.5 data files for Pathfinder? You can do this by going to the Help menu and selecting the two "About" options (one for the product and one for the loaded data files).
Edit: Oops. Make that the V2.4 data files for Pathfinder. The V2.5 files are imminent and include the missing Summoner class, but they aren't actually out yet.

Papa-DRB |

Hero Lab 3.6, Data files 2.4.
So, when the 2.5 files come out the summoner class is there?
-- david
That's strange. Could you please verify that you are running Hero Lab V3.6 and the V2.5 data files for Pathfinder? You can do this by going to the Help menu and selecting the two "About" options (one for the product and one for the loaded data files).
Edit: Oops. Make that the V2.4 data files for Pathfinder. The V2.5 files are imminent and include the missing Summoner class, but they aren't actually out yet.

Rob Bowes Lone Wolf Development |

Hero Lab 3.6, Data files 2.4.
So, when the 2.5 files come out the summoner class is there?
OK, I think I've figured out the problem. You're running in demo mode, aren't you?
The playtest classes are currently only available to users who have purchased access to the Pathfinder data files. There is a bug in the V2.4 Pathfinder files where the Advanced Players Guide option is *supposed* to be greyed out in demo mode, but it's not. That will be fixed in the V2.5 release.
The reason for the playtest classes being locked out of demo mode is due to a technical limitation. Resolving that issue will take a few days. If Paizo intends to release playtest material like this on an ongoing basis in the future, we'll invest the time to resolve the limitation, but we don't want to invest a significant chunk of time until we know what Paizo's plans are in this regard. We're expecting to sit down with Paizo to get clarity on this detail and a whole lot more in the near future, after which we'll make changes as appropriate.
With regards to the Summoner class, it is implemented and appears to be working. I've played with it a little, and it's currently being tested before public release. The V2.5 Pathfinder data files will include the Summoner class.

Papa-DRB |

Yes, I am running in Demo mode. Sorry, did not think to mention that. I *really* want to use the summoner class, which is why I downloaded. If I understand you correctly below, the APG classes will not be available in demo mode, assuming that Paizo does not have (m)any more of the play test situations...
-- david
OK, I think I've figured out the problem. You're running in demo mode, aren't you?

Grifter |

I have been using Hero Lab for a bit now and really like the product but I have one issue that I was hoping someone had an answer too. When building my character I found that I am limited to the list of languages that are presented and there appears to be no way to add my own languages.
Am I blind or is this just a major oversight by the product? If you know how to solve this problem your wisdom would truly be appreciated.

![]() |
I have been using Hero Lab for a bit now and really like the product but I have one issue that I was hoping someone had an answer too. When building my character I found that I am limited to the list of languages that are presented and there appears to be no way to add my own languages.
Am I blind or is this just a major oversight by the product? If you know how to solve this problem your wisdom would truly be appreciated.
There's an integrated editor that can be used to add new material like this. In the tools menu, select the first option; "Launch Editor", and then you can select the "Help" menu there for instructions on using the editor. The editor is available in demo mode.
Languages are simpler than most other things in the editor, so I'll just list the steps quickly;
In the editor, create and save a new file in the default directory. Find the language tab at the top, and select that tab. Now, on the bottom left, you'll see the option to make a new language, or a new language as a copy of something else. Press "New (Copy)" and pick one of the simple languages (like Evlen or Dwarven (not something like Druidic)). Now all you have to do is rename your language, for example, "Klingon", give it a unique Id, like "lKlingon", change the description text, and you're done. Save the file and press the "Test Now!" button at the top left. Now you can switch back to your character, and you'll see the new language in the list of available languages.
If you want to make it a choice for a race, I suggest you go through the tutorials included in the editor documentation - one of those covers how to copy an existing race and change things about it.

lastblacknight |
Consider this "Reassigned Licenses!"
pcgen allows you to have as many copies on any number of systems.
Today my laptop died, and so today I have taken my license key and gone to reinstall the Herolab I have paid for. Imagine my suprise to be then told I have to wait 26 days before I am permitted to re-activate the product!
There is a clause in their agreement that license can only be moved after 120 days and since I am at day 94 that leaves me swinging in the wind with product(s); Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Advanced Players Guide, and The Bestiary not working.
To say I am not happy is an understatement, I get how wonderful it is you can download the product for a free trial, but the pirates are downloading the software and honest souls like me are being stuffed around.
Being treated like a thief isn't what I paid for.....
Parts of the product are quite sound. However, you can't export a plain text version of your character, you can't see a version of the data showing scores or calculations, you can't even amend the character sheet to make the feat descriptions more useful/readable and you can't see any kind of level progression (i.e. what changes on your character from level to level - really handy for level drain).
So as a comparison (I haven't used RPGexplorer) - I am finding that I don't get all that I thought I paid for. (respect etc...)
I will keep you updated as this unfolds - emails have gone off to support and I am expecting a response (not a resolution) in 2-3 days..

![]() |

To say I am not happy is an understatement, I get how wonderful it is you can download the product for a free trial, but the pirates are downloading the software and honest souls like me are being stuffed around.Being treated like a thief isn't what I paid for.....
Honestly, I've come to accept licensing like this for what it is. I don't have any illusions that the company is targeting me or seeing me as a potential pirate, they are just trying to protect their business. In your particular case, its a little annoying, but based on my experience with the guys from Lone Wolf, I would be amazed is your issue isn't resolved within 48 hours.
Parts of the product are quite sound. However, you can't export a plain text version of your character, you can't see a version of the data showing scores or calculations, you can't even amend the character sheet to make the feat descriptions more useful/readable and you can't see any kind of level progression (i.e. what changes on your character from level to level - really handy for level drain).
You can get a plain text version from the File menu, under output extensions, I think. (I don't have Hero Lab at work, so I can't look). And while I would like level progression info, level drain doesn't exist anymore in Pathfinder (unless you are using house rules that do it differently than the negative level model).

Rob Bowes Lone Wolf Development |

Today my laptop died, and so today I have taken my license key and gone to reinstall the Herolab I have paid for. Imagine my suprise to be then told I have to wait 26 days before I am permitted to re-activate the product!
There is a clause in their agreement that license can only be moved after 120 days and since I am at day 94 that leaves me swinging in the wind with product(s); Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Advanced Players Guide, and The Bestiary not working.
I'm sorry to hear that your laptop died. That's an extremely frustrating event, and it's never convenient. I'm sure that the delays in getting Hero Lab running again compound that frustration. Unfortunately, we've had extensive experience with gamers and software products (12 years), so allow me to explain the situation from our side.
The reason for the waiting period is to ensure that one person in a gaming group doesn't buy the product and then share it on everyone's computers. Every year at GenCon, we have groups of gamers openly discuss doing this in front of us in our booth. So there appear to be plenty of groups with this intent, and we have to take steps to intercede.
The typical user re-formats an existing computer or switches to a new computer every 18-24 months, so the 120-day period is usually not an issue. When this problem does arise, there is a special form you are given access to. If you fill out that form for this specific issue, you're given priority in our support queue and users are usually back up and running within 24 hours.
To say I am not happy is an understatement, I get how wonderful it is you can download the product for a free trial, but the pirates are downloading the software and honest souls like me are being stuffed around.
Actually, the pirates aren't downloading the software. To the best of our knowledge, our licensing mechanism has not been cracked. Sure, there are lots of sites proclaiming they have a crack, but none of them actually have one. Those sites simply list every product in existence to drive traffic to them from people seeking cracks.
Being treated like a thief isn't what I paid for.....
Sadly, a very large percentage of gamers prefer to use cracked software whenever possible. As such, we are left with no choice but to impose the security mechanisms. If all those other gamers were as honest as people like yourself, the security safeguards would not be needed. :(
Parts of the product are quite sound. However, you can't export a plain text version of your character
You can generate a stat block using the Pathfinder standard format by going to the File menu and selecting "Output Active Hero Summary". Available formats are plain text, HTML, BBCode, and WikiText.
you can't see a version of the data showing scores or calculations
That's a lot of work and only a handful of people have asked for this feature. Since we prioritize everything based on what users ask for, this hasn't been done yet. If enough users ask for this, it will bump up in the priority scheme. Are there any other tools that provide this feature today?
you can't even amend the character sheet to make the feat descriptions more useful/readable
This is a high priority for the next big feature release of Hero Lab.
you can't see any kind of level progression (i.e. what changes on your character from level to level - really handy for level drain).
You're the first person that I've seen ask for this. Consequently, it hasn't been on our radar as something to add. I'll make sure it gets added to the todo list.
If you don't hear back from support by tomorrow evening, please let us know and I'll make sure to follow up myself.

lastblacknight |
I use PCGen, the reasons have already been covered in length... free, cross-platform, etc. I have not had any issues with speed, even with multiple characters running, my PC is approx. 4 years old. Also making adjustments has not been an issue for me, such as using non-core material.
Thanks, I use pcgen too.. It takes a couple of tools to do the things I need.
As for Rob - the request for your approval went through two days ago now, I also sent a follow up email with a screenshot of my licenses, and posted here. To date the only feedback or service I have received is from yourself (here) and I am grateful.
Microsoft and Sony have issues with copy protection as well, even they have had less impact on my system (imagine the frustration if their users where locked out of their systems for a period of time).
I understand copy protection, respect it etc... You might have been selling software for years, but I have been servicing contracts, managing software purchases for some years (yes I have grey hair) - as a creator of products I can appreciate hard work and pay for it accordingly.
The issue is kinda moot - as I head off into the wide blue yonder (off the grid for a holiday) what annoys me is that I will not be able to update my characters in a quiet moment.

Rob Bowes Lone Wolf Development |

As for Rob - the request for your approval went through two days ago now, I also sent a follow up email with a screenshot of my licenses, and posted here. To date the only feedback or service I have received is from yourself (here) and I am grateful.
When I saw your update post, I contacted our front-line support person. She confirmed that your request (apparently sent Tuesday morning) was processed earlier today (Wednesday). So everything should be operational again for you - the next day after submitting the trouble report.
The issue is kinda moot - as I head off into the wide blue yonder (off the grid for a holiday) what annoys me is that I will not be able to update my characters in a quiet moment.
Hopefully, everything reached you while you were still packing and before you actually headed out the door.
We're a tiny company (unlike the Sonys and Microsofts of the world), yet our responsiveness to issues (next day in this case) is frequently a lot better than the "big boys" provide. We're definitely not perfect, but our track record is pretty good, as affirmed by Robert Little above.
Hope your holiday is enjoyable!