ghettowedge |

I need some cheap ideas for a huge-sized mini base. Round or square doesn't matter as long as it's about 3"x3". I need it for a Reaper Demonic Lasher that I plan on using for Demogorgon in my Savage Tide Campaign. Right now, my only option seems to be tearing a huge plastic mini off of its base.

The Black Bard |

Or, if you drink stuff like Tang, Ovaltine, or Coffee, you can take the plastic lids from said containers, cut about 3 of them into the required circle/square shape you want, glue them together with crazyglue (triple-layer cake style, of course) and that should serve quite well. Works fine for my customs. Just watch out, some of those have a thick spot in the middle as part of the casting process. Some don't. Take that into account and you should be fine.
Those big plastic tubs of icecream from bulk grocery stores will give you a lid big enough to get all 3 circles out of if you're careful.
If you are worried about keeping your mini on them (sometimes metal to plastic doesn't work so well) you can cut a small slot out of the bottom layer, poke a hole through the other two layers, and then use a small wire to tie your mini to the base, similar to the anti-shoplifting ties inside action figure packages.

Sir_Wulf RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Any shop that does framing is sure to have odd pieces of matt board left over from framing pictures. Most part with these scraps for a nominal amount, especially if it looks like you're about to buy something else.
My local Michael's craft shop does framing, so I grab whatever other supplies I need and they pass me their scrap matt board for free. They're sturdy enough to make decent bases. (My younger daughter made her die-rolling tower out of matt board.)

Curaigh |

I have seen some mounted on slices of agate, jasper, or other stones you can get at many shops. I have been looking for just the right shape and size for a dragon mini I painted.
Not the version you might want, but it is a cool effect for the big D.
sorry to any geopups if I got the names of the stones wrong.

Shadowthorn |

I use the plastic lids from yogurt, dip, sour cream, pringles, crystal light packs, etc. Old frisbees work great! (Somehow I managed to collect a bunch over the years). Trace and cut the circle, paint it black (or whatever), and use super glue and "insta-set" spray to adhere. If you want a thicker base, maybe try a hobby store. They have wood circles in the craft area. Cork drink coasters might work too.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Saw this had been bumped recently, but then realized the OP posted back in July, but figure might as well use this thread for basing ideas rather than starting another:
If you're willing to cut out your own/have the precision to, as mentioned, cutting it out of foam board or plasticard works. Both available at hobby and craft shops (or here's some plastic sheets from micromark: http://www.micromark.com/plastic.html)
My new favorite thing for bases and other battle map decoration purposes are 1" color tiles, designed for use for elementary school math teachers (for example: here: http://www.learningthings.com/Items/LER-0203-100.htm and here http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Resources-Square-Color-Tiles/dp/B000F8T9B8/r ef=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1254149628&sr=8-1.
They're $5 for 100 or $18-20 for 400 (and you can probably find them for cheaper on eBay) --more than you'll probably need, and waaaaaay cheaper than 1" square mirrors, wood, etc. that they sell at a craft store let alone for miniature bases (I think that's 5 cents a square?). They're good quality thick plastic--they have a little weight to them so they don't slide around willy nilly.
They're great for D&D--they come in multiple colors, so it's easy to use them as terrain and enemy markers, and use them as bases. I wish I'd found them a long time ago.
For large bases, you can just glue them together on an appropriately cut out sized piece of cardstock.