Prestige Classes

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive

I'm thinking about what type of character to make for my first PFS character. Even though the base classes are very solid, I'm looking over the prestige classes as well.

I noticed in the Guide to PFSOP that there are two other options out there. "Dark Markets, a Guide to Katapesh" offers the Balanced Scale of
Abadar, and "Osirion, Land of Pharaohs" gives access to the Living Monolith. Can anyone give me some info on these?

The Exchange 2/5

Bob Hopp wrote:

I'm thinking about what type of character to make for my first PFS character. Even though the base classes are very solid, I'm looking over the prestige classes as well.

I noticed in the Guide to PFSOP that there are two other options out there. "Dark Markets, a Guide to Katapesh" offers the Balanced Scale of
Abadar, and "Osirion, Land of Pharaohs" gives access to the Living Monolith. Can anyone give me some info on these?

I have the Osirion The Living Monolith is crazy you basically become a living statue who is immortal after 10 levels.

However since the Pathfinder Society caps at 12th level and you need a Bab of +5 plus skill ranks in a couple of different areas I expect the highest you could reach is 7th

There are some cool abilities even at lower levels I might just have go this way with my Osirion Dwarf

Sovereign Court 4/5

Living Monolith... okay, it doesn't shoot lasers from its eyes, but otherwise it's a carbon copy. You even need to be a osiriontologist to qualify! (kinda)

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