3.5 fanman |

Hello people:
Somethig I have to recognize is that AD&D had rules for everything you can imagine and one of the things I haven't seen in a 3.5 book is rules about mining, I mean how to go to a place, build a mine and extract minerals as a way to get income. I really don't remember to have seen in any of my d20 books or magazines rules for mining. Perhaps someone can hint me where to get them, it would be interesting to run a campaign around a mine (colonize, build, defend, create rutes and caravanes), all of these sounds interesting to me for a new campaign. Thanks for the help I could receive.

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Hello people:
Somethig I have to recognize is that AD&D had rules for everything you can imagine and one of the things I haven't seen in a 3.5 book is rules about mining, I mean how to go to a place, build a mine and extract minerals as a way to get income. I really don't remember to have seen in any of my d20 books or magazines rules for mining. Perhaps someone can hint me where to get them, it would be interesting to run a campaign around a mine (colonize, build, defend, create rutes and caravanes), all of these sounds interesting to me for a new campaign. Thanks for the help I could receive.
I created a simple Mining business with the rules from DMG2. Might not be what you're looking for.
Primary Skill: Profession (Miner)
Secondary Skills: Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering), Appraise
Capital: High
Resources: Medium
Risk: High

3.5 fanman |

3.5 fanman wrote:Hello people:
Somethig I have to recognize is that AD&D had rules for everything you can imagine and one of the things I haven't seen in a 3.5 book is rules about mining, I mean how to go to a place, build a mine and extract minerals as a way to get income. I really don't remember to have seen in any of my d20 books or magazines rules for mining. Perhaps someone can hint me where to get them, it would be interesting to run a campaign around a mine (colonize, build, defend, create rutes and caravanes), all of these sounds interesting to me for a new campaign. Thanks for the help I could receive.
I created a simple Mining business with the rules from DMG2. Might not be what you're looking for.
Primary Skill: Profession (Miner)
Secondary Skills: Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering), Appraise
Capital: High
Resources: Medium
Risk: High
That skill would resolve how I would earn mining in a week of work with a single roll but I would like to develope the life of my party around the mining, so I would need more specific rules for this. Thanks anyway.

Darkmeer |

Okay, it really depends on what they are mining for/the chances of finding what they need.
You have to move some serious tonnage of rock to get minerals & gems in the real world (several tons of rock to get merely an OUNCE of gold). SO, this model will likely not work in the fantasy sense.
Figure that each mining check equals 1/2 of the day (saves you time). I figure that 2 mining checks per day is fairly lenient.
Now, on to the actual issues of mining itself. You should have some sort of mishap table, such as:
1-2 Cave in
3-7 Meet another miner's section (could RP this quite a bit)
8-12 Enter Underdark (bad stuff could make this interesting) (If rolled twice, definite encounter with a hostile)
13-18 Bad gasses (fortitude save or con damage) <truly putting the canary into the mine is a great idea>
19-20 Something else awful, perhaps anger a local deity/demigod
Now for the mining itself, are you wanting the PC's to run it as a business or as an adventure? As a business would require a "team" for them to use. Rescuing the team from dangers, digging out cave-ins with Move Earth, stopping the drow invasion that they opened up, fighting the landshark (bulette), and a host of other ideas immediately pop into mind. These are just the site based adventures, whereas you could have others try to lay claim on their mines (claimjumpers), try to insinuate illegal activities in their mines, even have the PC's arrested. It is all up to you from that perspective.
Now if it's an adventure, pretty much all of the above applies, but why are the PC's mining, when they could be opening the riches of the latest ancient burial ground to the world, or stopping the world from ending? It's all about what works for your group (heaven knows I've played a few businessmen in my day).
Anyhoo, I hope this helps.

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Hello people:
Somethig I have to recognize is that AD&D had rules for everything you can imagine and one of the things I haven't seen in a 3.5 book is rules about mining, I mean how to go to a place, build a mine and extract minerals as a way to get income. I really don't remember to have seen in any of my d20 books or magazines rules for mining. Perhaps someone can hint me where to get them, it would be interesting to run a campaign around a mine (colonize, build, defend, create rutes and caravanes), all of these sounds interesting to me for a new campaign. Thanks for the help I could receive.
With any luck you might see a KQ article on this subject in the future. If you plan on running a campaign on the themes you mentioned the rules are better put aside for the most until a rough plot, story is figured out. Where is the mine? What type of minerals are present? (in a fantasy campaign you have a lot of options beside gold, silver etc. Are the minerals arcane in nature? Psionic, who knows). What type of techniques are being used to extract the minerals (ie alluvial deposits, or buried deep) As a DM you will want to probably to figure out ahead of time the possible scope of finds. Are these deposits that will last generations or tap out after a few years or so?
For a few adventures it might be easiest to assume the minerals are alluvial deposits as those present the easiest to extract requiring little manpower or equipment. Basically panning for gold, possibly diverting streams that kind of thing.As per the yield and income the Profession skill does sort of cover this though the earnings are pretty slim for such a lucrative enterprise. One other possibility is that the PCs are on the mine's payroll for their services (fending off monsters, rival mining companies etc.)
For a 3.5 skill mechanic I had knocked up something but later cut this from the submission so if it helps:
Staking a Claim
The first step of staking a claim is prospecting for a promising site. After a week of surveying a player makes a Profession(Miner) check to determine the scope of the find.
Profession (Miner)
20 Flash in a pan (Yield: Profession check x 1/2 Taps out: 2 months)
25 A few nuggets (Yield: Profession check x 1 Taps out: 2 months)
30 Decent (Yield: Profession check x 3 Taps out: 6 months)
35 Bonanza! (Yield: Profession check x 5 Taps out: 1 year)
40 El Dorado! (Yield: Profession check x 10 Taps out: 2 years)
Typically, a claim is ten to twenty acres in size. One week of work and Profession (Miner) DC 20 check is required to make the necessary preparations (diverting waterways, camp set up etc.). Thereafter, each week the Head Miner takes 10 on a Profession (Miner) check to determine the yield as indicated above. A crew of four is needed to properly work one claim. The Foreman takes a -2 penalty to his Profession check for each miner less than four.

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Quarrying and Mining
All commercial mining has a minimum cost of one ounce of gold per ton of rock. This is useful because it puts a standard value on basic quarry stone and sets a minimum percentage on the required amount of a valuable mineral present for mining.
Granite Quarry | 76 TON (1000 cubic feet) | 5 Labourers | 76 OZ. Gold
Granite Quarry (category:Small, Medium x 2, Large x 3, Huge x 4)
Extraction cost/ton: 312.5cp
Monthly supply: 76 tons
Workers: 5
Monthly worker wage: 200cp
Granite@quarry(1 ton): 350cp
Monthly Quarry profit: 256gp
Building in Stone
Building in stone, though long desired has been subject to a major limit. Stone must be quarries, transported, prepared. The amount of time required to quarry stone for a fortress can be substantialy greater than the time required to construct the fortress itself. This is why many plunder previous sites and build using cheaper methods.
Tower (1/4 acre) | 1 large tower (60' high x 80' x 80' base)=12,768 tons | 39,900gp | 17 years
Keep (1/4 acre) | As Tower + 1 small round tower (60' high x 50' diameter)= 18,500 ton | 57,813gp | 25 years
Castle (1 Acre) | As Tower + 4 small round towers (30'high x 50 diameter) + Stone Wall (600' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=31,069 ton | 97,136gp | 41 years
Huge Castle (3 acres) | 1 Large rectangle Keep (60' high x 160' long x 80' wide) + 6 Small Rnd Towers (30' high x 50' diameter) + Stone Wall (2670' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=83,310.8 ton | 229,403gp | 110 years
*Small Quarry