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Rothounds and Rothawks are local (halfling) names for carrion-eating wild dogs and vultures native to the plains along the World's Edge Mountains. Halfling communities from Yanmass to Maheto have long been plagued with these seemingly fearless creatures, that are blamed for everything from missing livestock to missing children.
'Rothounds' are statistically identical to Small Dogs (MM p 271) but are capable of using the Trip attack more common to Wolves and larger trained war dogs. 'Rothawks' are statistically similar to small Eagles, but gain the Scent trait and have a +4 racial bonus to survival checks to track by scent, due to their unfailing ability to smell carrion miles away. The reputation for fearlessness that both animals share is not unwarranted, and they, like some other animals, use the good Saving throw column for Will saves.
These animals, despite urban folktales proclaiming that 'Rothounds ate my baby!' are not a serious threat, in and of themselves, but the halflings south of Maheto have begun to whisper of a new threat, of halflings that transform into rothounds, or even rothawks, similar to the more common werewolves.
Local lore states that these Rotweres came into existence when a pair of Halfling caravan guards became the sole survivors of a gnoll raid on their supply train, and, abandoned many days travel from the nearest community, survived by feeding on the bodies of their fellow travelers. They were cursed to become like the carrion feeding beasts whose behavior they emulated, and have ever since plagued the small halfling farming communities that dot the plains beneath the World's Edge Mountains.
Whether or not there is any truth to these rumors, the leaders of the Rotweres are indeed a pair of savage cannibalistic Halflings who are alternately said to worship Rovagug, Lamashtu, Urgathoa or any of a varied array of Demon Lords.

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The sources of this new threat are;
'Bloody Jak'
2nd level Halfling Barbarian (Rotwere)
Small Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 2d12+6 plus 2d8+10 +4 (42 hp), Init: +2, Spd: 30 ft. AC 21 (+1 size, +4 +1 savage studded leather, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18, BAB/Grapple: +3/-1, Atk: mwk small hand axe +6 melee (1d4+1) or small composite shortbow +5 ranged (1d4+1), Full Atk: Same, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, low-light vision, scent, rage 1/day, fast movement, uncanny dodge, Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5, Str 12, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10, (15+2) Climb 1 (+4), Jump 1 (+4), Hide 2 (+10), Intimidate 5 (+5), Listen 2 (+7), Move Silently 2 (+6), Spot 2 (+5), Survival 1 (+2), Swim 1 (+4), Alertness (B), Track (B), Attack Finesse, Improved Toughness
In Hound form
Medium Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 2d12+6 plus 2d8+10 +4 (42 hp), Init: +4, Spd: 50 ft. AC 20 (+4 +1 savage studded leather barding, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18, BAB/Grapple: +3/-1, Atk: bite +7 melee (1d6+3 plus trip), Full Atk: Same, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SA: Curse of Lycanthropy, trip, SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, damage reduction 10 / wood or stone, low-light vision, scent, rage 1/day, fast movement, uncanny dodge, Saves: Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +6, Str 16, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10, (15+2) Climb 1 (+6), Jump 1 (+6), Hide 2 (+12), Intimidate 5 (+5), Listen 2 (+8), Move Silently 2 (+8), Spot 2 (+6), Survival 1 (+3), Swim 1 (+6), Alertness (B), Track (B), Attack Finesse, Improved Toughness
When Raging, in Hound form;
HP: 50, AC 18, Atk/Full Atk: bite +9 melee (1d6+5 plus trip), Saves: Fort +14, Will +8, Str 20, Con 24, can't use Hide or Move Silently, +2 to Climb, Jump and Swim checks, 10 rounds duration once / day.
Special: the 'Savage' armor property allows the armor to shapeshift with a wearer that has the Wild Shape class feature or the Alternate Shape racial ability. If the form taken is one that could reasonably wear Barding (such as a horse, hound or bear), the armor assumes the appropriate form. If the form taken could not reasonably wear Barding (most snake, vermin or avian forms) the armor melds into the alternate form, and confers no benefit.
'Bloody Jan'
2nd level Halfling Ranger (Bloody Hawk)
Small Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 2d12+2 plus 2d8+2 (12 hp), Init: +3, Spd: 30 ft. AC 21 (+1 size, +4 mithril chain shirt, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18, BAB/Grapple: +3/-1, Atk: mwk small hand axe +6 melee (1d4+1) or small +1 keen composite shortbow +6 ranged (1d4+1/19-20(x3)), Full Atk: mwk small hand axe +6 melee (1d4+1) or 2 +1 keen composite shortbow +4/+4 ranged (1d4+1/19-20 (x3)), Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, low-light vision, scent, favored enemy (halflings), Saves: Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +5, Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8, (30+2) Climb 2 (+5), Heal 4 (+5), Hide 2 (+11), Jump 1 (+4), Knowledge (geography) 4 (+4), Knowledge (nature) 2 (+2), Listen 3 (+6), Move Silently 2 (+7), Search 4 (+4), Spot 3 (+5), Survival 5 (+6), Swim 0 (+1), Attack Finesse (B), Track (B/R), Rapid Shot (R), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Bloody Jan (in Hawk form)
Medium Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 2d12+2 plus 2d8+2 (12 hp), Init: +4, Spd: 30 ft. AC 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13, BAB/Grapple: +3/-1, Atk: talons +7 melee (1d4+3), Full Atk: 2 talons +3 melee (1d4+1), Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, damage reduction 10 / wood or stone, low-light vision, scent, favored enemy (halflings), Saves: Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +7, Str 16, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8, (30+2) Climb 2 (+7), Heal 4 (+7), Hide 2 (+12), Jump 1 (+6), Knowledge (geography) 4 (+4), Knowledge (nature) 2 (+2), Listen 3 (+8), Move Silently 2 (+8), Search 4 (+4), Spot 3 (+7), Survival 5 (+7), Swim 0 (+3), Attack Finesse (B), Track (B/R), Rapid Shot (R), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Notes: While Rotweres share the damage reduction of most lycanthropes, they remain resistant to silver, and instead suffer full damage from weapons with striking surfaces of wood or stone (such as quarterstaves, clubs and sling stones). Also unlike most lycanthropes, they do not have any special empathy with animals of their type, but are indeed repulsive to all animals, being regarded as unnatural for the purposes of trying to goad a trained animal to attack them. Any animal, wild or domestic, automatically recognizes the corrupted nature of these weres, and reacts one category worse than normal. Even Bloody Jan, a Ranger, finds her wild empathy to only allow her to 'break even' in most animal encounters, due to the unnatural aura that surrounds her.
Rothound-weres gain Alertness and Track as bonus feats, and, in Hound form, have a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
Rothawk-weres gain Attack Finesse and Track as bonus feats, and, in Hawk form, have a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.

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Bloody Jak and Bloody Jan do not enter combat alone, but are always accompanied on raids by their pack, which consists of four to six halflings that have succumbed to Jak's Curse of Lycanthropy and become Rothound-weres, although of smaller size and lesser power than Jak himself (transforming only into Small dogs, and having only half of Jak's Damage Reduction). Jan has shown no inclination to pass on her Curse, and has, as far as is known, always devoured anyone that she could have infected. (And, perhaps through her influence, any 'hound' that joins the pack is a male halfling. She tolerates no other female presence in the pack.)
Halfling Rotwere
Halfling form
Small Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+3 (13 hp), Init: +1, Spd: 20 ft,. AC 17 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 studded leather, +1 light shield), touch 12, flat-footed 15, BAB/Grapple: +1/-3, Atk: small hand axe +3 melee (1d4/19-20) or small short bow +3 ranged (1d4/x3), Full Atk: Same, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, low-light vision, scent, Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3, Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8, Climb 0 (+2), Jump 1 (+3), Hide 1 (+8), Listen 2 (+6), Move Silently 2 (+5), Spot 2 (+4), Survival 2 (+2), Alertness (B), Track (B), Attack Finesse
(+2 racial bonus to Climb, Jump, Listen and Move Silently checks counted in)
Hound form
Small Humanoid (Halfling, Shapechanger)
HD: 1d8+1 plus 1d8+3 (13 hp), Init: +4, Spd: 40 ft,. AC 16 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 12, BAB/Grapple: +1/-3, Atk: +6 bite (1d4+1), Full Atk: Same, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft., SQ: Alternate Form, animal repulsion, damage reduction 5 / wood or stone, low-light vision, scent, Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +4, Str 13, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8, Climb 0 (+3), Jump 1 (+6), Hide 1 (+11), Listen 2 (+7), Move Silently 2 (+8), Spot 2 (+5), Survival 2 (+3, +7 to track by scent), Alertness (B), Track (B), Attack Finesse
(+4 racial bonus to Jump checks and to Survival checks to track by Scent counted in)

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Combat Tactics:
Bloody Jak usually fires one arrow before dropping his bow, shapeshifting and entering combat in a Rage. Bloody Jan sticks to archery, and will only shapeshift into Rothawk form to take up a new position when her current position becomes too dangerous (she will always carry her bow and quiver in her talons, returning to halfling form once she has reached a safe vantage point, preferably atop a building or in a tree, and resuming fire). The 'hounds' enter hound form and charge into combat, counting on their damage reduction to protect them (and fearing their leaders too much to retreat, unless they see both Jak and Jan clearly killed).
Against the average sleepy halfling farmstead or even small hamlet, they are unstoppable beasts from nightmare, but the right party of adventurers might just be able to stop their reign of cannibalistic terror, and earn the gratitude of the local villages!

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Small man-eating things are more disturbing than large man-eating things to me in general. This just plays off that to make it worse. @#$%ing yikes.
Good stuff, though you aren't helping Taldor's tourist trade any!
Eh, anyone coming into Taldor over the World's Edge Mountains is probably some Tien kung fu genius or something, so it's all good.
Thanks for the kind words!
I wanted halfling sized threats for halfling sized communities, playing on the 'black hound' and 'carrion crow as death omen / psychopomp' motif a little bit, only without the relentless black motif. :)
Some evil things are little tan colored doggies that will totally eat your baby.
It's weird, I had this article just sitting around on my computer, with halfling were-hounds and were-hawks, and elven were-vipers, and human were-crocodiles, and gnollish were-hyenas, and gnomish were-badgers and were-wolverines, and I thought 'How can I Golarion this up?' And so, rotweres.

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Yep this is SO awesome an idea.
In fact it just inspired a few new monsters for Osirion for the Riddles in the Sand adventure I am working on.

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Yep this is SO awesome an idea.
In fact it just inspired a few new monsters for Osirion for the Riddles in the Sand adventure I am working on.
Awesome! Glad you like it!

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Personality notes (for anyone who might want to use this terrible twosome in a game);
Jak has lost himself in his animal nature, and avoids thinking about what he's doing as much as possible (because some part of him still remembers the feeling of self-loathing that came over him when he first tasted the flesh of his fellow halflings, and while he'll never show weakness or sentiment on his face, he enters combat recklessly, craving death, but not strongly enough to take his own life). He has some complicated notion of how the curse came about, that struck him after a fever-induced illness. He believes that Rovagug and Lamashtu are fated to birth the Apocalypse, which he envisions as a great beast that will expand to consume the entire world, and that Lamashtu is imprisoned in the World Wound the same way that Rovagug is imprisoned in the Pit of Gormuz. Abadar and Aroden held the keys to their prisons, but with Aroden's death, the keys to Lamashtu's prison is now held by Asmodeus, who allows her to send demons to plague the northern lands, to further his own plots. Jak spends much of his waking time dreaming up further details to add to this convoluted mess, and tying his own transformation into it, thinking himself (and Jan) as being some sort of heralds of the upcoming apocalypse (which he insists is the name of a great beast, and not an event). If he learns of new details, such as the existence of the Eye of Abendago (which he's never heard of), he'll incorporate these new details into his ever-more-complex (and occasionally contradictory) delusionary worldview. When not constructing complex cosmologies (with no basis in actual religious training or lore) in his head, or 'preaching' about same to his pack of followers, Jak sinks into a depression, and ignores the world until his hunger (and Jan's urgings) stir him into another violent raid on his former people.
Jan, unlike Jak, was never a nice person, and is now consumed by equal parts of jealousy and hatred. She hates Jak, for his nonsensical religious ramblings, she hates his 'pack' because Jak shouldn't need anyone other than herself, she hates other halflings, for being weak and soft and making her punish them for having the life she cannot, she hates other females, because she knows that Jak doesn't really desire her the way she desires him, and feels like she must kill every other female they meet, so that he won't be tempted to leave her. She's supposed to be the top of the food chain, a fearsome creature, ennobled by Urgathoa, the lady of death and hunger, and yet she's found no other that she considers worthy of passing 'the gift' to (and, when she does find someone whose spirit or skill impresses her, she kills them to remove a potential threat, and so will never willingly pass on the Curse of Lycanthropy and create another Rothawk-were). She worked as a bounty hunter, before this life, like her father before her, and is skilled at tracking and fighting other halflings, her favored enemy. Jak was actually a target, his violent tempers having made him enemies in communities where he had caused trouble, but after the attack on the caravan, he was the only one other than her who had survived (because she dragged him to safety, rather than lose her commission by failing to bring him in). The raiders took their mounts, and all of the water, leaving Jan and Jak wounded, stranded in a dusty plain, a hundred miles from any source of water or food. It was Jan's cold-blooded decision to survive by feeding off of the remaining halfling carcasses, which she considered practical and necessary, and perhaps even symbolic of her true nature, as a predator among her own soft, weak people, feeding off of them.
To Jan, lycanthropy is a blessing from a dark and generous goddess, making her into a magnificent predatory creature far above her birth race. Her heart has taken wing, and she's increasingly frustrated by Jak's refusal to see their condition as a gift. The fact that the various halflings that Jak has deliberately infected have become smaller and weaker Rothound-weres only proves to her that he hasn't chosen 'worthy' people to 'bless' with his 'gift.'
[Again, unlike most lycanthropes, Rotweres alignment is not set in stone, and most turn Neutral Evil, including Jan and any other members of their pack. Jak, however, is Chaotic Evil.]