Temple of Elemental Evil in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I am thinking of running this classic for my new campaign since we just had a bad end to LoF AP.

I recall there being a topic on this in the past, but was unable to find anything about the ToEE in Golarion anymore:(

I was wondering if people had any ideas or opinions on what to do for it.


Sovereign Court

Isn't the Temple of Elemental Evil more of a role-playing and thinking scenario versus one where rules and spells and the like come on?

I can never remember and can't seem to find my copy.

Dark Archive

Link to questions raised about an old classic. With some good answers to boot.

There were some great ideas in that thread, I remember the one where ‘the Whispering Tyrant as a stand in for Iuz’ and ‘Zuggtmoy could be an avatar of Cyth-V'sug, or perhaps an ascended (descended) high priestess of that Demon Lord, who has become sort of a 'fungal lich' or something’; great ideas !!

'The Two United in the Past,
A Place was Built and Spells were Cast ...

I think this one is greyhawk, but it is a very nice take on the whole thing, and well worth the read!

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/playtest/pFBetaTheReturnToTheRevengeOfTheSinisterSecretOfTheTempleOfElem entalEvil

Sovereign Court

Fergie wrote:

I think this one is greyhawk, but it is a very nice take on the whole thing, and well worth the read!

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfin der/pathfinderRPG/playtest/pFBetaTheReturnToTheRevengeOfTheSinisterSecretOf TheTempleOfElementalEvil

... linkified. And yes, this is a really recommendable read, I am usually not that interested in campaign blogs, but this caught my interest.

It's not just that this is a real classic, the authour really knows to create an entertaining description of events unfolding.

Give it a try and leave some feedback, the authour is thankful for feedback from others.


Grand Lodge

Yeah I have been following that campaign since he started posting it. It is a fantastic fun read. He uses some additional material from the video game that adds a lot to the story.

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