

I'm thinking about running Expedition to the Barrier Peaks for a D&D 3.5 game and was wondering if anyone knew if Paizo (or anyone else) ever put together a 3.5 conversion of the Froghemoth. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Max Hellspont wrote:

I'm thinking about running Expedition to the Barrier Peaks for a D&D 3.5 game and was wondering if anyone knew if Paizo (or anyone else) ever put together a 3.5 conversion of the Froghemoth. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I believe it was Dungeon #128 that updated the froghemoth.

You can also find an open version in the Tome of Horrors.

Thanks, James!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
You can also find an open version in the Tome of Horrors.

Which should be noted as having many other creatures that originated in Expedition to Barrier Peaks. If you have the PDF I recommend searching for "Barrier Peaks" and it will give you much of what is required to run the module for 3.5.

Sovereign Court

there was also a template for making any creature colassal I don't remember what book it was in, but the example the template used was a frog, I think it was in MMIII

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

lastknightleft wrote:
there was also a template for making any creature colassal I don't remember what book it was in, but the example the template used was a frog, I think it was in MMIII

I have MMIII and it's not in there. Maybe MM2 or FF or something?

Titanic template, from MMII

Sovereign Court

hogarth wrote:
Titanic template, from MMII

That'd be the one.

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