Mounted Combat Change

Homebrew and House Rules

What do people think of the following changes to make Mounted Combat a more attractive character option?

A mounted character with mounted combat does not count as having used a move action if her mount uses a move action to move up to its base movement. This allows a character to move her mount and still make a full attack. If your mount takes a double move or charges you only get to make a single attack.

I think this would make mounted combat more of an attractive option. As it stands it only gives you a high ground advantage against creatures smaller then it.

Sovereign Court

I think it's fine as is. The mounted feats makes for a truly deadly combatant. The main problem is the crampiness of dungeons, so I have found that halflings on riding dogs is the way to go. You can get into truly nasty damage territory with a lance... Mounted combat also works great for archers on flying mounts...

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