Relics of the Runelords (Rise of the Runelords Assuming Failure in #1&2) (spoilers)

Rise of the Runelords

Scarab Sages

I'm running a Variant of RotRLs, because my GM ran the first two before submitting to his ADD, and I really liked the idea. I had previously run a few adventures in Darkmoon Vale, and the PCs had formed and adventurer's guild which was succeessful enough to attract lots of low level adventurers, and to send out teams to establish branch offices.

So the assumption (as the title states) is that the PCs failed in Sandpoint and were all murdered by goblins, the town burned down, and the Sihedron killings never stopped in Magnimar, and have moved out of the shadow and are stalking the city as a whole.

I've advanced the progress of the first two stages, and at present the party is struggling to unmask the cult (the head guy has had extra time to create patsies and cover his tracks).

Given that, what else should happen if the various villans are given just a little more time to enact their plans?

DivineAspect wrote:

I'm running a Variant of RotRLs, because my GM ran the first two before submitting to his ADD, and I really liked the idea. I had previously run a few adventures in Darkmoon Vale, and the PCs had formed and adventurer's guild which was succeessful enough to attract lots of low level adventurers, and to send out teams to establish branch offices.

So the assumption (as the title states) is that the PCs failed in Sandpoint and were all murdered by goblins, the town burned down, and the Sihedron killings never stopped in Magnimar, and have moved out of the shadow and are stalking the city as a whole.

I've advanced the progress of the first two stages, and at present the party is struggling to unmask the cult (the head guy has had extra time to create patsies and cover his tracks).

Given that, what else should happen if the various villans are given just a little more time to enact their plans?

If you have access to issue #26, there's something in there that could be modified to suite your campaign.

I am hesitant to offer specifics, but I think a good rule of thumb would be "Karzoug is better prepared now". Most of the rest of the AP can be ran with minimal modification I think, although perhaps having your favorite NPC/monster take on the role of a recurring nemesis that is in tandem with (directed by?) Karzoug while he undertakes preparations to either awaken the other six Runelords ... or dig them up and permadeath them, absorbing their power into himself.

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