Deathless (4e)


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Male Human Barbarian 7

Second Wind!

Irawaru looks in disbelief as the warlock continues to wound him.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Please save vs Desiccating Curse


Male Human Barbarian 7

1d20 ⇒ 4

Female Halfling Rogue 7

Hoku jabs viciously at the leader.

Piercing Strike: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 vs Ref; if hit 1d4 + 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + (8, 6) + 7 = 25 damage on m1

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Boards ate the dice rolls. Summary -- leader missed Hoku by 1, saved against sliding. Irawaru's OA missed the warlock, the warlock hit Irawaru hard.

The creature attempts to match Hoku blow for blow, but just misses -- its feral rage harming its accuracy.

The warlock, perhaps buoyed by his success, attempts the same maneuver as before against the still-cursed Irawaru. The outraged barbarian again fails to disrupt the spell as he feel as though every drop of moisture is leaving his boy.

-22hp to Irawaru

Hasnett - bloodied, -2 to defenses (se)
Aden - bloodied
Irawaru - bloodied, -2 to defenses (se, 2 successes required)
Leader - bloodied, cursed, regenerating, -2 to AC and grant CA through Elohir's next turn
Warlock - cursed

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Moving swiftly past Elohir towards her beleaguered companions, Hasnett sends the healing power of Melora towards Irawaru, before spinning on her heel and trying to lend a little aid to Aden and Hoku.

At last she feels some strength returning to her.

Move to M14.
Minor. Healing Word on Irawaru. Surge plus Extra healing for Irawaru (2d6+3=14)

Standard: Sacred Flame v M1. If it hits (unlikely), Aden gets 3 temp hp or an immediate save, his choice.

Save v -2 to defenses (1d20=20)

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Sacred Flame roll - somehow got eaten.
Sacred Flame v M1. (Ref) (1d20+7=18, 1d6+4=9)

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Hasnett's prayers have no direct effect on the leader, but have a distinct indirect effect on the warlock as he sees Irawaru's wounds mend.

All PCs +1 to attacks

Aden - bloodied
Irawaru - -2 to defenses (se, make two saves)
Leader (m1) - cursed, bloodied, regenerating, -2 to AC and grant CA through Elohir's next turn
Warlock (m2) - cursed
Hasnett - bloodied

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir slinks next to the building, and remains cloaked in shadow. With a guttural utterance, purple bolts of eldritch energy blast forth from Elohir's eyes and strike the leader hard. The half-elf's eyes crackle with the dark energy for a moment before returning to normal.

Elohir then notices the missing Irawaru, and realizes, through their link, that his other cursed foe is still in the fight.

"Where did they go?" mutters the warlock.

Move Action: Move to N12, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Standard Action: Eldritch Blast vs. m1; 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32 vs. REF for 1d10 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (8) + (6) + 6 = 20 damage.

  • This will be a 30 vs. REF if Aden moves on his turn and breaks the flank.

  • "Let's try this again", Aden's blade vibrates and swirls with black energy

    Booming Blade 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27; Damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12, and 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 necrotic/thunder if m1 moves away

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Aden connects with a peal of thunder, trapping the leader, followed quickly by Elohir's devastating blast. It is difficult to tell how injured it is, as its ferocity is undiminished.

    Elohir did not gain concealment as he only moved 2; it's unlikely to matter this turn given the details.

    All PCs +1 to attacks


    Please remember to make your saves this time!

    Irawaru - -2 to defenses (se, make two saves)

    Leader (m1) - cursed, bloodied, regenerating, under booming blade
    Warlock (m2) - cursed
    Hasnett - bloodied
    Aden - bloodied

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7
    pat512 wrote:

    Elohir did not gain concealment as he only moved 2; it's unlikely to matter this turn given the details.

    I should have been more specific. I moved like a knight chess piece. Up two and over one. I'll start listing the squares I use from now on.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7


    I'm fairly certain that's been clarified so as to not count. You have to end up three spaces away from where you started. Else you could bounce back and forth, end up in same spot, and claim you'd moved four.

    Male Human Barbarian 7

    Pressing Strike. Shift to L6 as part of the power.

    1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 221d12 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

    Irawaru barrels past the warlock to cut off his escape, and growling, swings!

    1d20 ⇒ 151d20 ⇒ 11

    Female Halfling Rogue 7

    Hoku sees another opportunity to eliminate the leader, and attempts it.

    Piercing Strike vs Ref: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 331d4 + 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + (5, 1) + 7 = 16 If m1 falls, move to L10, otherwise stay put.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7


    Kill or incapacitate? I'm guessing the former from your terminology

    Female Halfling Rogue 7

    Yep, if we want to question, there is still someone left.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Irawaru circles the warlock and bloodies him, even as Hoku finally puts down the creature that was the leader -- its wounds no longer closing . . .

    The warlock, in a panic, bolts down the back alley.

    Move and run. Irawaru, take an OA. I've moved the marker as if he survives the OA. Hasnett's up next, but whether combat is over depends pretty much on Irawaru.

    Male Human Barbarian 7

    1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 281d12 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

    "Geddere, bludger!"

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Hit, but not kill. Does Irawaru pursue on his turn? He's the only one who really has a chance, given perception.

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    Hasnett will spend a Healing Word on Aden - surge + 2d6 (for an additional 8hp) and double move towards the fleeing warlock.

    "See if you can catch him Irawaru. He's got questions to answer."

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7
    Hasnett wrote:
    Hasnett will spend a Healing Word on Aden - surge + 2d6 (for an additional 8hp) and double move towards the fleeing warlock.

    Sorry, point being that Irawaru is the only one with any real idea where he went, in which direction. Nobody else saw him run off, and there's a building in between to block sound. Hence my focus on Irawaru at the moment.

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    Colour me stupid. Healing word on Aden when the opportunity arises then. Otherwise over to the muscular one (Irawaru).

    Male Human Barbarian 7

    Oh yes, I will chase him.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Ok, initiative order, then.

    Hasnett calls on Melora to heal Aden, who does a rather nice job of it, then hurries over to where Irawaru disappeared up the alley.

    PCs all have +1 to attacks. Only Irawaru knows which way the warlock went, and even to him the gloom means he doesn't know precisely where.

    Warlock - bloodied, running
    Hasnett - bloodieed

    Female Halfling Rogue 7


    Would Hoku also have had a chance to see where the warlock headed? She should have moved to the alley after the leader dropped (L10).

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    Elohir's eyes grow wide and glow with purple radiance for a moment as the leader drops and he gets a momentary glimpse into the future.

    "Where did the other one go?" wonders Elohir, as he attempts (probably in vain) to use his foresight to boost his perception.

    Standard Action: Perception Check 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 2 = 20

    If i actually manage to figure out what direction he's heading, then move me 6 squares in that direction.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7


    Yes, you saw the general direction.


    Aden smiles and shakes his head in thanks to Hasnett.

    "So what now?" Aden asks uncaring of the fleeing enemies.

    No action

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Elohir, waiting on what Hoku might report, as that could affect your action.

    Female Halfling Rogue 7

    Hoku points in the direction taken by the warlock, and begins moving that way.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7


    Elohir, having no other incentive, follows the rest of the group, determined to finish the opposing warlock who bares his curse. At the edge of his movement Elohir spots the warlock and brings up his last reserves to attack him. Though the warlock has cover, Elohir's foresight into the near future allows him to bypass it and anticipate the warlock's movement.

    With his eyes glowing faintly purple, Elohir makes a sign of indecipherable runes appear in the air. With a twisted gesture, Elohir shapes them into a seal and sends it after the fleeing warlock. The spell is nearly defeated by the warlock's ample defenses, but Elohir grits his teeth and slips the spell into place, sweat beading on his forehead.

    "STAY!" commands Elohir after the curse is finished. "We are not done with you."

    Move Actions: Double move to R3, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
    Action Point: Sign of Ill Omen on m2; 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 vs. WILL for 2d6 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4) + (3) + 6 = 16 damage and on a hit, the warlock must roll twice for his next attack, take -2 penalty to each roll, and take the lower result.

  • My first roll for this was only an 11 vs. WILL, so I used Dark One's Own Luck to re-roll. I deleted the roll to save space.

    Pat, if Elohir takes him down, just render him unconscious.

  • Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    The enemy warlock collapses in his tracks.

    Out of combat. Four dead minions, one fled thug, one dead thing/leader, one captured warlock.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    Elohir's eyes glow brightly again for a moment before slowly returning to normal, and as they do so tears immediately begin to run down his cheeks. Holding his head, he stumbles towards the nearest building and slinks down sullenly onto the ground, his face held in his hands.

    "He is not dead. I did not kill that one. I could have, but I did not. Maybe he will tell us why he did this to me."

    He looks up again with a tear-streaked face.

    "Where is Aden? Is he alright? I did not mean to hurt him."

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    Leaving Irawaru to deal with the enemy warlock, Hasnett goes straight to Elohir. Kneeling beside him, she puts one hand to his tear-stained face and looks him carefully in the eye.

    "Aden is well and healed. I promised I would heal him and I did. It's a fortune of war, Elohir and he understands that."

    Hasnett hopes for the sake of everyone that the last comment is true.


    "Listen to me. I've spent a lot of time among people with a past that's come back to haunt them. You and I need to talk. I may not be able to help you much, but there's a couple of things I know for certain.

    One is that you need to tell me what you've done. Not because I'm a priestess, but because we're linked somehow, you and I. The other is that you need to find a way to stop the past hindering the present. We've got to stay together and work together. You'll be a danger again if you don't turn around and deal with what's behind you first."

    Who (apart from Hasnett herself) needs healing? If Pat is willing for this to be a short rest, Hasnett will use a healing word on herself and Hoku first, take another five minutes if needs be and do the rounds again.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7
    Hasnett wrote:

    Who (apart from Hasnett herself) needs healing? If Pat is willing for this to be a short rest, Hasnett will use a healing word on herself and Hoku first, take another five minutes if needs be and do the rounds again.

    The battle lasted 7 rounds -- i.e., 42 seconds. Another 5 minutes has a decent chance of bringing a response to the noise.

    By my records, Hoku is untouched, Elohir is barely scratched, Aden is down less than a surge, Irawaru is down about a Healing Word's worth, and Hasnett is in very bad shape.

    Sitting at 48 hp. So all's good on this end

    Taking a moment Aden removes his ripped and pierced top shirt

    "Geez, that little spell of his shore ripped me up good. Keh, took more of beating from my party than the guys I was fighting"

    Aden smiles a moment and readjusts his armor over his bare skin.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    Elohir breathes a sigh of relief at Aden's good spirits, and finally begins to calm down.

    He looks up tenderly at Hasnett for a moment until his eyes fall to the leather bound book sitting in his lap. Several tears stain the cover, and Elohir smears them with his hand. The leather quickly begins absorbing the moisture and Elohir readjusts the leather strap that binds the book shut.

    Looking up at Hasnett again, Elohir nods.

    "I will tell you what I can...what I remember anyway. I have wandered several years in darkness, following the nightmares and what is real and what is nightmare often blend together. I believed no one should hear about the things I have seen, but if you insist, Hasnett, then I will tell you. We are linked, I know this."

    "I warn you, though. If you get mixed up with this, then there may be no ridding yourself of it. He creeps into your mind, and no matter where you travel or how hard you pray, he may still find you. They all might."

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7


    "Elohir, I carry memories I'd rather not have. We all do. I'll share yours. We'll carry them together and together he may find it harder to find us. Safety in numbers. Two is better than one, I'm sure of it."

    She looks at her own wounds for a second.

    "We need to talk, but I need to get myself in better shape first. We need to find out what we can from that warlock we captured as well and I don't think we should do any of those things in the open street."

    "If we're going to question this man, let's not do it here."

    OK DM, where is a reasonably safe, close hideout. Is the Temple of Melora likely to let us just wander in?

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7
    Hasnett wrote:
    OK DM, where is a reasonably safe, close hideout. Is the Temple of Melora likely to let us just wander in?

    Yes. Your stature is fairly high.

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    "Gag him and bring him along."

    Hasnett heads towards the original object of their outing and enters the temple.

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    Elohir stands up, clears his throat, and tries to dust off his tattered clothing.

    "I am ready."

    He will also bow in apology to Aden.

    "I apologize, Master Aden. My magic is not always as disciplined as yours."

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Any other preparations or healing? Any actions with the bodies?

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    Can't heal until we get inside and safe for five minutes.

    "Aden, can you help move the bodies? Let's not draw attention to ourselves by leaving them out in the street."

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    Elohir is surprisingly willing to help with the bodies, though his slim frame isn't really much of a help. He does not ask for any healing, nor does his seem that physically hurt.

    "No problem. Where do you want them"

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    "I'll speak to the temple. They can help, I'm sure. Whether they will depends on how persuasive I can be."

    Hasnett makes her way into the temple.

    Once there she will speak to whoever is on duty and explain, briefly, that some thugs need burial and she and her friends need access to the temple archives. We'll be bringing a sick friend with us (i.e. the unconscious warlock) and we would appreciate a little privacy. She'll be tactful about all this.

    Sovereign Court

    M Human Expert 7

    Assuming Hasnett does not object Elohir helps Aden move the bodies out of the main street into one of the alleys, and Hasnett leads the party, with the unconscious warlock, to the Temple of the Sea.

    The first person to greet them is a halfling acolyte, Brother Wertal. He is properly astonished by the circumstance, but quickly regains his composure as Hasnett makes her brief explanation. "Yes, Priestess, of course we will help. Sister Quinna is at home at this hour and the archives closed; do you need us to send someone to wake her? And, pardon me for asking, but do you need a Healer?"

    Wertal shows the group to a meeting room in the back, perhaps because the appointments there are less lavish than in the sitting rooms and likely to be less costly to replace or repair from the bloodstains. He then withdraws, promising that temple guards will be sent to fetch the bodies.

    female half elf cleric/ranger 7

    Looking at the rather imposing wounds adorning her, Hasnett can only agree with the halfling's assessment of her condition.

    "A healer would be helpful Brother. I'm sorry to impose on Sister Quinna, but the need is urgent. The streets don't seem very safe at the moment though. I'd be happier if the good Sister had an escort. Can you provide one, or could some of my friends help?"

    Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

    "I will go if you ask," says Elohir unexpectedly. At any surprised looks he simply says, "I am one of the least injured."

    He has been obviously uncomfortable ever since entering the temple, and seems eager to leave again.

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