Star Wars Saga at PAIZOCON?

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Sovereign Court

So any info we need for character creation, Mearrin?

Ummm...not yet. :) I was going to wait until we got back the results of the lottery so we can schedule the game firmly. I guess that's not *really* necessary, though. I'll look at my notes and come back to you guys.

Silver Crusade

Thanks. That's a completely viable reason. No worries. I think I'll probably be putting Society games in priority for myself, but we'll see. Since it looks like the Society ones are very open, time wise I could probably still fit the Saga game in without problems.

Well, I'd *like* to hold it so it doesn't conflict with any Paizo events but it doesn't look like that's possible unless we do it Friday morning. We did it Sunday afternoon last year and that was great but I have to leave Sunday night this year instead of Monday morning. So, it would be good to find a slot that everyone has open...unless we grab Friday morning now.

What do you guys think about Friday morning? Any of you have commitments yet?

Silver Crusade

Are you talking beginning and ending before the 12pm-5pm block?

Slipstream wrote:
Are you talking beginning and ending before the 12pm-5pm block?

I am. I know some gamers don't get up that early though :) Something like maybe 8am-11:30am? I'd go earlier if we can round folks up earlier.


Sovereign Court

mearrin69 wrote:
Slipstream wrote:
Are you talking beginning and ending before the 12pm-5pm block?

I am. I know some gamers don't get up that early though :) Something like maybe 8am-11:30am? I'd go earlier if we can round folks up earlier.


Last year I played in a Terminator game at 800am on Friday morning while fighting off the effects of the beer drinking the night before and it was a BLAST. Starting the day with some Star Wars goodness would be a nice start. And, the courtyard area worked really well last year for the Terminator game, so maybe we can grab that area (it's right outside the hotel restaurant, so coffee was a short walk away). Thank the gods for wake up call service in the hotel. ;)

zylphryx wrote:
Last year I played in a Terminator game at 800am on Friday morning while fighting off the effects of the beer drinking the night before and it was a BLAST. Starting the day with some Star Wars goodness would be a nice start. And, the courtyard area worked really well last year for the Terminator game, so maybe we can grab that area (it's right outside the hotel restaurant, so coffee was a short walk away). Thank the gods for wake up call service in the hotel. ;)

Yep. I was there trying to stick it to the metal with you. They got my dog. :( I didn't have any beer the night before though. Have to do that this year!

Okay, so, anybody else good for Friday morning at around 8am?

Silver Crusade

As long my bus can get me out there by then. I'm not staying in the hotel Thursday night. Coming over from NW Seattle that morning.

The Exchange

I just want to say I had a lot of fun playing mearrin's game. I learned a lot about the game and I wish I could have gone home and practiced what I learned.

Not sure I will be able to play this time around, but if you need a filler...I will be there.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am planning on driving up from Portland on Friday morning... I may leave early if there is a chance to get into (or run) a game before the official events start.

Scarab Sages

I'll be there bright and early. I vote Senshi should play a droid character.

Hi all,
So. Let's set the time for this after event trading and such. For now Friday morning is looking good for me and a lot of others, it seems - but who knows if that'll change. After we get it set up I'll forward how-tos on character generation. I'd like to do this at higher than 1st level so we'll want to do characters ahead of time for sure.

Silver Crusade

I'm particularly relieved that Josh just posted this thread, as I don't think I can make it Friday morning during that 8-12 slot simply out of exhaustion by end of Friday, and busing it across town that morning. But now it looks like it would be a little more difficult finding a spot to play otherwise. If you plan to have it Saturday evening or even Sunday afternoon I would be up for it, otherwise, I'm gonna step down from this. I'll keep tabs on this thread in the interim.

Sovereign Court

If you can give at least one week notice for guidelines for character creation, I would appreciate it. I still do not have the books and will need to hunt down a copy to do the character creation.

No problem on one-week's notice. We'll set a time shortly. I don't think Friday AM's necessarily a problem from a location POV - we could do it in my room, in the courtyard, or someplace else. Still, I'd like to fit it so everyone on this thread can make it so maybe Saturday night is another way to go. After everyone's sure of their schedules (early next week?) let's try to find a time that works for most people. I'll post my free slots here shortly after I take a shot at event trading.

edit: isn't Saturday night the banquet?


mearrin69 wrote:

No problem on one-week's notice. We'll set a time shortly. I don't think Friday AM's necessarily a problem from a location POV - we could do it in my room, in the courtyard, or someplace else. Still, I'd like to fit it so everyone on this thread can make it so maybe Saturday night is another way to go. After everyone's sure of their schedules (early next week?) let's try to find a time that works for most people. I'll post my free slots here shortly after I take a shot at event trading.


edit: isn't Saturday night the banquet?

Hey Mearrin

I was in the game last year (I just kinda dropped in) and I'd love to play again this year if there's still a spot open. I'm in or running events Friday afternoon and Saturday till 6, but I'm currently available Friday morning or Sunday, or later on Saturday night. Let me know.

Hi all,
Well, we're still up in the air on time but I wanted to post some character creation guidelines so you can get started:

* Era: Dark Times, after the official declaration of the rebellion but before the Battle of Yavin.
* Level: 5th.
* Classes: Any, but no actual Jedi. Force-sensitive is okay but you'll need a good story as to why you haven't been located by the Empire.
* Roles: Soldiers, scoundrels, diplomats, techies, medics, etc. all have a potential part to play. There won't be much piloting involved, though a pilot with other skills could still be useful.
* Attributes: 25-point buy.
* Races: Any era-appropriate race (i.e. no Ewoks, no ancient races, no races from the Unknown Reaches, etc.)
* Credits: 20k cash, up to 20k in "intangibles", which are basically: 1) "favor" costing 2k x CL of the character that owes it, 2) "ally" of 40k x CL of ally x % available, or 3) we can figure something out. edit: a Noble with the Wealth talent will double these figures, so 40k cash, 40k intangibles.
* Equipment: Period-appropriate equipment. Buy the license you need for it or buy it on the black market.

You will be performing a mission for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. You don't have to be a heart-of-gold member of the Rebellion but you at least need to have the ties required to be hired by them to do a job. The job might require you to set aside certain scrupals (no assassinations or anything like that)...or not.

Hopefully that's enough to get you going. Feel free to e-mail me at michaela a t acaciarg d o t com to discuss ideas, etc.

Back to time: what do you guys think about late Friday evening...after regular show events?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Oblivisci Cruciari wrote:
I'll be there bright and early. I vote Senshi should play a droid character.

I would LOVE to play a droid. Droids with character are what Star Wars started with! If there is an open chair at Mearrin's game I am in. Name the time and place! I am finishing the details for my Star Wars session that I'd like to run so that is still out there if anyone is interested. Will be more of a pick up game with the pregens ready to roll whenever I have free time in my schedule.

Hey, there's a spot for you and droids are okay with me. Forget what point buy for droids is but use the one in the book. Schedule permitting I wouldn't mind getting in on your SW game as well.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
mearrin69 wrote:

Back to time: what do you guys think about late Friday evening...after regular show events?


Does that include the Dorkness Rising screening? Cause that ends at 11:00pm.

Hmmm. Well, that's pretty late...and would likely put us ending at 4am. I'm probably okay with that if everyone else would be. How many people that have 'signed up' for this game are planning on going to the screening? Show of hands?

Silver Crusade

mearrin69 wrote:

Show of hands?


I was not planning to attend the film. So right now I'm free at 7pm.

I am precisely sure I'm in, but this is definitely more doable for me than Friday morning. For my character, I'm leaning towards playing an astromech... which is actually derived from a companion droid from another campaign I'm in. I may install a voxbox or have some sort of read out available for fellow players (like Basic printed out on your datapads in real time).

Sovereign Court

mearrin69 wrote:

Show of hands?


Friday evening I am in an event during the 6p-11p window. I do not have a problem with running until 4am though as I am free on Saturday until 10am (with the exception of breakfast).

Silver Crusade

Wait, I misread the above question... I read it as Friday evening, not Saturday evening. Yeah I'm blocked out till 11pm too.

If you can't fit my schedule, don't worry about it. I get to play Saga once a week, so its not a huge loss.


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#47: The Darkest Vengeance

Well, I'm okay with starting at 11pm on friday night. If we can get more than a handfull to participate. That's two so far...or is it three. I am bringing one friend from my home game. I think she's okay with that slot.

Sovereign Court

mearrin69 wrote:

Well, I'm okay with starting at 11pm on friday night. If we can get more than a handfull to participate. That's two so far...or is it three. I am bringing one friend from my home game. I think she's okay with that slot.


Sounds like it's time for a mickey mouse roll call!

Friday post 11pm events, who's in? Aside from Mearrin, his friend and myself that is?

Hi all,
Just wanted to check in on this one last time. As of now I'm planning on running this at 11pm on Friday until whenever we finish up or too many people drop dead - in one of the open gaming rooms, just look for a pile of SW books and minis.

The session I'm planning will work with either a small group or a large one so I'm not going to sweat getting a full headcount. So, if you want to play and can make that slot please make up a character with the guidelines above and bring it along. I'll try to bring a handful of pre-gens as well, as we'll probably have drop-ins (and drop-outs).

Looking forward to it!

FYI, my friend and I are in on Thursday afternoon. We'd both be interested in gaming that night too: Cthulhu, sci-fi, modern, whatever. If we don't find a game one of us might run something impromptu.

Sovereign Court

I'm in an event (Bestiary Bash) until 11p on Friday, but am available after. I'm also available Friday morning before the con officially ends. I'll be in town all Thursday, but am planning on sight-seeing, and don't know when I'll actually be getting to the hotel (but a late night Thursday time-slot would likely work too).

I just bought the core Saga book, and while I have several friends that play, I've not played Star Wars since it was a Decipher product. That said, I'm up for giving it a shot.

More than welcome to join in. It's so hard to tell online...Conor?

Sovereign Court

mearrin69 wrote:

More than welcome to join in. It's so hard to tell online...Conor?



Scarab Sages

I am still in. Attic should still be good, and I might have as many as 2 more interested depending on the days events.

Sovereign Court


I'm still in, but have not been able to create a character yet. Any chance of meeting up Thursday night or doing a book hand off on Friday at some point so I can do the character creation?

Yeah. We can get together between now and then. I'll be in town around 3pm tomorrow. See you guys there.

Silver Crusade


If by off chance I do have energy enough to play Friday night with you all, is there any restrictions for droid characters, specifically in the 25 point buy area? Is it still apply for droids (who have no CON score)?

If I play or not, I'll at least come by and say hi before I go to bed.

Hey. I forget how PB works for droid characters. If it's addressed in the book then do it that way. Otherwise I'll look it up in the FAQs and such. Basically, if Rodney or somebody put out something official we'll roll with that if it's not in the book.

Silver Crusade

Ah... I just found it. I'd have 21 points to spend instead.

Sovereign Court

I just wanted to post a quick message to Maerrin to thank him for running this. I know it was late and everyone was tired, but I had a ton of fun with this game, and was glad I had a chance to participate. I'm sorry for any delay in starting that me having to roll up caused.

I don't know if there ever happened to be a second session, but I would be more then happy to continue over post or at next years con.

Sovereign Court

Laughing Goblin wrote:

I just wanted to post a quick message to Maerrin to thank him for running this. I know it was late and everyone was tired, but I had a ton of fun with this game, and was glad I had a chance to participate. I'm sorry for any delay in starting that me having to roll up caused.

I don't know if there ever happened to be a second session, but I would be more then happy to continue over post or at next years con.

No second session, but there was talk of continuing the game as a PBP game.

Roger, roger. No second session. With the post-banquet mix challenge I figured we wouldn't be able to get everyone together again. Next year I'll get this put on the list of official events so we have a set time slot...either that or try to run it Sunday evening again, which worked out well last year.

I would indeed like to try to finish this thing up PBP. Let me think about logistics for that and post back here - and in the PBP section. In the meantime please consider contacting me by e-mail so I have your addresses (I have one for Laughing Goblin and "El-El") - since the board lacks PMs it might be easier to send a notice by e-mail.

Thanks again to everyone who played. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Sovereign Court

mearrin69 wrote:

Roger, roger. No second session. With the post-banquet mix challenge I figured we wouldn't be able to get everyone together again. Next year I'll get this put on the list of official events so we have a set time slot...either that or try to run it Sunday evening again, which worked out well last year.

I would indeed like to try to finish this thing up PBP. Let me think about logistics for that and post back here - and in the PBP section. In the meantime please consider contacting me by e-mail so I have your addresses (I have one for Laughing Goblin and "El-El") - since the board lacks PMs it might be easier to send a notice by e-mail.

Thanks again to everyone who played. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Email should be in my profile.

I have started a discussion thread for continuing this game. All participants in the Paizocon game please check it out here. I am officially abandoning this thread now. :)

Well, not quite abandoning I guess. Here's the in-character thread: link

Last call for Attic Whisperer and senshi_shinri_teki. Hellooo?

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