Joey Virtue |

Well my story hour seems to be pretty crappy, so I’m just going start to post Summaries of our adventures and thoughts that go along with my changes to 6 players
So the first thing is our group we are pretty solid gamers most of us gaming together for at least the last 9 years. We make very good characters not super optimized characters very solid characters.
So let’s take a look at the party (I’m allowing LA buy offs from the Unearthed Arcana)
We have an Aasimar Paladin/Rogue who is going to go into Shadowbane Inquisitor and Pious Templar. For his feats he is going for Psionic Weapon Chain and the Sunder Chain. He is also taking some racial feats to get wings as an aasimar. He is so far our front line fighter slash face in the party
The next party member is a Goblin Druid Wizard going into Arcane Hierophant and Mystic Theurge. He took the level substitutions for the Druid out of Unearthed Arcana giving up wild shape and getting a bunch of monk and ranger things. His animal companion is a Giant Gecko and has been pretty solid throughout the first few games. He is our Blaster so far
We also have a Svirfneblin swashbuckler who is going into Blade Bravo and Tempest he will also be taking some levels of either Rogue or Fighter I do not know. He is a two weapon fighter and going to be taking all those feats. His character so far has been the least effective in the game because he is so far behind everyone else in HD and BA but his Blindness Spell like ability has been huge. He has stayed in the back and shot his bow during most of the combats
Our Monk is a Kilgoran from races of wild he is going to become a Fist of the Forest and a Dragon Descendant. The monk is trying to maximize his unarmed damage through feats and magic items. He has been a great charging meat shield for the party he has taken a large amount of damage so far in this game
Our healer is a Cat folk Battle Sorcerer Cleric going into Mystic Theurge. He is still trying to figure out his exact path for feats he has about 3 different paths but he is not sure which one he is going to use. He has been our primary healer and buffer and now he is starting a little blasting
We have a Fighter Rogue Dopple who going to go into Warshaper. He is trying to do consistent damage on all his attacks he already took craven which goes with his character because he has failed every fear save in the game. He has been a front line fighter setting up flanks with the paladin and is putting out some pretty consistent damage.
The group is defiantly an odd group but so far they have worked together pretty well through.
I would love to hear your guy’s thoughts on the party as well as anything else I write about

bugleyman |

Sorry I just flagged your post but I'm hoping we can get the title fixed from all-caps. I'm still interested in your game results, but man, that hurts my eyes.
Seconded. No offense, but friends don't let friends type in all caps. :)
Love the variety in the party. As a general comment about running ROTRL for six, I would be careful about ramping up the difficultly too much; it can be tough going already (especially in the first two).

Joey Virtue |

Burnt Offering
This adventure has been a lot of fun for the party. I’m glad I added Bunkel to the Die Dogs Die or the raid would have been really boring. For my group he was the only challenge in the whole battle everything else was just small battles of attrition.
The Boar Hunt was fun and gave them some easy Exp
The battle with Tstuo was really lame before he ever got there the Pc’s had the goblins almost routed so he ran away to the Thistletop
The Catacombs of wrath had three really good battles
When coming in they made the right turn and went straight for ERYLIUM. One of my players hated the invisible flying encounter. The Druid and the Deep Gnome really turned this encounter, they both held till she was visible and Fairy Fired and Blindness her and I failed the save. The Druids Giant Gecko climbed the walls and grappled her in his mouth and that was the end of her. The other two battles one in the prisons I put four Sinspawn under the bridge the Paladin walked out there and all four attacked him he almost died right there but after that the fight was over. The attack with Koruvus would have been great but he critical hit himself for over half his hit points.
When the players went to Thistletop they split up in the nettles and were some great fights the turning of the battle was when Inya blinded Gormurt. He surrendered and gave plenty of information to the PCs.
The battle with Ripnugget could have been great but I made some tactical mistakes. I forgot to climb the walls and forgot to use spirited charge. So they ended up killing him, the rest of the goblins were useless, they subdued the Gecko for the Gnome to ride later.
The scoured the entire top level found the treasure chest here is where they made a terrible mistake and continued on downstairs.
I moved Orik and Bruthazmus into Nulia’s room at the end of the hall and they were beginning to meat grinder the PCs with Bruthazmus shooting his bow down the hallway while Orik stopped them from entering the room. The PCs retreated back to the main room while they were fighting. After they retreated to the room Bruthazmus shot the paladin in the face with a critical hit almost killing him. The battle really turned when they called out for Tstuo and Lyrie, they came running, once they made it into the room the PCs ran like hell out of the Thistletop leaving there treasure they discovered.
The PCs came back next day and went through the other stairs and went down and fought Nulia and the Shadow Mastiff this was a great battle three PCs almost died. The new spell choices really helped her.
The shadows were a solid battle keeping them at 3
One of my favorite battles was with the Giant Crab the PCs almost died of fright when the head turned to them they all thought it was a golem. It almost killed the Druids Companion in a grapple.
The PCs still have to deal with the 4 upstairs and the three Yeth Hounds so it should be fun

Joey Virtue |

So we finished off Burnt Offering
I ran an Ambush that went pretty well they convinced Orik that it was not worth it and he bargained for him and Lyrie to go free with all their goods and some gold and they took Bruthamus and Tstuo back into town to be put on trial
They went back to clear out the rest of the Thistletop. The goblin wants to take it over and keep up his war of Goblin Genocide.
The battle in Cathedral was solid, I didnt realize that Yeth Hounds has Dr 10 Silver I thought it was 5 the Cleric Sorcerer and the Druid Wizard Shinned in this combat. The Monk and the Fighter/Rogue failed the fear save and ran.
The battle with Tentamort was an ok battle he wrapped up the Monk but the monk made all his poison saves.
Now for the battle with Malfeshnekor this was a great battle. The Goblin walked in and I got a full round attack while invisible on him and killed him so we thought I then looked up blink at the start of the round and saw I had a 20 percent miss chance with my attacks so we went back and rolled the miss chance I missed one of the attacks so we put him at -1 and called it fair.
The combat was brutal I think i missed them as much as they missed me because of the blink spell. most characters HP with in single digits by the end of this combat. I was nice and didnt just whipe out each character one by one I spread the attacks out randomly because he was so enraged from the 10,000 years of being imprisioned. This fight took a long ass time. It would of gone faster if the FighterRogue would of had magic weapon he was doing like 12 or 13 a round but he only really did 2 or 3 around because of the DR
When they went back to Sandpoint they were given some rewards for capturing the two criminals and stoping the goblin menace that raided Sandpoint in the first place
The escorted Ameiko and the prisoners to Magnimar. They were well recieved in Magnimar and really liked the city. Some of the players aquired new magic items. While the goblin became one of the most popular goblins in the history of magnimar by giving away about a 100 gp worth of copper pieces to the masses of the city.
The trial of Tstuo and Bruthamus went very quickly. The Trial was over seen by Justice Ironbriar. The party met with Ironbriar and he told them how the lost coast needs more heros like them. Bruthamus was given 10 years in the hells or a chance to serve life with the Black Arrows. He chose to go to the Hells while Tstuo was given life in the hells, but he will be taken into the Skinsaw men next adventure.
Ameiko was very upset at the sentening of her brother and found it unfair for he would live for so long in the hells, Darrius consouled her and has started a romantic relationship with her. Now back to Sandpoint

Joey Virtue |

Skinsaw Murders
This adventure has been fun so far
The players got into investigating the murders.
The trip out to Sabes sanatarium was a fun roleplaying event.
The Players heading out to Hambly's farm was ok the first Scarecrow surprized them, the second one they went to they almost attacked while still up on the post then they didnt just incase it was a person tied up there because the Clerics turns had nuked the first ghoul.
The farm house was pretty easy I made Rogors Craesby a little tougher so it was ok battle
The party had 3 people infected with Ghoul Fever so that was fun
The next battle was a misjudgement on my part.
I added an encounter to make sure the PCs would be at 5th level going into the Misgivings I created a 4th level Boggurt Barbarian Bog Bog was a glass Cannon when I was done with him 100 HP 10 AC and +17 on Damage. With two 1st level Barbs mooks was a crazy fight. Everyone he hit he almost killed he would of maybe killed the entire party if I would of remebered his second attack. (they have no idea but this is a forshadow of the kind of damage that will be thrown at Hook Mountain)

Fu-Man Chu |