Free Character Generator that works with Gestalt?


Is there such a thing out there in the free domains? Any that include all books, such as Complete Warrior and Spell Compendium? I have a few older ones, but they don't include the extras.

Trying to level and clean up a 16th level druid 16/ranger 11/warshaper 5.

Thx for any input.

found my answer. thx.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Emperor7 wrote:
found my answer. thx.

Care to share with the rest of the class please?

LazarX wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
found my answer. thx.
Care to share with the rest of the class please?

Sure. Sorry for the gaff. HeroForge

These make for very large spreadsheets, but they are awesome! Be sure to use the latest version.

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