Thank you

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I know I totally missed the boat on this. Really, I know I did.

Dragon (and to a lesser extent Dungeon) have been important parts of my life as a roleplayer, heck as a gamer in general. I got into the magazine during Roger Moore's editorship and got as many issues as I could get my hands on, sometimes just to read.

I'd fallen out of the habit of reading it for some years when 3rd edition hit and the magazines became slicker and more stylish, with some truly great new writers getting the spotlight. And the Paizo era of the magazines truly managed to stimulate my imagination and my sense of wonder.

The sense of loss when I saw that both magazines were being canceled as printed editions and that a mostly all-new staff were taking over was profound. Even now, I can't believe I can't go to my gaming store and page through the latest issue.

So, to the whole Paizo crew, and to everyone who worked on those two magazines during their long runs... you have my thanks. You've made me laugh, and cry, and most importantly made me think. Gotten the rusty wheels of imagination spinning.

- Rak

First time poster spotted, first time poster spotted!!!
Welcome to the Paizo Messageboards... :)
If this were a week day Lilith might be around with plates of cookies, but she is often busy with other things at the weekends...
In the meantime, (in case you were unaware of it) you need to be careful around here when using the word SMURF (especially if you are Kobold Cleaver), Heathansson is the poster with the most posts, Sebastian is the lawyer with the unique Bella Sara avatar, the Paizo staff frequently drop by on some threads (and James Jacobs usually makes Tuesday night chat, in the chatroom at 20:00 Paizo Standard Time), there are useful threads (or reminders) 'stickied' at the top of some of the forums, if you go onto the actual forum - particularly at the top of the Adventure Path forums.
Oh what the heck, for all I know you may have been around for years, but only now have made your first post, and if not you'll work anything you need to know out soon enough!
Welcome to the boards. :)

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

Actually, that's not really accurate. My lurking has been extremely spotty. I've been on other forums for my RP discussions, mostly.

Thank you though.

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