Rise of the Silver Surfer


I JUST now saw a commercial for this. They should be showing previews at the movies by now, right. I loved the comic, liked the last F4 movie too. Has anyone seen or heard anything else about this or is it that I'm just that far behind on what's coming out? Does anyone know if they'll hold to SS being a bad guy first? Does anyone care...? :o)

Well, at least I am interested to see what will happen. First F4 movie was ok but did take a long time to get anywhere, now the story can start from beginning of the film, so I expect this to be better than the first one (same thing as with X-Men).

Yeah I don't care for slow starting movies or books, so hopefully they won't screw this up. I'll have to check on IMDb to see who directed. (It's Tim Story again)

*I have to admit, the little girl in me actually got giddy at the site of the Silver Surfer cruising thru the commercial. What's with that?*

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

After the first F4 movie I'm felling...


What's the opposite of optimistic?

Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:

After the first F4 movie I'm felling...


What's the opposite of optimistic?

Pessimistic I believe...

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

S.Baldrick wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

After the first F4 movie I'm felling...


What's the opposite of optimistic?

Pessimistic I believe...

Yeah... That's the word. I'm completely pessimistic... doubtful, even... that this movie will be any good.

Granted, I have this nasty habit of holding superhero/comic book movies up to a seemingly unreasonable standard. I insist upon expecting the same decent characterizations, logical and self-consistent plotting, good acting, and well thought-out direction that I expect from any movie I go to see. I have this seemingly bizarre belief that just because a movie is labeled as "action", it is not released from the obligation to at least try to be "quality".

I know. It's weird.

Cosmo wrote:
S.Baldrick wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

After the first F4 movie I'm felling...


What's the opposite of optimistic?

Pessimistic I believe...

Yeah... That's the word. I'm completely pessimistic... doubtful, even... that this movie will be any good.

Granted, I have this nasty habit of holding superhero/comic book movies up to a seemingly unreasonable standard. I insist upon expecting the same decent characterizations, logical and self-consistent plotting, good acting, and well thought-out direction that I expect from any movie I go to see. I have this seemingly bizarre belief that just because a movie is labeled as "action", it is not released from the obligation to at least try to be "quality".

I know. It's weird.

Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Cosmo wrote:

Granted, I have this nasty habit of holding superhero/comic book movies up to a seemingly unreasonable standard. I insist upon expecting the same decent characterizations, logical and self-consistent plotting, good acting, and well thought-out direction that I expect from any movie I go to see. I have this seemingly bizarre belief that just because a movie is labeled as "action", it is not released from the obligation to at least try to be "quality".

I know. It's weird.

I must have your newsletter as well. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Here's my reaction to seeing the commercial:

•Marvel films logo: Me excited.
•Silver Surfer appears: Me excited.
•Mr. Fantastic appears: Me no longer interested.

The problem with comic book adaptions is tyhe first film generally has to explain things to all the people out there who have no idea what these characters are about(hence they tend to start sllloooowww). Plus the Film studio tends ro tell their own version of the story. But I have a Feeling that just as with X2 this film will be much better than the first.

Cosmo wrote:
S.Baldrick wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

After the first F4 movie I'm felling...


What's the opposite of optimistic?

Pessimistic I believe...

Yeah... That's the word. I'm completely pessimistic... doubtful, even... that this movie will be any good.

Granted, I have this nasty habit of holding superhero/comic book movies up to a seemingly unreasonable standard. I insist upon expecting the same decent characterizations, logical and self-consistent plotting, good acting, and well thought-out direction that I expect from any movie I go to see. I have this seemingly bizarre belief that just because a movie is labeled as "action", it is not released from the obligation to at least try to be "quality".

I know. It's weird.

I'm pretty sure I covered my opinion about what I expect from superhero/comic movies. Not much, "just the effects sir."

secretturchinman wrote:
The problem with comic book adaptions is tyhe first film generally has to explain things to all the people out there who have no idea what these characters are about(hence they tend to start sllloooowww). Plus the Film studio tends ro tell their own version of the story. But I have a Feeling that just as with X2 this film will be much better than the first.

True, but narratives can be edited to the point where long winded expositions and explanations of characters are kept to a minimum. It's a little different, but look at Sin City. Three self-contained narratives, three different sets of characters; but very little time is spent hashing out a back story. Relationships are built or shown in context of the film itself. Granted, however, that these are not characters with a huge backlog of material on them.

Beyond that, I almost can't understand how a comic book to movie adaptation can be screwed up. The storyboards have basically been produced in advance for the director. The characters are usually simple enough to start with that it shouldn't be a huge problem to come up with a good script. A good comic acts on the page; the dialogue is usually just what is necessary to give a broader personality to the characters and their relationships. But they manage to mess it up, somehow.

hehe am still jazzed about SS, but, yeah, it may really dissappoint; am still optomistic.

now, on a side note am confused; what is this newsletter?

Valegrim wrote:

hehe am still jazzed about SS, but, yeah, it may really dissappoint; am still optomistic.

now, on a side note am confused; what is this newsletter?

Now ya got me confused, what newsletter you talkin about V-man?

James Keegan wrote:
Beyond that, I almost can't understand how a comic book to movie adaptation can be screwed up...But they manage to mess it up, somehow.

I reckon they usually mess it up by trying to make the film resemble the comic aesthetically a little too much. Trouble is, a comic is a series of illustrations, and a movie is (usually) human actors in real clothes in a real city. But they use all these camera and/or software filters and cartoonish costumes and sets to make it look like a cartoon, and guess what happens when you try to make a real person look like a cartoon character? You get one stupid looking person, that's what.

If they want moving illustrations they should just make an animated movie, but as usual Hollywood just can't seem to break away from the idea that animation is for children. So they make the colours artficially intense and the buildings crooked and you end up with something campier than a mongol invasion.

Valegrim wrote:

hehe am still jazzed about SS, but, yeah, it may really dissappoint; am still optomistic.

now, on a side note am confused; what is this newsletter?

There's no real newsletter (yet...), it was a Simpsons reference.

kahoolin wrote:
...you end up with something campier than a mongol invasion.

Wow. That's good one. I thought "cooler than the other side of the pillow" was good, but that's even better.

James Keegan wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

hehe am still jazzed about SS, but, yeah, it may really dissappoint; am still optomistic.

now, on a side note am confused; what is this newsletter?

There's no real newsletter (yet...), it was a Simpsons reference.

Ah, I'm a Family Guy kinda gal.

ah; thanks for clearing that up.

Ok, saw the theater trailer for this at Spider Man 3, looks like they're going to do it right. Now we just have to see if they bring in Galacticus too. (and yes, I still got little girl giddy at the site of SS)

Scarab Sages

Tegan wrote:
Now we just have to see if they bring in Galacticus too.

I heard that they weren't sure (or at least weren't saying) if Galactus would appear in his armor, or if he would appear as some kind of weird energy cloud.

Aberzombie wrote:
Tegan wrote:
Now we just have to see if they bring in Galacticus too.
I heard that they weren't sure (or at least weren't saying) if Galactus would appear in his armor, or if he would appear as some kind of weird energy cloud.

Armor!! In his pink and blue pointy head dress/helmet thingy to. I don't want some weird energy cloud!


Honestly, I have no problem with Galactus being an energy cloud, or a big amorphous mass, or whatever, because a guy in blue and purple armor the size of a moon might look cool in the comics, but it would look rediculous in a live action film.

Yeah, I know . . . take away my comic geek card . . .

21 days... 21 days... I can't wait... only 21 days!

Apparently I could wait 23 days... Anywhoo, went and saw it last night & enjoyed it. It had it's good points (Silver Surfer) and it's bad ones...

Laurence Fishburne doing the voice of SS. Can't we just leave him as Morpheus?

Dr Doom "drowning" as a cliff hanger. Puhleez, how cliche.

As the proud owner of a Dodge Hemi, I'm pretty damn sure mine wouldn't be able to fly at those kinds of speeds, trust me, I've tried. :o)

Still, I enjoyed the movie and will probably see it more than once just maybe not at the theater. I mean after all, SS has always made me giddy, so I'll probably end up owning this on DVD.

I'd say go see it for yourself, but, if you think it's going to suck don't go b/c with that attitude, it will. Just go see it for the pure enjoyment of watching SS and Johnny racing thru the skys.

Tegan wrote:

Apparently I could wait 23 days... Anywhoo, went and saw it last night & enjoyed it. It had it's good points (Silver Surfer) and it's bad ones...

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

So....what's the verdict on Galactacus?

Uhmm... yeah... well... I'd say I was a bit disappointed in that too. Not what I was expecting, especially with the CGI capabilities these days. I mean come on, nearly anything should be possible now, just use your friggin' imaginations and draw it into the computer!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Tegan wrote:
I'd say go see it for yourself, but, if you think it's going to suck don't go b/c with that attitude, it will.

Yup. Skippin' it.

Unless, of course, someone offers to pick me up, drive me to the theater, buy my ticket, ply me with unhealthful theater junk food, and take me home afterwards.

Then I'd probably go. :)

Chances of this happening: Nil.

My family and I saw it on Saturday. I liked it much better than the first movie!
(cringes from expected ire of posters here on this thread) I knew very little of the Fantastic Four backstory before seeing the first film. Never read the comics. Never really liked them or cared about them. The first movie was ok but I was disappointed in how it seemed to focus an awful lot of the four of them just bickering and fighting all the time. What's so fantastic about that?
This second movie had a lot less of the infantile bickering, though there was still a scene or two I think they could've skipped of the foursome arguing like third graders.
The special effects were cool but I found some of the plot elements a little confusing. (Sorry, I don't know how to use the HIDE tag thingy and am afraid to try). I won't spoil anything by mentioning them right now.
Also, several of the storylines were a bit predictable without even an attempt at subtly; still... I laughed, I cried (or at least felt *really* sad), I kissed eight bucks goodbye.
For someone without a personal investment in the characters (the reason I stayed away from Spiderman 3 is I couldn't bear their treatment of my favorite superhero), I found the movie entertaining and visually appealing. I'd recommend it.

Cosmo wrote:
Tegan wrote:
I'd say go see it for yourself, but, if you think it's going to suck don't go b/c with that attitude, it will.

Yup. Skippin' it.

Unless, of course, someone offers to pick me up, drive me to the theater, buy my ticket, ply me with unhealthful theater junk food, and take me home afterwards.

Then I'd probably go. :)

Chances of this happening: Nil.

This is my priority for movies. If it is special effects dependent, I'll probably go see it in the theatres. I might go see one that isn't if it gets good reviews or word of mouth. But the tickets cost the same regardless. If it's FX heavy but word is it still sucks, I won't bother.

Movies like comedies and dramas that I want to see I'll probably just wait to rent them. Unless I'm on a date and it seems like it would be a good date movie.

With that in mind, I skipped the first F4 movie. It looked good I guess, but I'm not the biggest fan of the F4. They seemed too goody two-shoes for me. And I never was that into comic books growing up. The other reason I didn't see it was because I was in Korea and wasn't exposed to much media concerning it.

I also have a saying concerning movies I'm on the fence about seeing, "I'll wait til somebody else rents it, then I'll watch it."

Cosmo wrote:
Tegan wrote:
I'd say go see it for yourself, but, if you think it's going to suck don't go b/c with that attitude, it will.

Yup. Skippin' it.

Unless, of course, someone offers to pick me up, drive me to the theater, buy my ticket, ply me with unhealthful theater junk food, and take me home afterwards.

Then I'd probably go. :)

Chances of this happening: Nil.

Cosmo, if you come to Savannah, GA, I will be glad to bribe you with theater junk food and a free movie to see it with me.

I enjoyed it a lot. It was much better than the first movie. And I am speaking as a long time Fantastic Four comic book collector. Yes, there were some weak spots in the movie, but it definatly topped the first one.

As for Galactus, there was more to him. You just had to look closely and see. I missed it the first time. Also, he will be back for the fourth movie.

Sharoth wrote:

As for Galactus, there was more to him. You just had to look closely and see. I missed it the first time. Also, he will be back for the fourth movie.

Did I blink at the wrong spot in the movie that I missed the something more to him?!

I just saw the big swirly dark storm clouds.

Gahhh, I'll have to go see it at a matinee. Yes, I enjoyed the movie but rarely do I pay full price twice for the same movie.

Tegan wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

As for Galactus, there was more to him. You just had to look closely and see. I missed it the first time. Also, he will be back for the fourth movie.

Did I blink at the wrong spot in the movie that I missed the something more to him?! ** spoiler omitted **

Gahhh, I'll have to go see it at a matinee. Yes, I enjoyed the movie but rarely do I pay full price twice for the same movie.

If its what I'm thinking:

When Surfer is almost in the heart of the storm, and the light turns kind of pinkish purple, you can vaguely see the outline of the traditional Galactus helmet in there . . . in a kind of fuzzy, vague, smoky form . . . unless I imagined it.

Yes it is what you are thinking.


Yes, there is a faint outline of Galactus shown before Silver Surfer goes "nova". Also, In the clouds that are coming to Earth, you see some machinery inside those clouds. So Galactus has a physical body and he does have his World ship too.

Just got back from watching. :)

I really enjoyed it for what it was -a fun little movie with some cool fx (the surfer) and another nice (episodic) live-action take on the ‘Disney’ corner of the Marvel universe. Good fun.

The two (non-comic reading) friends who accompanied me thought it was a little cheesy and too 'feel good' -so I told them: "Its called Fantastic Four what did you expect? If you can appreciate The Incredibles for what it is then what’s the difference?" -and the penny dropped and they understood how to accept the movie.

I thought it was pretty darn good, especially for a comic book movie. They stayed a LOT closer to the story of the surfer than I'd been expecting, though they did have to rework his abilities a touch to tell the story the way they wanted to.

I don't remember the surfer being dependent on his board, for instance. I remember him having a great deal of power apart from it, which would make his capture... unlikely.

All in all, it was worth the $8, despite my eyes nearly rolling our of my head from the over-the-top product placement (particularly the engine bit).

Karelzarath wrote:

I thought it was pretty darn good, especially for a comic book movie. They stayed a LOT closer to the story of the surfer than I'd been expecting, though they did have to rework his abilities a touch to tell the story the way they wanted to.

** spoiler omitted **

All in all, it was worth the $8, despite my eyes nearly rolling our of my head from the over-the-top product placement (particularly the engine bit).

Well, considering . . .

The way surfer finally figured out how to escape Galactus' barrier in the comic books was to leave the atmosphere without the board, and then call the board to him (since he was only barred from flying out of the atmosphere on the board), I'd say he wasn't as dependant on the board as he was in the movie.

I believe in the comics that the board is mainly to help him navigate at high speed through space, but most of his powers (sans FTL travel) are still at his command without it.

That part didn't particularly bother me though, especially given how much longer it would have taken to explain Doom stealing his powers. They changed something that to me was fairly minor to tell a story that was still more or less based on the storyline from the comics.

Rise of the Silver Surfer sounds like the title for a porno movie!

The Silver Surfer is one of those Marvel characters I never could get into. I mean, come on, a silver guy on a silver surfboard? What's next? Attack of the Golden Gymnast?

Well, the golden gymnist would probably be SHE; the chick who looked a lot like the old Captain Marvel and of some unknown race.

Personally, I think the silver surfer is a pretty good superhero concept and enjoyed the story of the trial of galactus and such though i am not really a FF fan. SS tends to spend a lot of this time fighting Thanos who serves death and doesnt really spend a lot of time on earth and protect the universe from threats higher than just one particular civilization or one world.

Still; the movie was a bit long in some places, but overall I enjoyed it and consider it time not wasted.

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