Found runic die at Gen Con

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 1/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

While GMing or playing Pathfinder Society at Gen Con, a black and red runic D6 made it home with me. Hoping that by some lucky chance, the owner will speak up and I can send it home, since it is a pretty spiffy die.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Thanks for the reminder, Russ.

After the interactive on Saturday night, I found a clear red d8. Hit me up and I'll get it home to whoever lost it.

After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

Ask the Candyman. He might know. :P

Grand Lodge 3/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

Wow. You call that slightly used? Are you sure that you don't sell used cars?

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

I suggest you tie him up by his feet outside the new building until someone claims him.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

When you say it, it sounds dirty.

the clear red d8 was for the chilaxean fellow and his wife / slave. He was dressed in a tux and won the interactive the 2nd night.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Justin Lilly wrote:
the clear red d8 was for the chilaxean fellow and his wife / slave. He was dressed in a tux and won the interactive the 2nd night.

Awesome! Thank you, Justin. Would you happen to know how to get in touch with the gentleman?

Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
After the con closed on Sunday I found a slightly used Daigle. Anyone know who it belongs to?

Box it up, stab some airholes in the box, put a jug of H20 in with it and some flies.

Mail it to Austin, Tx.
And, again, thank you for all your help in keeping Austin weird.

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