Umm... oh snap... |

I'm preparing to run RotR with a group that (hopefully) will get formed up soon. the only thing i'm a little confused on is how npcs are currently stated in the books, since it was printed before the corebook came out. has anyone redone some of the npcs or changed any of their stats much to fit better with the corebook? or am i better off redoing them myself?

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I'm preparing to run RotR with a group that (hopefully) will get formed up soon. the only thing i'm a little confused on is how npcs are currently stated in the books, since it was printed before the corebook came out. has anyone redone some of the npcs or changed any of their stats much to fit better with the corebook? or am i better off redoing them myself?
You can run most of the NPCs and monsters right out of books (except you have to calculate CMB, CMD and concentration check). The game is backwards compatible enough to allow everything to be used as it is.
You cal also go the full monty and convert all of them to PFRPG. Depends on your fancy.
You might however want to restat the boss in second adventure, she has a somewhat deserved reputation of being a player killer. :)

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Well Rise of the Runelords was written for 3.5 and i have already run book 1 using the Pathfinder rules with virtually no work at all. I don't think you will have as much problem running it with existing stat blocks as you think. The main thing is work out the CMB/CMD numbers for N.P.C.'s. Hope this helps.

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Heh heh heh i spoke to Richard Pett recently (the author of the second book of RotR) and believe it or not that last encounter was meant to be worse. He was asked to tone it down lol. Richard was a really nice guy by the way so if you ever get the chance to chat to him please do so. He was nice enough to sign my copy of the scenario too, thanks Richard.

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Heh heh heh i spoke to Richard Pett recently (the author of the second book of RotR) and believe it or not that last encounter was meant to be worse. He was asked to tone it down lol. Richard was a really nice guy by the way so if you ever get the chance to chat to him please do so. He was nice enough to sign my copy of the scenario too, thanks Richard.
I admire Richard and I consider him one of the best D&D adventure authors. Xanesha was rock hard, but it made her one of the most memorable encounters in my DM'ing career. But it can be a little tough on an unprepared party, especially one that does not optimize :)

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Yep Gigglestick pretty much nailed it with his last post. Pathfinder the only real descendent of 3.5 as 4th edition a totally different game. I can't thank Paizo enough for what they have done with Pathfinder as when i want to use any 3.5 material (and if your like me i had loads of 3.5 books) i can with minimal effort. I encourage my players to use anything from their 3.5 books as long as specific rule changes have not affected it and to be honest so far we've had no problems at all.

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I think there is a conversion guide somewhere which makes it quite easy to convert NPCs and monster.
Look around in the Core rulebook section and you will find it.
Generally speaking PF are stronger and therefore make the encounters easier specially for some classes (Paladins and monks I'm looking at you).
Therefore, as a rule of thumb and as PF players are a bit more powerful than before, I tend to add +2/+3 HP per die and +1AC for people wearing heavy or medium armor (EDIT : to monsters that is ... I realised I wasn't clear)
It seems to work fine through the first book. It will probably require a bit more work as we go through the rest (specially due to the increase of feats by 50%).
It may be backward compatible in terms of rule, but now the PF character got an edge against the 3.5 monsters so you need to level this out.

Umm... oh snap... |

as far as the monsters go, when get this group going, the bestiary will be out, so all i gotta do is replace them. i was just thinking more along the lines of the characters like shelu, or foxglove, and the rest of the npc's that they either have help or fight and can't be found in the bestiary, ya know? but yea, i guess just the cmb/cmd is all that really need to be figured, other than a few skill adjustments.

gigglestick |

Now that we have Pathfinder up and running, I want to finally go back and update my favorite 1e modules... like Keep on the Borderlands (wonder where that would fit in Golarian), Against the Cult of the Reptile God, and White Plume Mountain/ Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.
(Isle of Dread has already been converted by Paizo...hee hee hee)