All my money belong to Paizo!

Off-Topic Discussions

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Well just made my second hefty purchase this year with at least two more coming. I have to say you guys put out too much good stuff. I thought I might be satisfied with just the AP but too much good stuff comes out of the other lines. I had to catch up with the companion line and should be able to keep my subscription going now. Plus the Core book and everything else coming I believe I heard my wallet scream as I looked over everything here.

Though that may just be the fine Imp leather getting broke in.

I haven't even played in over 6 months and I am still addicted. I traded in a bunch of stuff at Troll and Toad since they are fairly close by just to get Pathfinder books.

*sigh* I love this place. As Lisa said in another thread this is my third place. Though I tend to lurk more than comment.

Have a great night everyone. I have to go hit my wallet with a hammer and make it shut up so I can sleep.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We are happy to have caused this problem for you, Damnitall, and look forward to fulfilling your RPG needs for years to come! Thanks for the kind support!

Dark Archive

I understand your sentimeants Damnitall. I've had to put a second mortgage on my house, and sell my car just to continue my pathfinder subscriptions. I know it begins the way you describe, and it goes a lot farther believe me. Finally last stage of your paizo addiction is that you comment and click refresh every few minutes to see if someone else responded, and whilst pondering your lifes problems you get the unescapable feeling that it's all somehow Cosmos fault.

However, before all that, enjoy the awesome paizo stuff. You'll never find any better.

Wait 'til you go purple....

Then you're really committed - or ought to be.

~you hear me singing horribly off key form the nut house~ They have come to take me away! Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho! They have come to take me away! Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho! They have come to take me away to the funny farm where everything is nice and g- -URK- ~I am then gagged to silence the horrid sounds coming from my room~

Liberty's Edge

august woudl be a heavy month for me... heavier than it should

but september is when i will cry

Dark Archive

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
and whilst pondering your lifes problems you get the unescapable feeling that it's all somehow Cosmos fault.

No seriously I couldn't sleep last night I look out the window and I saw a creepy 1 eyed doll. I don't know how he got to Newfoundland, and I don't know why he'd doing it, but I know it's Cosmo.

And I know you think I'm paranoid, but even if I am paranoid, that doesn't mean I'm not being followed.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yeah, September is why I will have at least one more big order this year. Couldn't manage the funds to preorder anything beyond the Core Rules.

Hopefully I will be able to place another order in October maybe they will run a special on the Bestiary. What's October without monsters. Which reminds me I have to get my gilly suit out of storage soon. Let it air out a bit then get it ready to lay in the yard and scare kids.

Liberty's Edge

damnitall22 wrote:

Yeah, September is why I will have at least one more big order this year. Couldn't manage the funds to preorder anything beyond the Core Rules.

Hopefully I will be able to place another order in October maybe they will run a special on the Bestiary. What's October without monsters. Which reminds me I have to get my gilly suit out of storage soon. Let it air out a bit then get it ready to lay in the yard and scare kids.

i know

i blame my credit card for my madness

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Fortunately I don't have one of those. It does wonders when it comes to not blowing money on cool stuff right away.

Liberty's Edge

damnitall22 wrote:
Fortunately I don't have one of those. It does wonders when it comes to not blowing money on cool stuff right away.


yes, indeed

its Madness, I say Madness!!

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